I recently converted my 1995 NAS Discovery 1 [14CUX, but that is irrelevant here) from the original belt-driven power steering pump to the Stellanis [aka: mopar] electrically driven pump.
I am posting here because I posted over in landroverforums and really want to get the word out to any D1 drivers (who've not seen that thread) trying to eek a little more usable life out of their disco.
***I AM NOT A RE/SELLER, THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT *** I am just an astonished (and satisfied) DIY'er.
Tldr: for around $500USD you can transform the steering experience..and I do mean **TRANSFORM**.
This is the single best conversion I have done, insofar as Drivability BangForTheBuck is concerned.
No longer do pedestrians flinch or run away in fear of the banshee that is the stock pump at idle speed attempting to "service" the steering boost demand of a parallel parking excursion in town.
Now, I have max volume [ergo pressure] at idle/low speeds and minimal effort [with a nice slightly heavier feel] at highway speeds.. and with the turn of a dial i can customize the assist at any time.
This solution was only possible with the product support of the guy that makes the CAN bus emulator that enables the operaton and control of this pump: Mark, up in Canada at NMStec [NMSTEC.CA].
I will attempt to past the info I already added to the other forum's thread. I will also post the thread [admins please let me know if thats cool prior to banning me, as I am just trying to get the info that I created into this forum]:
I will follow this post with the actual text.
I am posting here because I posted over in landroverforums and really want to get the word out to any D1 drivers (who've not seen that thread) trying to eek a little more usable life out of their disco.
***I AM NOT A RE/SELLER, THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT *** I am just an astonished (and satisfied) DIY'er.
Tldr: for around $500USD you can transform the steering experience..and I do mean **TRANSFORM**.
This is the single best conversion I have done, insofar as Drivability BangForTheBuck is concerned.
No longer do pedestrians flinch or run away in fear of the banshee that is the stock pump at idle speed attempting to "service" the steering boost demand of a parallel parking excursion in town.
Now, I have max volume [ergo pressure] at idle/low speeds and minimal effort [with a nice slightly heavier feel] at highway speeds.. and with the turn of a dial i can customize the assist at any time.
This solution was only possible with the product support of the guy that makes the CAN bus emulator that enables the operaton and control of this pump: Mark, up in Canada at NMStec [NMSTEC.CA].
I will attempt to past the info I already added to the other forum's thread. I will also post the thread [admins please let me know if thats cool prior to banning me, as I am just trying to get the info that I created into this forum]:
GM Power Steering Pump Conversion Kit - Land Rover Forums - Land Rover Enthusiast Forum
Discovery II - GM Power Steering Pump Conversion Kit - I have spoken with a number of people over the last few months who have been having p/s pump issues, failures, groans and lack of pressure on both their D1's and D2's. Well I spoke with Rob this morning, the kits are ready and available in...
I will follow this post with the actual text.
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