I posted the following a few years ago. When you say it runs badly, is there a strong smell of gasoline? As I say below, it was guzzling gas, with an extremely strong smell or unburnt gasoline. It took Inland Rovers about four (4) hours of diagnosis by elimination (fuel pressure, fuel injector leak-down test, throttle position sensor, MAF, coil, cap, rotor, wires, temperature sensors, oxygen sensors, ECU) to finally look at the air gap setting in the distributor as the solution.
Three years ago, my 95RRC went full rich, loading up the spark plugs, and guzzling gas (you could see the gas gage needle drop as you drove).
I could not figure it out. I even used the diagnostic procedures in the RAVE CD, with no luck.
I decided to let Inland Rovers (Riverside, California) diagnose it, using their Auto-Logic equipment. They found that the air gap in the distributor, was smaller than acceptable (I did not think to check this). They reset the air gap, and the engine ran normal and the gas mileage was back to normal.
Inland Rovers, said that the under size air gap, allowed the coil to fire and turn over the engine, but that it somehow affected the signal to the ECU, which cause the fuel injection to run full rich.
Jim Lupinetti
P.S. A year before this, I replaced all the injectors.