What is with Kerry...?


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
Mark, you are also right. The first Bush, or Clinton, should have taken care of it really. I'm talking about Bush II's timeline. Again, in this case, it's just my opinion based on what I remember was going on at that time... It's really hard for me to put my finger on what I am talking about here, just that things were happening, changing, and developing really fast during that time. Basically, it's just too bad the situation didn't allow for a more elastic timeline for when the first bombs dropped.

Again, let me make clear: I think that on the whole we waited too long, that the WMD's were there, but were hidden or given to Syria, Russia, back to France, or Iran - easily could have been done in the 12 years between wars. Easily could have been set up to happen quickly, so that whenever the U.S. started threatening to come back Saddam could have simply given the word and the protocol for the WMD's to "dissapear" would be carried out - out of the country!


Apr 19, 2004
Wandering aimlessly
KEJ said:
It's not the same as in the World Wars when our citizens felt the IMMINENT threat and signed up in droves.

I FEEL AN IMMINENT THREAT. i was in NYC on the 10th but went home to jersey cuz the yankees game got rained out. I would have been there that day if the game went on. I was there the night of the 11th to pick up my sister who had to evacuater her building becasue of a bomb threat. I offered MY services to them. I honestl belive that if Kerry is eleceted, there will be more attacks cuz hes too much of a fuckin pussy to actually go after whos involved.


"Wow, now I can honestly say that I think I know exactly how Powell felt when he was talking to the UN"

EXACTLY !!!! And when he finally throws his arms in the air and then says fuck it and something down the road happens they will blame him for it somehow.. Thats the politics that KAren and the Kerry boys like. Its always someone elses fault and it should have always been done in some other fashion....

The Iraqi locals are just that. Doesnt matter how many bodies we put on the streets there. The more on the street the more will end up in bags. You increase one ratio you automatically increase the other. It wont be fast , how many hundreds of years of madness is being turned back ? You think you can possibly turn that back quickly ? And no , its not any different then any other war thats been faught. There are always too few men and too much ground to cover... God damn it gets tired always hearing how "This is different". As far as the timeline , it should have been done back when they took the first pot shots at our planes and personel. Why do you want to ignore that part Karen (And others) ? Fuck the WMD anf Fuck the Bin Laden boys put all that aside and Iraq still needed dealing with long before it actually happened. As you recall the powers that be had to throttle back on thier plan for Iraq because of your beloved Media and political bullshit. Ask yourself , if we really really wanted the conflict over in both arenas and were willing to take the gloves off completely, could we make that happen with a quickness ? Then ask yourself how difficult and mired down it becomes when your primary goal shifts from doing just that to pleasing every whiny bastard on the planet. I wonder what half of these people would say if someone plopped them down in front of the prez and his people for a discussion of how things are handled. I would imagine shit would change real fast. Faster then Kerry's flip flopping... "OH , UM , eh , uh , what I meant to say was , fine job !!!!


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2004
Down by the big rock
3/4 of a million were eliminated during the clinotn administration as well as manyother thinkgs essential to kicking ass.

Absolutely. When I attempted to re-enlist in the Marine Corps, I was told, "Sorry, everyone is downsizing. Thank the CiC.." Couldn't believe it.


Here's another pic for you:

:D :D :D


  • Kerry Fans.jpg
    Kerry Fans.jpg
    10.4 KB · Views: 67


Interesting how I put up long, what I believe to be substantive posts, and most of the issues I bring up are dismissed with sweeping statements about how I think, etc. Well, it's not anything more or less than I expected.

LostinBoston, you don't get to corner the market on feeling threatened on and after 9/11. Our family lost life-long friends at the Pentagon that godforsaken day. I live between D.C. and a nuclear (please, not "new-q-lar") power plant, on a pennisula, which means one road in and the same road out. We always know when there's going to be a ramp-up in military activity because the flight patterns come right over our farm. Think that might keep a person on edge? My point is, go after the people who DID this, not the toothless dog we'd had quarantined for years in his own country. Yes, Saddam was a bad guy, yes at some point he could have been further dealt-with, no it didn't need to happen while we were fighting the war in Afghanistan and beefing up "homeland security". We may not ever have had to wage war with Saddam had we continued what we started, done it right and finished the job before moving on.

Does anyone pay attention to any other bad guys in the world who are inflicting similar atrocities against their own populace? No, few do, because our president keeps us too absorbed with Saddam and Iraq. Will we go after all the bad guys in the world? Never happen, so don't tell me this was all because Saddam was the worst. You can't even say we went after him because he was the worst threat to us, because he wasn't. If that was true we'd be all safe and happy now that we've caught him. Better get your iron shorts on though, because this religious zealot president of ours is spoiling for war with Korea and Iran next, in no particular order. There's a REASON some on his own staff want to get the word out about his relying on prayer in decision-making. WAKE-UP, PEOPLE!

Mark Preston, since this war started you've posted link after link to articles on mostly the same web sites. You seem to have moved on a bit from freerepublic, so I give you credit for looking around a little more. You wonder where I get my information, so I'll list a few of my regular sources. TV: I watch all three "major network" news programs. I watch a LOT of Fox "News", because I want to see what they're saying and understand where so many get their "facts". I also watch a lot of C-Span, flip through CNN, CNBC (and their affiliates that are oriented toward presenting the views of the rest of the world), the BBC, PBS, Free Speech TV ("Democracy Now" is very enlightening), LINK TV (very different world-view), etc. I listen to a lot of radio as well, favoring C-Span and NPR (incluing many programs from abroad), BBC Radio, but I listen to O'Reilly as well. Online I read Yahoo news, the AP, etc. My hard-copy newspaper is The Washington Post, and I subscribe to two local newspapers. And as everyone with an internet connection, I read the odd links sent my way, laugh at the jokes, cringe at the tragic.

I also know many people in the military and who work for numerous government agencies. I ask them their experiences as they are in the trenches. I hear a lot of steam on this forum, but I don't hear too much coming from too many that's of any real-world experience, current and past military personell excepted. This, like many places on the internet, is cluttered with a lot of half-drunken, jingoistic, provincial heat. How many of you have ever lived abroad, how many of you travel abroad?

That enough sources for you, Mark? Enough non-"lame steam" for you? I'd be willing to bet some of those sources you've never heard of, but that's O.k. My point is you make some assumptions about me, and you know nothing about me. I'm probably guilty of doing the same about you, and that's why these discussions tend to get so heated.

Paul, take your hand, place it behind your ass, and give yourself a swat from me ;) .

So, now everyone knows how I feel and some of the places I get my news. Like everyone else I have to sift through and see what seems to make the best sense of a lot of data, some accurate, some not. Now, I'm going outside to sling REAL shit, and make my little world a bit tidier. Five more days and we can get back to arguing about bumpers....


Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
And some more.. Probably old news to most..


A little related..


I happen to like this one about the UN


This one kind of makes me mad cause Kerry and his senate pals put a 90 day gag order on the NRA taking away their 1st amend rights to free speech but, it's Ok for the gun banners to fund and run their anti-Bush ads on TV..


And this just scares me...


Ya, I read the times and watch a lot of the same news channels as KEJ posted. I can't really read to much of the Washington Post or FOX 5 news cause they are just to liberal for me.

Some more lite reading..


Have a nice day folks.. KEJ, since you must have sat or cable you should watch the US Senate and House coverage as well ( when they are back in session ).. I have been watching it for at least 2 years now and it really is an eye opener when they all start bickering with each other. I have actually learned quite a bit about Kerry from that. Wonder how many votes he's missed over the last 12 or so months while he's been out "campaining".


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2004
Longview, WA
Regarding personnell and the military, the word I've heard from people in Iraq and Afghanistan is that they are very short on people and very long on equipment.

I have two fraternity brothers who went through ROTC and are infantry officers in Iraq (one was just transferred to Afghanistan). I've been forwarded a couple of their e-mails and their thoughts on equipment and troops are identical, I'm paraphrasing of course, but they basically say:
"I've got more shit than I know what to do with, but about 30% fewer men than necessary to effectively do the job."

They go on and on about all the weapons at their disposal and all the gear and equipment how they have three different pair of Oakley sun/safety galsses depending on the light, time of day, they can get their hands on just about anything they request but they'd trade it all for a few more dudes carrying guns.

I'm not going to politicize my statement, just thought I'd throw out that perspective from people who really are there. FYI - this is not some regurgitated bullshit I got in a chain mail, I wouldn't waste my time or Dweb's time.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
KEJ said:
Nothing like scattering your forces and making sure nothing get accomplished, eh?

LOL, thanks for opening your post with that line so that I knew I didn't have to waste time by reading the rest of it.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
North Florida
Eric N. said:
And some more.. Probably old news to most..


A little related..


I happen to like this one about the UN


This one kind of makes me mad cause Kerry
....blah blah...

You should have just started out with, "Sean Hannity says:" and then we could have just skipped this whole mindless diatribe.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2004
Down by the big rock
I may be a Bush Supporter......but Damn I can't stand Hannity or Limbaugh or any other of those windbags. Sometime I think about emailing them the STFU picture :D


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Here's one that is sure to raise some hackles:

Mansoor Ijaz reporting that what the terrorists are trying to do with their threat reported by ABC is equal to what the NY Times did to disrupt the election with the explosives missing.

Matt Taylor

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
New Orleans
Karen -

Of course I realize that I could never persuade you or change the thought patterns that you've spent a lifetime accumulating (just as you most likely won't be able to change mine), but I'm dying to get an answer to my question on the Johnny Republican thread, which is this:

How do you fight a stateless enemy? Do you sincerely believe that our actions to protect ourselves after 9/11 should have been limited to Al Qaida and Al-Qaida only?

Isn't that like swatting mosquitos but not eliminating the stagnant pool of water in your backyard that breeds them?

Do you not believe the thought that establishing democracy in that region will change it for the better? Or do you simply think that it is a valuable endeavor but that the price is too high?

This is a critical issue I can't get past with the anti bush people, and I'd love to hear some sound logic explaining the position.


p m said:
it is peninsula, Karen :)

(just couldn't resist)

Quite right, Peter, LOL! That was a cross between a Freudian slip and a typo, I think. Must be all the testosterone in the room ;)

Last edited:


Blue said:
LOL, thanks for opening your post with that line so that I knew I didn't have to waste time by reading the rest of it.

Aw, get back in yer box, Blue......



Matt, I really can't make myself any more clear. Take things in a logical order, get the job done, move on to the next logical, EFFECTIVE step.

As for democracy making things "better" in other countries, that's an interesting topic. What if the population votes in a duly-elected Taliban-type government? Is that going to be O.K. with us? I'm all for democracy, but if we help set up democracies, assuming these countries want it, when do we finally butt out? Hell, we have our own election problems, we are dancing on thin ice on the fairness issue.