NO AR 15 used at Newtown shooting..


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
kennith said:
Whether or not there has been a conspiracy depends on your chosen definition, as well as how you view the Constitution.

Did those with an anti-gun agenda and various media outlets intentionally and collectively manipulate facts, take advantage of ignorance, and tailor their promotion of events in an effort to encourage erroneous assumptions, control common perception, and create the beginnings of division and disorder within the population?

Was their action prearranged in order to quicken response and better take advantage of the next big shooting?

Is every opportunity taken to refocus attention back to an emotional event; the facts of which are deliberately avoided and left to the imagination?

I believe this all to be true, and why wouldn't it be? It's a good plan. If you've got an agenda, it stands to reason you'll do whatever is in your power in order to steer toward it. If you know it will be helped if built upon the foundation of tragedy (this can nearly always be true), why would you not take advantage of such an event?

Clearly, you believe in your cause, and when you truly believe in a cause, it becomes easier to justify the methods used to support it.

The best way to control a person is not to lie. It is better to strategically leave blanks for them to fill in, while making sure the information most easily accessed meets your approval. That can be entirely literal, when adjusting a person's opinion, or more abstract; dealing with their basic perceptions.

There is no need to manufacture a shooting. They happen every now and again. Use the time in between to be sure you are ready to capitalize upon the next one.

Anything is possible, but the people with an anti-gun agenda, for the most part, truly believe in that cause, or they believe in the accumulation of power that such regulation allows.

The "other guy" is rarely the "bad guy". Most of the time, he's just doing what he thinks is right, regardless of how negatively you may view his ideas and actions.

The idea that the government may have created a problem to solve by recounting an event that did not occur, or causing that event themselves, while seemingly reasonable (if terribly paranoid), is flawed. It is not likely that anyone in Washington would do such a thing, and even if they did, any secrecy wouldn't last long.

"The Man" is not nearly as clever or well organized as people like to imagine. Leave that nonsense to the movies.



Great points Kennith, I can definitely agree with what you're saying. Much like all the conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook it's all about filling in the blanks. Just asking open ended questions and pointing out questionable info.

My huge issue is the people that believe this, 9/11, and the Aurora shooting were all completely done/made up by the government. While that is a load of shit, I definitely think this kind of event caters to their agenda, and no doubt they are "using" it to their advantage. I don't believe that's a conspiracy, I believe it's fact. Fear is a great way to get people motivated to follow your beliefs. But there is no doubt in my mind that these events did happen, they were tragic, and our government is not "behind" them.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK
DiscoPhoto said:
There were two rifles, one they found on him(along with however many hand guns) and a shotgun they found in his trunk.

Bri- If you seriously think it was a conspiracy, please find a bridge to jump off of. Sandy hook(and Aurora shooting) conspiracy theorists are the lowest of the lows, true pieces of shit.

just a point of order, technically, a shotgun is NOT considered a rifle....


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK
lynchee said:
I don't know.
The rifle they took out of the trunk isn't an AR15. Look at how he clears the weapon. Here's the video.
I understand when something terrible like this happens that there is a lot of misinformation in the beginning, that's just how it is. But there is definitely a media agenda here, that is undeniable.

that looks like a pump action shotgun for sure...

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
If you want a government conspiracy just look at operation Fast and Furrious. Sandy Hook, Aurora, VA Tech, and the like, no... Just piece of crap whack jobs..


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2004
Atlanta, GA
I quit trusting anything that the media says around 1990. A tornado swept through town and Dan Rather reported that five people were killed.

There were no deaths and only a few minor injuries, primarily from flying glass.

When you add together the desire to be first, incompetence, and everyone's little political agendas you get an inability on my part to believe damned near anything that the media reports.

So, if a newsanchor tells us that the sky is blue, I'll walk outside and check.
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
stu454 said:
I quit trusting anything that the media says around 1990. A tornado swept through town and Dan Rather reported that five people were killed.

There were no deaths and only a few minor injuries, primarily from flying glass.

When you add together the desire to be first, incompetence, and everyone's little political agendas you get an inability on my part to believe damned near anything that the media reports.

So, if a newsanchor tells us that the sky is blue, I'll walk outside and check.

This. Though my perspective on it has been from direct involvement tv news, and from what I've seen, everyone always makes a diligent effort to accurately report the information they have. ...however, where they get that information is often "on the wires" and can change as things develop. What's always bothered me more is what's intentionally left out, either to appease corporate sponsors, or because they just didn't think that part of the story was "interesting and compelling".


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
quick128 said:
you can take POLICE right out of that statement. I have yet to meet a fellow law enforcement officer who supports the pending and predicted legislation against firearms.

Not what I said. I said I am sceptic about what police are saying. But now that you bring that up. Some Sheriffs tried to state that they would not enforce laws that they view as unconsitutional. They took the statements back. Afterall it is not police that decide law, they just enforce it. If they state formall otherwise in public, I doubt that they will keep their jobs long.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
DiscoPhoto said:

Bri- If you seriously think it was a conspiracy, please find a bridge to jump off of. Sandy hook(and Aurora shooting) conspiracy theorists are the lowest of the lows, true pieces of shit.

You first.

Bri said:
I don't know if there is a conspiricy or not. "

What I do believe is every single thing that Kennith mentioned. Apparently you don't but agree but do think that they are good points.

But I have a little different take on it. Like you, I believe that all the events that you mention occurred. I don't believe that the government was behind any of them, but then again all I know is pretty much what the media has fed me. If it ever came out that there was some government involvement it would be contrary to my belief, but I would not be all that surprised.

One thing for sure is that people really do believe that the AR15 and 30 round mags are bad and it is largely a result of the recent killings. Now the media has convinced a majority of Americans that banning assault weapons and high cap mags would actually be an effective method too deal with these killings.

We've tried that already. The loonies will just use something else, then more agenda's will advance, more ban's will be put in place and americans will lose their 2nd Amendment rights.

If we continue down this path it is inevitable.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2012
bri said:
The loonies will just use something else, then more agenda's will advance, more ban's will be put in place and americans will lose their 2nd Amendment rights.

Interestingly enough, the NRA was once responsible for actions like this as well...

The (Black) Panthers responded to racial violence by patrolling black neighborhoods brandishing guns -- in an effort to police the police. The fear of black people with firearms sent shockwaves across white communities, and conservative lawmakers immediately responded with gun-control legislation.

Then Gov. Ronald Reagan, now lauded as the patron saint of modern conservatism, told reporters in California that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons." Reagan claimed that the Mulford Act, as it became known, "would work no hardship on the honest citizen." The NRA actually helped craft similar legislation in states across the country


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
pinkytoe69 said:
Interestingly enough, the NRA was once responsible for actions like this as well...

The (Black) Panthers responded to racial violence by patrolling black neighborhoods brandishing guns -- in an effort to police the police. The fear of black people with firearms sent shockwaves across white communities, and conservative lawmakers immediately responded with gun-control legislation.

Then Gov. Ronald Reagan, now lauded as the patron saint of modern conservatism, told reporters in California that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons." Reagan claimed that the Mulford Act, as it became known, "would work no hardship on the honest citizen." The NRA actually helped craft similar legislation in states across the country

Well yeah, that was pretty obviously racist.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2007
Mike_Rupp said:
Are you equally upset at the politicians who used the event to advance their political agenda before the facts of the case were clear?

No different then the agenda you are pushing.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK
p m said:
It was reported to be a Saiga - a little more than a pump action shotgun.

have a link to that? the video showed what appeared to be a pump actin shotgun. BTW, a shotgun is ashotgun, even if it looks like an AK...


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
pinkytoe69 said:
Yeah, but based on that action all this hoopla today has elements of glass houses and stones flying around.

Such is politics. There is plenty of codswallop on both sides to go 'round. Doesn't mean we should outlaw guns.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
pinkytoe69 said:
Interestingly enough, the NRA was once responsible for actions like this as well...

The (Black) Panthers responded to racial violence by patrolling black neighborhoods brandishing guns -- in an effort to police the police. The fear of black people with firearms sent shockwaves across white communities, and conservative lawmakers immediately responded with gun-control legislation.

Then Gov. Ronald Reagan, now lauded as the patron saint of modern conservatism, told reporters in California that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons." Reagan claimed that the Mulford Act, as it became known, "would work no hardship on the honest citizen." The NRA actually helped craft similar legislation in states across the country

Yeah, so let's do some more BS proven not to work. There's a smart idea. Just proves stupidity knows no political bounds. Nothing new to me. Bush and Clinton did weapons bans now Obama. If we continue down the path we are headed using the same logic, it is just a matter of time before we have complete gun bans.

Seriously, is the fact that Ronald Reagan said something like this supposed to make conservatives feel better about losing their 2nd amendment right.

What that BS is supposed to do is make the people taking the rights away feel better or those that OK with the ban feeling good about it.

What a joke.
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2012
knewsom said:
Such is politics. There is plenty of codswallop on both sides to go 'round. Doesn't mean we should outlaw guns.


I brought it up more in response to people saying that only commie lefties and the liberal media pulls reactionary shit like this.