Snorkel Experiment


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
Has anyone compared the amount of dust in their airfilter before and after? After 10 days of wheeling in CO last summer I pulled my filter to put a new one in for the ride back cross country and you could have grown carrots in the old one.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
i installed my snorkel just for the dust and sand of texas. after some trips i would have to vacume a half a cup of sand out of the air filter after the snorkle none has gotten in.
i noticed the temp change myself, i run a data logger on my odbII connection.
the cool air is a few extra horses (not enough to feel) but if cooler air didn't help intercoolers wouldn't be needed.
the throttle body heaters can't help on d2's, i was surprized i got the intake temp drop with the snorkel.