Palin ?


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2004
Axel said:
That's the biggest problem I have with her, too. I'm a registered republican, but I don't think I can bring myself to vote for Palin.
MarkP said:
But people were being mean to her so it was ok to quit.
Poor Sarah.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
The visceral hate of Palin by the 4th estate is actually very informative. Review the recent political leaders and you will find a good-ole-boy network of Ivy Leaguer's. The Left has attempted to build a fortress of academia to isolate itself and gain control of the youth (That will fail). Anyone who is not an Ivy League member is the enemy. In summary it is not about Palin herself, it is about political power and the threat an outsider presents.

As for Palin she has been criticized for the decision. She has also been called brilliant:

From CNN, July 4, 2009

Video: Matalin thinks Palin is ?brilliant? for resigning

MATALIN: Well, I think it?s really brilliant, with two caveats, one being that there?s nothing else, ala the Sanford fiasco. There?s nothing else that we don?t know. If all that?s there is what we see right now, it?s brilliant.

And, secondly, that she has a plan and people have a plan to put up with the conventional wisdom, chatterati and the political class saying how stupid it is, because it?s brilliant.

On the substance, there?s the key economic issue ? I know everyone says ? thinks it?s health care, but it?s really energy. And she?s the queen of energy.

And the second big issue for 2012 will be the role of government. And she has a record of reform and ethics reform and making government smaller and reigning in spending ? all those issues that are getting increasingly important as Barack Obama expands on his agenda.

So ? and her delivery was incredible ? a charis ? a less charismatic person probably couldn?t pull it off. But as ? as already referenced, she will be freed up and liberated in the way Mitt Romney is here to run around and raise money and get political chips by spending it and get political capital. And she is still raising the kinds of crowds and money that she always did.​

As we now know there are no "caveats", ethical or legal issues. Those rumors were manufactured by ..... Obama.

So who are her opponents? Obama, now known to be an empty-suit / pantywaist, or someone else? Not saying Palin is the right person but you also need to look at opponents. Who is gong to take the torch from Obama now that his support is headed to the 30% range or lower? Where is the Democrat Tea Party? Is there none or have they joined the Tea Party as classic liberals?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Axel said:
You can cut and paste until the cows come home, Mark. You are not going to convince me that Palin is presidential material. Republican cheerleader, sure. President? No way.

The oncoming train that will impact who the next President is ...... when it gets personal and many wake up.

Remember My Discussion on Pensions?

We already know where Obama stands. Who will stand with the people?
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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
garrett said:
More cut and paste? Really. LOL.


- CNN commentators refer to Palin as brilliant.

- Paglia observes of how disruptive Palin was to standard liberal doctrine, states that liberals have resorted to hysterical emotionalism and says the Democrat party is in peril.

- Financial analyst note that Obama (owned) and the the big banks are enslaving country after country with debt and high debt service rates, for their own gain.

- Wikileaks confirms Obama = Bush = .....​

So keep laughing as the elites devalue your currency, take your 401K's, your pensions and raise the debt of your children to unserviceable levels.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2004
Pittsburgh, PA
MarkP said:

- CNN commentators refer to Palin as brilliant.

- Paglia observes of how disruptive Palin was to standard liberal doctrine, states that liberals have resorted to hysterical emotionalism and says the Democrat party is in peril.

- Financial analyst note that Obama (owned) and the the big banks are enslaving country after country with debt and high debt service rates, for their own gain.

- Wikileaks confirms Obama = Bush = .....​

So keep laughing as the elites devalue your currency, take your 401K's, your pensions and raise the debt of your children to unserviceable levels.

Palin, is excellent at disrupting the status quo, but that does not make her presidential material.

I actually would love for her to run. I think it would be fun to watch the meltdown.


Staff member
Apr 1, 2004
Quebec, Canada
MarkP said:
- CNN commentators refer to Palin as brilliant.

- Paglia observes of how disruptive Palin was to standard liberal doctrine, states that liberals have resorted to hysterical emotionalism and says the Democrat party is in peril.

- Financial analyst note that Obama (owned) and the the big banks are enslaving country after country with debt and high debt service rates, for their own gain.

- Wikileaks confirms Obama = Bush = .....[/INDENT]

Yes, but what do YOU think on the subject and why? If you come back with another cut and paste, I will delete it. I want to see something original from you for a change.

New rule just for you: No more cut and paste allowed until after 12/31/2010.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Axel said:
Yes, but what do YOU think on the subject and why? If you come back with another cut and paste, I will delete it.

Miss this?

The visceral hate of Palin by the 4th estate is actually very informative. Review the recent political leaders and you will find a good-ole-boy network of Ivy Leaguer's. The Left has attempted to build a fortress of academia to isolate itself and gain control of the youth (That will fail). Anyone who is not an Ivy League member is the enemy. In summary it is not about Palin herself, it is about political power and the threat an outsider presents.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
Ya know, I can hunt, fish, and have personally clubbed multiple halibut to death (actually a rather difficult task, them's tough sons-a-bitches), does that mean I'm Presidential material?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
knewsom said:
Ya know, I can hunt, fish, and have personally clubbed multiple halibut to death (actually a rather difficult task, them's tough sons-a-bitches), does that mean I'm Presidential material?

Well we don't know yet do we? :D

We do know that Obama isn't. I've already asked - where is the Democrat Party "Tea Party"? Where are the classic liberals? Have they now left the party?


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
MarkP said:
Well we don't know yet do we? :D

We do know that Obama isn't. I've already asked - where is the Democrat Party "Tea Party"? Where are the classic liberals? Have they now left the party?

Nope, we're still here, and we're not splitting up, because thanks to experience, we know that a Republican in office is far worse than a Democrat we're not thrilled with.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2007
Savannah, GA
Why such a big debacle about Palin? She is not qualified to be a President, end of story. Do we not have someone else, who has actually experience outside of their own little state, remotely tucked away from the rest of the civilization? I seriously doubt that watching two bears fight over salmon gives one insight into how the country should be ran.
It seems like her popular persona, glorified by the media, may be counted upon for potential run for President. Aside from her being in the news, nothing really screams "I am the one qualified to occupy the highest office."