Hood Scoop?



mgreenspan said:
Post some pics of you with cars you raced. I want to see. and everybody else who races too. I only posted in this thread b/c I know you'll read it along with probably everybody else who is on DWeb. :D

Pic attached.


  • num_1501.jpg
    143.6 KB · Views: 136


Here's one - don't have many on my machine at work.


    102.9 KB · Views: 133


agro1 said:
Richard - Thanks for that. Glad someone (else) has the balls and experience to speak their mind about what has indeed become a very tiresome topic for those of us who have extensive experience with race motors and the challanges of making them not only last in competition, but win. You're a welcome addition to Dweb.

And no, I'm not an aerodynamics engineer:
But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
BeachRover said:

The idea of installing a "fan" to extract the warmer thinner air is the only one that anyone has posted that has made any sense at all if you are really concerned with engine compartment temperatures.

Holly crap you mean I actually had some thing useful to say??? Shit I better go play the lotto.. :D


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2004
Interlochen, Michigan
From what I understand you need cooler air in the intake in the summer and warmer in the winter to maximize engine efincy and power bla bla bla.

Try a bit of creative ducting and run a 1.5 in hose from your heater/AC into your airbox.
that will keep the intake air at a reasonable 70ish deg all year or when you want it. But intake noise in the cabin may have to be delt with.???

Fire suit on and ready :cool:

Ross Thoma


Run your fuel line through a cool can (insulated can, filled with ice or some other cold stuff, then has a metal coil of fuel line running through it).


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina

Heat rises. A hole in the hood will let heat rise out of it. It will let the fan push the hot air out the way it naturally moves, up. Be it a scoop, louver, vent, slot, fan, grille, hole, or through rust, heat will come up through it and thus vacate the engine bay. At speed, passing air will pull the heat out, provided the scoop is properly designed. Either way, any perforation of the hood is functional.

As for looks, who cares? It's not your truck. And while I do not advocate circle back-patting, it's just damn rude and inconsiderate to berate others like you do. You could have said something like: "You know, I think I'd second guess the styling issue attached to your hood scoop idea". But you called it an abortion.

You certainly don't behave that way in real life, because you would never have gotten anywhere. So why behave this way over the internet? Do all your conversations in public end in fistfights? I am an abrasive indevidual, probably moreso in person than most here, but I don't run around calling things abortions. And I certainly don't fling profanity, or make a thousand quotes, or even speak agressively, all of which are dangerous habits when face to face with someone. I just politely speak my mind, and people either like me or not.

You need to relax, and think about your behavioural differences between real life and the internet. Everyone's opinion is valued here, even yours, but if you want to be treated equally, you should probably examine your method of delivery.




kennith said:
But you called it an abortion.
Wah - take your fucking skirt off. I mean really...how old are you ? Obviously, my method of delivery and crass remarks are upsetting to you. Mabye you were raised differently, maybe your a very tender little guy...who knows, but please, don't fucking tell me how to act/behave. I call it like I see it.

kennith said:
You need to relax, and think about your behavioural differences between real life and the internet. Everyone's opinion is valued here, even yours, but if you want to be treated equally, you should probably examine your method of delivery.

You really take this place and yourself WAY too seriously, Kennith. I mean, look at the way you display your name as if it's some sort of title, "Kennith Paul Whichard III". Can I get you a G&T to sip while I press your argyle socks and starch your Polo ? Get over yourself man. I'm sure your name carries a lot of family history, as do you. But it doesn't mean squat here. Nor does your opinion of my behavior. And furthermore, there is no equality on the internet and for you to assume that I care what you or anyone else thinks about me, is presumptuous. Do I TELL you what you can and can't do ? No, I simply speak my mind, give my opinion and try to make convincing arguments based on FACT and proven results. You speculate and make generalized suppositions.
So if you don't like what I have to say, then use the ignore function made available to you. Or, join a different BBS where membership is required, and forum moderators monitor and repress people from saying what the established community is afraid to. This is entertainment for me, plain and simple. And, I thank you for making this a very entertaining day. Goodnight.
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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
wow, who would have thought... another Agro rant. :rolleyes:
If they only had a Brat Camp for web thugs. You toned it down for a while. Why?


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
Ok, I tried to be nice,

Listen up, loudmouth frat-boy. I didn't attack you, I suggested politely that you should tone it down a bit. No, it's not my job. I have nothing to do with how this site is run. And I am most certainly not what you have alluded to in your last post.

That's my name. Kennith Paul Whichard III. I don't like stupid avatars, I don't like cheezy screen names. I am who I am, and while I have been accused of worse by much better than yourself, I do take offence to the notion that I am some wine sniffing, polo wearing yuppie lemming. I hate lemmings, and I hate yuppies.

I am a hard, but polite man, as many I know will attest to. And aside from this particular occasion, I don't waste time arguing with gramatically over-zealous internet garbage such as yourself. I haven't judged you so far, only your ability to communicate effectively and express yourself effeciently. But that has now changed.

No, even now you have not "upset" me. But I will say that your contributions to the information found on this board are meaningless. You are a simple minded instigator and that is the sum of it.

My contributions are generally researched and well founded. If I don't know, I don't speak. There is a lesson for you. You seem like the snot nosed prick that the bully never got to. Let me tell you something, buddy, one of these days he will. And no, I am not carting myself all the way to CA just to kick your puny ass, so don't ask me if that was a threat.

As for my upbringing, I was raised in a violent household, not in a vacuum, and I chose on my own to behave in a civilized manner. It's possible to not allow yourself to be trampled on without making a fool out of yourself. You seem to have made a career out of advertising the far reaches of your mindlessness and stupidity. And to that effect, you have succeded, only a precious few here respect your opinion.

Pick your battles, agro, or research a little deeper before you incinuate someone is a weakling. I've been attacked, stabbed, and even poisened by people and groups much worse than you. And I'm a little rusty in the hinges for it, but I'm still standing.

Now that we have been formally introduced, I wil leave you to your slander and mental paralysis.




kennith said:

Heat rises. A hole in the hood will let heat rise out of it. It will let the fan push the hot air out the way it naturally moves, up. Be it a scoop, louver, vent, slot, fan, grille, hole, or through rust, heat will come up through it and thus vacate the engine bay. At speed, passing air will pull the heat out, provided the scoop is properly designed. Either way, any perforation of the hood is functional.

Kennith, your statement is partially correct. As you stated the heated air within the engine compartment will rise and its normal path would be to exhaust through the openings in the hood. Also, at speed, the heated air would be pulled out through the louvers as long as they were correctly placed in the hood at a specific area where the air pressure across the hood was not at a positive force. If correctly placed, they would actually help to create a vaccum thus removing or extracting the air from the compartment. For this to function properly you would also need to induce the correct amount of air via an air induction system (hood scoop). It sounds like a very simple process but in fact the engineers that develop these system have to account for several factors to have them function properly.

IMO, we are discussing two seperate issues in this thread:
1) Reducing the engine compartment heat at speed.
2) Reducing the engine compartment heat while "wheeling"

If you want to reduce engine compartment heat at speed, then you would need to have the above stated installed but only after having an engineer determine the exact location and CFM's of air that would be required.

If you want to reduce this same heat while "wheeling", I still believe that a powered exhaust fan would be optimal.


kennith said:
Now that we have been formally introduced, I wil leave you to your slander and mental paralysis.
Kennith - As much as I'd like to go through and pick apart your response, I won't, because it's getting old. But, I'm glad to see you've finally taken you're skit off.

So back to the issue at hand. In response to Richard's last post, and it seems apparent that Richard has a bit more knowledge than the rest of us on this topic.
For a vent, louver or scoop to work properly, there has to be enough airflow through the engine compartment, ie, you have to be moving.
But when you're wheeling, most of the time, it's very slow going. So as I stated earlier, the proposed modification would only provide minimal (at best) cooling effect, and look like shit.

So, it would seem that these statements:
kennith said:
But I will say that your contributions to the information found on this board are meaningless.
My contributions are generally researched and well founded.
...are not entirely accurate.
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BeachRover said:
Kennith, your statement is partially correct......For this to function properly you would also need to induce the correct amount of air via an air induction system (hood scoop).
If you want to reduce this same heat while "wheeling", I still believe that a powered exhaust fan would be optimal.
kennith said:
I'd have to agree with that.

So Kennith, for wheeling, you agree a hood scoop would NOT be a good idea ? Just want to clarify since, as you stated, your "contributions are generally researched and well founded"...
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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
All I'm saying is that a properly designed scoop could be made functional. I never said a scoop was the best way to do it. In my personal opinion, I'd rather have some louvers and/or that fan someone posted. Nevertheless, a scoop might actually look good, I think, if installed so it looks like it came on the hood.

If you think we are arguing wheather or not a scoop is the best way to do it. Then I agree. It's not. But for someone who thinks it looks cool, it can be made to function with some effort.

Beachrover is saying it's going to be hard, I don't dissagree, but to some, it may be worth it.




I think the scoop on the Toyota 4Runner looks good. I don't know if it functions or not.