Where Did The White Man Go Wrong?


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2004
garrett said:
Let me repeat again. I have no guilt.

Of course the Native Americans were not innocent. I never presumed that either. If someone were to step foot in my front door, I'd do whatever it took kill them too.

For someone who claims to feel no guilt, you sure sound apologetic.

My comment regarding your apparent belief in the "enlightened innocence" of Native Americans refers to how they treated each other prior to the white man. The fight between Native American peoples and cultures was every bit as brutal as European history. Some would argue more.

Again, the white man dominated through superior technology and numbers. Not "good" or "evil".

garrett said:
My point was in some fashion the "Wal Mart" way of life started very early on when whitey stepped foot here. Not having a clue how to properly farm the land and wasting the resources they were given.

Are you joking? Hundreds of years PRIOR to the white man, whole civilizations grew and died in Central America from deforestation and non-sustainable farming methods that wasted the environment. The topography of the Yucatan is different today as a result.

garrett said:
Other less industrialized countries have done a far better job of the "live and let live" attitude towards their natives and thus have connection to the original caretakers so to speak. These nations lack some of the freedoms we have, but have a stronger connection to their lands.

Please elaborate. Are you saying that having a primitive agrarian subsistence economy that lacks political, religious or economic freedom is better?

With reference to current US industrialized production-producers produce what the consumer demands. Change consumer demand and production will change.
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Carefull Garrett, you'll be labled as a socialist next...

edit; all this from an old indian joke...SHEESH!