my big toe wtf??!



just in the last hour started hurting tremendously!

it hurts so bad it's impossible not to limp when I walk, and the top of the toe is all tender!

I don't remember walking into anything...

anyone have anything similar, ever?


well what the hell??

does ab or roversnorth have anything for this?

does this mean I can't drink beer when I get home???


"limit Meat And Alcohol, Especially Beer"


WHY ME???????????


Well-known member
go see a doctor. getting medical advice in the general section of a land rover discussion board is no bueno.

Although to hear it, you have to be an illegal immigrant and terrorist to get medical care in this country. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Ingrown Toe Nail....ive had fun.

If thats infact what the problem is, cut a V into the center of the offending toe nail. worked, then dig the side of the nail out of the skin. Then soak your stomach in bourbon.


Well-known member
I had a run in with Gout one time, have no idea what caused it (might have been the shrimp, asparagrus and beer I had for dinner). When I got out of the bed in the morning the joint where the toe connects to the foot hurt so bad that I almost could not walk.

The next day it was just as bad and a person at my work that has had Gout many times recommended eating a bunch of black cherries and drinking a ton of water.

That day I had about 7L of water, did not eat any meat at all and ate an entire bag of black cherries. The next day my toe still hurt but not that bad and I could walk on it again, each day I pounded water and if I had meat I went with chicken. All in all it took about a week to get back to normal.

Still drinking as much water as I can and watching the red meat and seafood as I do not want to have that happen again :(

I agree with others, go see a doctor, if it is gout there is stuff they can give you to help get rid of it.


Well-known member
Gout is intense foot pain, but located in the joints of toes and feet. It is often sudden in its on-set.

There is a simple remedy, though. Drink sour or tart cherry juice. Really.... It works better than any prescription and is far less expensive.

Lobster w/drawn butter.... Good one. ;)


Well-known member
Whack the other toe with a spare rear halfshaft...I hear it diverts some fo the pain over to the other foot. :)