RRC/P38 brakes are similar in design but very different in practice. The parts used are just more effective and more reliable.
I get the impression you don't approve of my mods

I'll line item your points and my comments:
I'm not an expert on Classic brakes or P38 brakes. I do know NAS disco brakes are great for stopping golf carts while being complete garbage for stopping 5,000 lbs of wagon from 75mph.
I also really like having more boost rather than less...and dialing it back from there.
Always thought the D1 lamps were really good, better than Defenders with their 7” round lamps.
I have no experience comparing them, but do have plenty of experience with the smaller Hella OE headlamps (not to be confused with the fogs of similar size) and I know they are very capable of bouncing lots of photons.
Increasing wattage to compensate for a smaller, less efficient lamp doesn’t really make sense
it makes complete sense when desiring to install smaller, WAAAY MORE SHINY reflectors in place of old non-shiny aluminum film reflectors.
- you could just put the same bulb in the better lamp.
The Hella lamp is vastly better than a 30 year old (worn out) sputtered aluminum plastic reflector.
Additionally, the glass is much more durable than the relatively soft plastic lenses that oxidize over time.
100% disagree with this. I've replaced ~6 glass lamps in ~15years.
Deserts and gravel have proven (to me) glass breaks and pits...a lot; polycarbonate doesn't [*relatively].
Removing a few years of haze from PC is a 10 minute visit with a bottle of Maguire's polish, a buffer and a couple ice cold beers

Removing craters and pits from glass is simply not practical.
Never had a problem with D1/2 steering either though.
I have. More than once.
Moreover, i am interested in bringing my remaining disco into the modern era with some updates to drivability.
As I said waaaay up there^ the steering is on another level; it simply and completely outclasses the stock steering; no comparison.
In good working order, and with reasonably sized tires, I never found myself wishing for more power or less noise.
I guess you have had better luck than me, or a higher tolerance for pain.
I have ensured good working order and avoided mudbog 40"ers and yet I find both steering and brakes dangerously lacking.
I am making the headlight mods for a combination of reasons: scarce NOS lamps/reflectors, ridiculous prices for them, desire to have non-glass lenses, more pronounced horizontal cutoff, brighter output, and because having the stock fiberglass reflectors re-sputtered is prohibitively expensive.
They seemed to work as well as any other truck.
Lets agree to disagree.