Can I go to a regular trans shop for a trans replacement?


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2005
Birmingham, AL
I am betting on the t-case not being engaged.

Try these guys out. Always did great work on mine.

Arlington Motorcar Service
1712 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22209


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
Washington DC
Hey guys - just checking back and thank you for the advice regarding the shop in Arlington and the T-case theory.

Yesterday I put the car into low gear (unlocked) and it moved slowly forwards and backwards. In high gear it just doesn't want to move. It feels like the gear reduction is allowing the little power the trans is generating to move the car.

I checked that the fluid level drops on the stick when in Park or Nuetral vs. when then the engine is off - and I believe that suggests the pump in the trans is working.

I checked the diagnostics listed in the LR manual - and those I found here on Disco Web and what is interesting is that my transmission exhibits the same behavior in both D and in the idea a clutch pack has failed doesn't seem right..

I'm assuming that the T-case is just a gear box and that there is no "slipping" potential...of a failure to the T-case that can cause such a symptom...that it is this correct??

I was suspecting that it could be a clogged filter or is it possible that a bad governer could keep fluid from reaching full pressure in there?

First 4x4 I own and am very glad to find this site - enjoy doing my own work and figuring out this puzzle - thanks again for the help.



Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
Your almost better off going to a small time shop versus a Rover dealer. Theres a guy in town who owns this little cinderblock shop, been there for years. I happen to know him, and I asked him idly one day if he could do the work when I eventually have my transmission rebuilt. He whipped out a catalog, and turned to the ZF section.

Shift kits, parts, gaskets, valves, gears, bare housings, you name it. Guy says, sure, I can do it.

There is a speed shop in a barn outside of town where the guys know both the Rover V8 and the ZF transmission like the backs of their hands. I mean really rebuilding and fixing things, not just replacing everything.

Also, an independant BMW service center can realy help you out with the transmission.

I don't go to chain shop mechanics. They all suck. The guy you want fixing your car is the one who made a life decision to cover himself in grease every day, not the guy who just couldn't get another job.

ZF also has a list of authorized service facilities on their website, and they are all over the place.




Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
Washington DC
Thanks Kennith,

I didn't think of going to a BMW shop - looking at ZF's site the 4HP22 is used in Jags and BMW's as well. So worth calling around.

I'll call ZF to see if there are any autherized ZF shops around DC as well.

I do agree with you in avoiding chain shops - but my experience with most places is it comes down to the person doing the work - I've found great techs in small independant shops and in's a matter of doing some homework I guess.

Just wanted to be cautious as to any LR specific issues with a trans swap to look out for.

Thanks for the post,