Both valve covers have oil fill caps


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2012
Apex, NC
Had the headgaskets done at a local indy.

Got the truck back and now the left side valve cover has been replaced with a valve cover will an oil fill cap. And the original oil fill cap is still on the right side. Take a look at the attached picture.

Aside from lacking attention to detail...does this pose any problem with engine venting/pressure because now I have a low oil pressure indicator light flashing at low idle rpm's. And, it seems like when the engine is at operating temp and I shut it down and immediately restart it seems like the engine is fighting to turn over and sometime stumbles like it is fighting some sort of pressure. And now I get an occasional ticking from what sounds like the left valve cover.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
There should be a PCV thing-a-mo-bob at this end of the hose. It is an oil trap, reducing the amount of oil that is sent into the plenum.

That is to the specific passenger side. I somehow doubt it is in there.
Apr 20, 2004
Floyd, Virginia
It needs to be done right.... You should not accept it.... no matter whether its not going to harm or not. You paid them for doing it right correct? Do they work on Rovers normally?


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2016
Charlevoix, Michigan
I'm just speaking generally here, not specific to rovers.

Having two oil fill caps doesn't make a bit of difference but crankcase does build pressure and needs to vent. There's actually many engine configurations with fillers on each cover.

Modern emission engines vent into the intake and go through combustion process. Some will achieve this by venting directly from lifter valley to intake, others just vent from valve cover (pcv) to intake and still get burned through combustion process. Two methods, same effect. Older engines you might see some type of filter or something venting to atmosphere the on valve cover and usually a mess of oil around it.

I don't know the set up on the rover engines. I haven't had any problem so no reason to look and I've not been through one, but bottom line, they gotta vent.

If you have oil in cylinder you will also be seeing a lot of smoke out the tail pipe.

Run the engine for a bit then remove one of the caps. Do you get a burst of pressure?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2011
Darien Gap
Leave the cap off/loose on an LR3/4 and it'll reward you with a massive smoke screen. Crank case pressure is no joke.


Feb 25, 2008
Chiming in a bit late on this thread but I hope you took it back to them. If they did this who knows what else they missed or cut corners on.
On my 4.6 D2 not only is there the oil separator/breather on the passenger side but also a breather on the drivers side valve cover. Not sure if the 4.0 has the same.