Obama VP- Joe Biden


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
Charlotte, NC
my dad got an e-mail today that on Oct. 5th Biden was going to pull from the VP slot due to "health Issues" and that Hillary was going to step in. Now that is 100% rumor, I would not imagine that anyone would have leaked that kind of information. Although seem to fit. I hope if it happens that it does not fool anybody and they start to see just how full of crap Obama is.

You heard it hear first;)



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
2FUELS said:
Twist WHAT message?

McCain / Palin message is one of fiscal conservatism. You've already read the stories on the Bridge to Nowhere. There is also the LSM 'news' that Palin had “cut the Special Olympics funding in half.”

The reality

Dissecting the Palin Rumor Mill
Pajamas Media

. . . The rumor, as it was reported, was that Palin had “cut the Special Olympics funding in half.” Now, here are the facts . . .

The 2006 budget was $250,000.
The 2007 budget as passed by the Alaskan legislature was $650,000
After Palin used her line-item veto authority, the new budget was $275,000​

So we see the facts of the story are that it was a “Beltway budget cut”: more money, but not as much as someone wanted. The facts aren’t as interesting as the history of the story, though. It appears to have started, in this case, with the New York Times . . .​


Steve said:
The one coming out of her mouth, not the LSM or some pundit's altered reality.

Its hard to twist "No questions please", c'mon guys I'm on your side here. We all agree Biden is goofy, can't we agree that the tact taken by McCain/Palin has been working?

Help me with my acronyms, LSM = Liberal Slanted Media? Liars Saints martyrs?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
2FUELS said:
Help me with my acronyms, LSM = Liberal Slanted Media? Liars Saints martyrs?

LSM = LameStream Media (formerly known as the MainStream Media), also known as the Dynasaur Media


Truly, this has to be silliest silly season I've ever seen in any election cycle. What about Nader><Obama><Barr><McCain><Who ever the green party has running?

Cripes whatever happened to Ross?


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2004
Atlanta, GA
Thanks for the link Mark. Doing some digging turned up another Palin lie. At least as best as I can determine.
In her speeches she's told parents with disabled kids they'll have an "advocate" in he white house (though she has yet to elaborate at all on what that means).
She has stated that ever since she was governor she's "pushed for additional funding".
The republican who wrote the special needs bill for AK schools says she had absolutely nothing to do with it other than signing the bill.
I can't find any evidence at all of this "pushing" she's done.

Maybe she was too busy overseeing AK supplying 20% of the US's energy needs.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
antichrist said:
Thanks for the link Mark. . . .

Your welcome. :D

Another "rumor"

She (Palin) Cut Special Needs Budget

I just watched CNN's Soledad O'Brien sandbag former White House Communications Director Nicole Wallace by asking her how Sarah Palin can claim to be a defender of special needs children when she cut the budget for that Alaska office by 62 percent. . . .

So the Netroots and CNN allege that Palin cut special needs funding by 62 percent, by crediting her with the budget proposed by a political opponent. And the truth is that rather than a 62 percent cut, she's actually increasing special needs funding by 175 percent.​

Also keep in mind she challanged both Democrat AND Republican incumbants, many who are unhappy with her. I suspect her 82% approval rating says more than any criticism from either party.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
I've said before that Obama is tied into the UN Oil-for-Food corruption through Auchi and Rezko. So is Obama really just another Chirac?

International man of mystery
The Belmont Club
September 23rd, 2008

Winds of Change has a link to a report by the Inspector General into Mobile Telecommunications Licenses in Iraq dated May 11, 2004. The preliminary report (PDF here) contains fresh detail into the background and activities of Nadhmi Auchi . . .

The report said their investigation had: brought to the surface, among many other things, the name of Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi billionaire who has played a role in the Iraqi-European arms trade for over two decades, and who, behind the facade of legitimate business, served as Saddam Hussein’s principal international financial manipulator and bag man. . . .

. . . The London Times reported that Auchi gave a $3.5 million loan to Mr. Rezko in May 2005 through a Panamanian company linked to the Iraqi expatriate called Fintrade Services SA. Several weeks after the loan, Mr. Obama purchased a house on Chicago’s South Side and Mr. Rezko’s wife bought an expensive plot of land next to the house from the same seller on the same day. . .

From the wikileaks summary:

This 146 page US Defense Inspector General's report, written at the For Official Use Only level, pertains to a fraud investigation centering on Iraqi-British billionare Nadhmi Auchi, who is connected to Presidential Candidate Barak Obama via former Obama fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko.

I would be surprised to not find some of Obama's financial contributions traced back to the O.F.F. and Saddam. Obama's positions on the Iraq war changed based on the likelyhood of contracts to Auchi.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2004
Atlanta, GA
MarkP said:
So the Netroots and CNN allege that Palin cut special needs funding by 62 percent, by crediting her with the budget proposed by a political opponent. And the truth is that rather than a 62 percent cut, she's actually increasing special needs funding by 175 percent.​
Like I said, she signed a bill.
Show me some evidence she wasn't lying when she said she's "pushed" for more funding.
Pushing implies she had to work hard to get it, against people who were opposed to more funding. She actually reduced the amount of funding proposed in the budget presented to her.
Explain to me again exactly how that is "pushing"?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
antichrist said:
Like I said, she signed a bill.
Show me some evidence she wasn't lying when she said she's "pushed" for more funding.
. . .

There are different ways of 'pushing'. As a legislater you would have a lot of footwork and hand pressing to 'push'. A lot of tactical level work to move a bill forward.

As Governor and executive pushing has a completely different meaning. An executive will meet with key people, ensure that a bill is getting the attention by communicating that it is a priority, etc. As the executive you will communicate to your employees what is important and what is not. They do the leg work and reflect your priorities or . . . get fired. Plain and simple, public or private.

So I doubt either of us can prove our points given the nature of executive 'pushing'. The only way to judge that is to evaluate the progress a bill made as it was considered relative to other bills.

Way too early for me. Good Morning Tom.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2006
Bristol, TN
God, Palin get crucified for saying something completely legit (Bush doctrine), yet Biden is the idiot. Great job, selecting your leaders, Dems. One's got no experience, the other's a moron. BTW, how many interviews has Biden done alone since being named VP?


In the past week, Biden hasn't disappointed. When the federal government announced the AIG bailout, Biden said it was a bad idea. (The official campaign stance at the time was neither support for nor opposition to the bailout; Obama gently chided Biden for going off-message.) In Ohio, Biden said he's against clean-coal technology. (That was his stance in the primaries, not Obama's current stance.) And in an interview with Katie Couric, he said that when the markets crashed in 1929, "Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.' " (FDR wasn't president then, nor did television exist.)


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska
SGaynor said:
God, Palin get crucified for saying something completely legit (Bush doctrine), yet Biden is the idiot. Great job, selecting your leaders, Dems. One's got no experience, the other's a moron. BTW, how many interviews has Biden done alone since being named VP?


In the past week, Biden hasn't disappointed. When the federal government announced the AIG bailout, Biden said it was a bad idea. (The official campaign stance at the time was neither support for nor opposition to the bailout; Obama gently chided Biden for going off-message.) In Ohio, Biden said he's against clean-coal technology. (That was his stance in the primaries, not Obama's current stance.) And in an interview with Katie Couric, he said that when the markets crashed in 1929, "Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.' " (FDR wasn't president then, nor did television exist.)



Honestly, why can't any of the outspoken dems on this board acknowledge what a flippin idiot this guy is? Why? He is a complete embarrassment to their party. No one in the media is making a good comparison of him and Palin either. I don't think there is one.

What a tool.