Debates, 2004



Wonder why haven't there been any good arguments on these two clowns lately??? 2004 Debates are over!!!


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What a great picture.

However, Kerry rocks Pumas, and is thusly infinitely cooler than Bush.


Apr 19, 2004
Wandering aimlessly
i had a long discussion with my prolife gay friend today about kerry-bush. I was sayign why a hate kerry, he ewas sayign why he hates bush. unfortunatly both canidates suck, but kerry is a fucking commie asshole so im voting for bush, plus i sleep better at night know ign that bush will fight terrorism no matter what the UN thnks where as kerry is a UN pussy. FUCK the UN. the un is fcking useless at this pont. PLus bus his givign my parenst a 6% tac cut.
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LostInBoston said:
PLus bus his givign my parenst a 6% tac cut.

Ah yes, the omnipresent tax cut myth.

Who do you think is going to pay for that tax cut?

Do you think that money is conjured out of nothing? A vote for "bus" (are you typing drunk??) is a vote for free money, eh?

The IRS doesn't give free lunches, my friend.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2004
Main Line
Hopefully the tax cut will come from giving less money to the poor.

I have a range rover to support afterall.




You're right, you & I pay for those lunches. :mad: You don't "pay for tax cuts" you stop spending so much fucking money. Sadly that's something neither of our illustrious candidates seem to grasp.


I hate to get into it as most every one of them sucks. But its a funny thing. When I hear Kerry speak I am instantly reminded of why I hate political figures. When Bush speaks I definately have thoughts but they arent the violent dislike , used car salesman type thoughts.... I also thought it Hillarios when Kerry said he "Married up" and then took realized that he fucked up and took a few moments to get his shit back together.. Bush can say something like that and you think nothing of it. Kerry says it and you see the slime starting to creep out of his shirt sleeve.......


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
wilmington, nc
Hopefully the tax cut will come from giving less money to the poor.

Damn Ron and I finally agree on something. I would also like to add those greedy little PhD students who suck that federally funded money. I wonder how much money we would save if we cut funding for living expenses. I don't have a problem funding educational expenses. I just think you should have to work to survive. It seems a little like educated welfare to me. Difference is instead of a mobile home and a new camaro. It is an apartment and a Rover aparently.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
North Florida
LostInBoston said:
i had a long discussion with my prochoice gay friend today about kerry-bush. I was sayign why a hate kerry, he ewas sayign why he hates bush. unfortunatly both canidates suck, but kerry is a fucking commie asshole so im voting for bush, plus i sleep better at night know ign that bush will fight terrorism no matter what the UN thnks where as kerry is a UN pussy. FUCK the UN. the un is fcking useless at this pont. PLus bus his givign my parenst a 6% tac cut.

Fuck the UN!? You say that now, but when China and the EU join the true ranks as world powers, you'll change your tune.

You're drinking again, aren't you?

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
Go look at Kerry's voting record while he's been in the Senate.. Then go watch some of the tapes of him making promisses to people at his rallys. Watch his debates over again too after reading his voting habits.. The man is a liar. Plain and simple. He talks out of his ass and says anything that he can to get people to vote for him and then turns around and screws them. I looked, they are all public records and anyone can go and read them. The man is a piece of crap. The only reason that he is up there is because the Dems want to win at any cost ( they don't care about you or me they just want to win ) and since they couldn't sue their way into the whitehouse with gore they are going to try and lie their way in with Kerry. Bush may not be the best talker but, at least he has balls and he does what he says. We need some one that will take action in this day and age. Not someone that is going to try and talk/debate about things for another 10 years.

The USA had been working with the UN for over 20 years trying to calm things down in the middle east.. It wasn't working. The UN was given a chance to help and they put their heads in the sand and wanted to talk about it for another 20 years all the while doing nothing. Is that what you want? Your countries leaders to just sit around and talk about things and do nothing? I hope that Sinclair Media's show on John Kerry gets aired on more then just their 62 stations. It will be a real eye opener for some of the folks that have fallen for the sweet talking liar from the Senate.

You want that loser in office that's your choice. But, don't bitch about it when things get worse with him in control..


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Here's a perspective on Kerry. You can't believe anything he says while running for President. He'll say one thing and then follow up with "but". Ignore what he says before the "but" and then listen. To understand the guy look at his congressional record.

A good example is Global Warming and Kyoto. His congressional record shows he would sign the Kyoto agreements. His "Global Test" would result in the US signing on. The problem is it's junk science.

Global Warming Bombshell: A prime piece of evidence linking human activity to climate change turns out to be an artifact of poor mathematics.
by Richard Muller (prof physics - University of California, Berkeley)

Kyoto is a political agenda wrapped up in desired outcome science promoted by the UN. The UN has become nothing more than a corrupt organization to launder money. The Oil-for-Food program is a prime example. This is the reason France and Germany didn't want us to invade Iraq and the reason there were 17 UN Resolutions that were ignored by Saddam. The UN was on the take. They knew if Saddam fell the paper trail would lead to them. Think about it. If France and Germany had supported the US there would not have been military action. Saddam would have capitulated.

So Kerry's international coalition is a band of thieves. Again the Global Test fails.

One last point. Kerry did not recieve an Honorable Discharge from the service. His security clearance was revoked. His questionable medals taken away (because of his Dishonorable Discharge). President Carter signed off on reversing this for political purposes. Why is this guy even a Senator?


Apr 19, 2004
Wandering aimlessly
cmondieyoung said:
Ah yes, the omnipresent tax cut myth.

Who do you think is going to pay for that tax cut?

Do you think that money is conjured out of nothing? A vote for "bus" (are you typing drunk??) is a vote for free money, eh?

The IRS doesn't give free lunches, my friend.

notice how i put that last on my list, becasue i think it is the least important right now. And where is it coming from? It not coming from any where. its less that were GIVING TO THEM. its not like im gonna go knock out the homeless people around boston and take their change to get the 6% break.


draaronr said:
Hopefully the tax cut will come from giving less money to the poor.

Damn Ron and I finally agree on something. I would also like to add those greedy little PhD students who suck that federally funded money. I wonder how much money we would save if we cut funding for living expenses. I don't have a problem funding educational expenses. I just think you should have to work to survive. It seems a little like educated welfare to me. Difference is instead of a mobile home and a new camaro. It is an apartment and a Rover aparently.

Having a wife that is a PHD student and receiving government money it obvious to me you don't know any PHD students living on government money. She works her ass off teaching for the University of Utah and coordinating cancer research studies for the huntsman cancer institute (one of the countrys top cancer reasearch facilites and part of U of U). NO Phd student I have meet has a easy life, they don't make shit and the requirements to keep the money are huge on top of all the academic studies they have to do. Are there silver spoon students, yes, but that certinally is not the majority. Also she is going to get soon a large government grant to study a form of cancer (colorectial sp?) that is genetic in like 75% of the US population and tends to mutate in those same people who are stressed. No one has studied it before. It will pay her a salary of like $28k a year and pay for the reasearch. $28 a year ain' t going to pay our fucking morgage on our mobile home. When she gets the funding it will cut us off from her current scolarships and government grants or about $27k a year. I'm not saying we need more money, thats why I work full time, and don't have a blinged out RR3. I have a 10 year old d1 that's always breaking down. If the fucking government is giving us so much money where is my RR3? Sure cut off higher education study money, nothing good has come out of higher education in the first place. Lets not find any cures for shit, people like dying young. Most medical doctors get lots of government money, I know lots of them. All once they get there MD phd are paid well, but have to give lots of money back for years to gov to pay back what was given to them. With out the gov money I doubt we would have MD's, but who needs them anyway?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Mercer Island, WA
"Ah yes, the omnipresent tax cut myth."

Really? Why then did I pay less in taxes as a percentage of my income?

"Who do you think is going to pay for that tax cut?"

Come on Craig, you're a smart guy, you know your statement is simply tired liberal rhetoric. In the 1980's marginal tax rates were lowered and yet the tax revenue to the US Treasury went up. We didn't have to "pay" for those tax cuts; they paid for themselves.

p m

Staff member
Apr 19, 2004
La Jolla, CA
I found quite a few things amusing.
In the 1st debate, Kerry promised two things:
(1) take control over nuclear stockpile in Russia, and
(2) unilaterally, force North Korea to stop its nuclear program.
I had two problems with that - one, did Mr.Kerry ask Mr.Putin if he has anything to say about it? And then, why should we have gone multi-laterally on Iraq, and unilaterally-to Korea (which is a thread to its nearest neighbors to much larger extent than the U.S.)?

Then, everywhere the media keeps saying that nearly all the world wants to see Kerry a president. Imagine that you belong in a business, and ten of your fiercest competitors point towards a guy and say they want him to be your CEO. Does it ring any bells?

I don't think Kerry is a liar, in a sense that he seems to always say what's on his mind, and has little left behind. His mind wanders a lot, that's for sure. I feel bad for the guy because he always have to explain what did he do or intended to do or thought he intended to do. Hope to God not to have to listen to him after the Day...


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
North Florida
Mike_Rupp said:
Come on Craig, you're a smart guy, you know your statement is simply tired liberal rhetoric. In the 1980's marginal tax rates were lowered and yet the tax revenue to the US Treasury went up. We didn't have to "pay" for those tax cuts; they paid for themselves.

So then the trillions of dollars we are in debt are just myth? *whew* thats a relief! :rolleyes: If I ran my personnal finances the way the budget was managed in the 80's , I'd be in Rayford serving 10-20 for check fraud. I get that most conservatives are just hung up on the tax credit, and that's ok. I want to see a little fiscal restraint to, but the restraint in taxation should be coupled with same in the spending.

You know, I can't understand why people want to knock Kerry's service. Lets just assume that the "Swift-Boat Pinheads for Opportunistic Misinformation" are on the level and the Senator was a total weed smoking burn-out. I don't care if he sat in the bushes and sodomized pot-bellied pigs, the dude WAS THERE! Shouldn't that mean more than just getting a note from daddy that says, "Please let my young mis-guided alcoholic son stay in-country and f*** local pigs, Thank You."?

I say, after pulling his tour he's entitled to say anything about the experience he wants to. Why is it so hard to believe that his stories of indescriminate abuse by US troops and other unprofessional behavior are real, when we are faced with multiple examples of the same sorts of charges today? The point should be made, about Kerry's observations then and our boys on trial today, that in periods of severe emotional stress people do completely inhumane things. Instead you choose to burn the man at the stake for speaking out against a conflict that 30 years later 99% of us agree was a complete and total waste of human life?

The sad state is this. Nixon baked the cake of disrespect for the Presidency, and then Clinton iced it. Now, thanks to Ken Starr, Rush and Comedy Central, the most qualified folks to lead this country will never run, for fear of having their lives unfarely judged years after the fact.

Don't be so shallow and myopic. Turn off that talk radio and think for yourselves.

EDIT!: No Pigs were harmed in the writing of this thread. Inverse Euphemism...look it up.
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Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA

If you have lots of free time and want to learn the truth about Kerry, here you go, this will give you from 1989 to now... Like I said before.. Listen to what he says to people and what he promisses and then look how he votes.. The guy just isn't right. If you want more then that you'll have to go to the library to look it up and I'm not talking about your local one. As for his service record I'll leave that alone cause I'm more concerned about his Senate record which has an effect on all of us right now not 33 years ago.

I'm off the soap box now cause I get a little worked up when I see people actually believing this guy and I'm having a good day and I want to keep it that way.


draaronr said:
Hopefully the tax cut will come from giving less money to the poor.

Damn Ron and I finally agree on something. I would also like to add those greedy little PhD students who suck that federally funded money. I wonder how much money we would save if we cut funding for living expenses. I don't have a problem funding educational expenses. I just think you should have to work to survive. It seems a little like educated welfare to me. Difference is instead of a mobile home and a new camaro. It is an apartment and a Rover aparently.

This is pretty fucking offensive, Aaron. This is the CLASSIC gung-ho redneck American hatred of intellectuals. I can't wait for your dumb ass to get prostate cancer in 30 years and come crying to the same doctor you told to go live in a mobile home, 'cause he was just "draining" your hard earned money in med school. What do you do, Aaron? Of what consequence will you ever be to society?

I'm pissed off, man.

Not only do I teach a class with 150 students in it 3 times a week, create lecture notes, tests, grading, office hours bullshit, I don't receive hourly pay at all. I get about $1800 a month in stipend, which barely covers rent, insurance, and food--all other income is derived from student loans I'll spend my life paying off. The cost of living in Boulder is astronomical, and I have a wife to support...probably a child in the coming years. CU doesn't allow its graduate students to unionize, like many private universities, and so they fill their coffers with out-of-state tuition, pawning off all the difficult-to-manage Introduction (101, etc) classes that no professor wants on grad students, who they barely pay.

I purchased my Land Rover for $8,000 dollars that I had meticulously scraped together by working CRM (Cultural Resource Management) jobs in the summer. It's my single material indulgence, because I can't afford anything else. I can't even afford to use it as a daily driver--instead I shiver my ass down the road on a Yamaha.

Oh yeah, and could I forget? I have to complete and defend before a board a 90-120 page dissertation that is the culmination of almost 6 years of my life.

So watch your goddamn mouth, Aaron, because you don't know what the HELL you're talking about. Americans take for granted the ability of U.S. institutions to lead the world in the realms of science and medicine, and expect the reap the benefits they feel they are entitled to as citizens. I'm working my ass off for you, so you can have the opportunity to better understand the world in which you callously inhabit.

So come to my little married-student housing apartment, Aaron, and you can see in what greedy opulence we live.

I'll even offer you a Bud Light. And then kick your fucking ass.