Debates, 2004


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
LostInBoston said:
i had a long discussion with my prochoice gay friend today about kerry-bush. I was sayign why a hate kerry, he ewas sayign why he hates bush. unfortunatly both canidates suck, but kerry is a fucking commie asshole so im voting for bush, plus i sleep better at night know ign that bush will fight terrorism no matter what the UN thnks where as kerry is a UN pussy. FUCK the UN. the un is fcking useless at this pont. PLus bus his givign my parenst a 6% tac cut.



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
utahdog2003 said:

Joe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to ensure their safety and that they work as advertised.

Joe gets back in his car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. He doesn't mention that the beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day. Joe agrees: "We don't need those big-government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have."

Amen brother.
I may vote for Kerry three or four times, run down to Florida and do it all again.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
wilmington, nc
Aaron. Aren't you a Doctor? I thought you were in the advanced medicines field or something. Yeah thanks for pointing out the obvious Steve.

First let me correct one thing I said that seemed to get a lot of panties twisted. Anytime someone says something it is not true 100% of the time. ie my comparison of the mobile home/camaro to a grad student was a little harsh. But you have to agree that even at CU it happens. I have a friend that is a grad student and Colorado State and he will agree this happens.

Are there people that have made sacrifices to go back to school or to struggle through school, absolutely and I admire them for doing so. If that is you I will be the first to tell you I admire your sacrifice. But I can't tell you how many people were in school with me that were on their third or fourth advanced degree just taking that money and letting her ride. Did they have new RR hell no, but new accords and the such.

Another thing this is a new idea that has been bastardized in the last two decades, Most doctors who graduated in the pre 80s will tell you they had no student loans. They waited table, tended bar, or worked in labs to pay for tuition. I remember spending two years embalming bodies for gross anatomy students, because it payed the best on campus, and I would like to say fuck that job. I think that tuition in general has gotten out of hand the cost of school has risen almost twice the cost of inflation the last ten years.

Now I do think there is a lot of wasted money in grad/phd programs. I never said anything about MDs that is completely different than what I was knocking, (Craig and Andy) you are putting words in my mouth. I remember your paper Craig that someone pointed out on the land bridge theory, Guess what that's not going to cure cancer, hell it wont cure hemorroids for that matter. That is a complete waste of money. If it is privately funded then knock your socks off, but not my tax dollars. If you want a portion to go to cancer research then go ahead.
And don't feel sorry for poor MDs. Starting base salary is 120K per year, so I think they will do just fine.

I did my time in school and I paid for it myself with working at school and out of school. I think many more could if they wanted too. And wow teaching three classes a week must really absorb your time, oh I forgot about office hours holy cow, I take it all back Craig.

At this point I can't remember most of your points to counter back and it is too late to read through it again.
In closing we all choose our own paths, some of us just need help while other don't. Those who do always seem to feel the need to justify that help, while the others lie silent.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
wilmington, nc
Oh yeah and Craig as far as that Bud-light sounds great to me when I come out to visit my buddy I will take you up on that. As far as the ass kicking, you better bring a lot of beer is all I can say. I think it is amazing that you have to physically threaten to prove your point. From what I have read about you, you appear to be educated, but maybe that's the schooling and their is a little red-neck in you after all.


I've been waiting for this 12 ton shoe to drop. I'm just happy we only have 18 days to bitch and moan at one another. Then we can get back to, "Can I retrofit 2005 headlights to my D1?", and the, "My backyard bumper can kick your backyard bumper's ass" threads. Now if only the picture of the Special Olympics kid hadn't been banned from Discoweb we'd be wrapping up nicely ;)

KJ, pulling the lever for Kerry, but y'all might have guessed that :p :p :p


draaronr said:
Oh yeah and Craig as far as that Bud-light sounds great to me when I come out to visit my buddy I will take you up on that. As far as the ass kicking, you better bring a lot of beer is all I can say. I think it is amazing that you have to physically threaten to prove your point. From what I have read about you, you appear to be educated, but maybe that's the schooling and their is a little red-neck in you after all.

I am a bit of a redneck--despite, like you said, the institution's attempts to "transform" me into a birkenstock wearin', Al Franken readin', latte sippin' baffoon.

The "threat" was cursory at best, and only reflected how insulted I felt by your post. Unfortunately my ass kickin' days are over.

I'm glad you cleared up a bit what you said, and your position makes more sense now -- although I still take offense to your suggestion that archeological research somehow does not warrant adequate public funding. While the origins of our own humanity may not interest you, it certainly has profound implications for how we view ourselves, and others.

More to the point, I was behind Bush's plan to invade and oust the Taliban SOLELY because of the Taliban's protracted efforts to cleanse Afghanistan of its archeological record. Lives, innocent are not, are a small price to pay for preserving the history of our world.

As far as teaching, obviously you've never taught undergrads, so I won't even go there.


Being a roadway designer, archeological is huge for me to deal with. I have to consult with people to insure my road alignment doesn't go through anything of worth or note. The east is worse than the west in this reguard.

draarronr- I just took offense to the idea of welfare grad students. I have meet lots of MD's and reasearch phd's that will be in debt for a while, even with therir credentials and a good paycheck. I guess because when I go to their parties with my wife, I hear them bitching and I feel sorry for them, damn gota stay away from the gin at those parties! Being a civil engineer whose starting salary out of college is like $27 to $29k, I should bitch them out because its easier for them to get gov money and their starting salary is way higher than mine. Oh well I am long ago student debt free and guess I can't really relate. But I still want my gov issued RR3! :)