Here you go, Johnny Republican!


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
syoung said:
the reason Texas has the high teen prego rates is because of young illegal immigrants crossing the border for sole sole purpose of plopping out a kid- which by brithright will then be a US citizen. that makes up for an astounding number of the teen pregos-

HMMM really, I recently saw a programme on television ( a british journalist) looking into this subject.
The reason for this is the strict religuos (catholic) stance, that preaches no sex before marriage, condoms are evil, bla,bla....

They also interviewed healthworkers who are overworked and dissiluosioned because the problem is getting worse.

The journalist also interviewed teenagers. They knew the worst thing that could happen to them was to get pregnant.
So what do you think they do, stay pure?????
OOOOHHH NO my friend they engage in all sorts of activities that are best left to more adult sites, although they try not to have vaginal sex as this would then be considered that they are no longer pure....
However the "church" in its great wisdom can forgive this and they are allowed to take an allegiance of purity again (as long as they werent pregnant)
Also Texas has one of the highest rates of STD`s amongst teenagers.

But as I suppose you consider such journalism (criticle) to be liberal drivel, then it cant be true, so it must be all these illegal immigrants (of which none were interviewed, although the healthworkers knew about it, their opinion was this was a minimal problem) because that is much easier to believe than good healthy american kids engaging in these activities.....

According to these church leaders, condoms arent reliable, because the porous latex can allow sperm through... WHAT????

Head, Sand, sticking, in.....

:eek: :eek:


Apr 19, 2004
Wandering aimlessly
QCNR said:
Also if you think that the allies were hollier than thou during WWII think again, as the allies and russians combined commited just as many atrocities as the Germans, its just that "we" won so that isnt talked about.......

so now your comparing the US to hitler??? so now i realize that your just a fucking retard and you have lost any shred of crediblitly you may have had. Russia killed millions of people, yes thats true, their own people and thats horrible. I dont recall the US or britian invadign a neighboring country and killing millions of people becasue of their religion. But it doenst matter cuz i am no longer going to discuss this with someone as fucked up in the head as you apparently are. You probably have also not heard first hand accounts of concentrations camps from family memebers have you? so yo have no fucking idea what the fuck was happening, so fuck you and shut the fuck up.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
Since when did I mention hitler????
How many cocentration camps have you visited?????
I have visited the one in Mauthausen which is one of the worst, as it was designed to take over from Auschwitz.
I also didnt mention anything about religion in my post, however if you want to draw conclusions at a tangent then that is your perogativ.

What I was trying to say but you obviously couldnt grasp was:

The allied forces (including Russia) commited as many attrocities against the germans (including the civilian poulation) in numbers as the germans commited. However as the allies and russians won the war we only write the "good" bits in our history books.

As to the reasons why these attrocities were commited I make no comment, I am simply referring to numbers.

Tom in MD

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Sarasota, USA
Pardon this interruption...

I'm a Republican. Now, I can't say that I agree with the entire platform, but I will vote for Bush.

What makes me laugh is reading the passionate posts of a bunch of people who love DISCOs !

I just think it's funny that we love these trucks, that the uninformed masses claim are junk, that all the media claim are junk, our wallets even have nightmares about our trucks, yet we still LOVE THESE TRUCKS !

So, if we can ignore the rational arguments of so many and still love our trucks, what makes us think we can sway each other's political opinion? :D

Man, I love DWEB ! Non stop education and entertainment. Now, back to the posts ....

Oh. I forgot to add: I'm sorry to offend, but I ignore any political commentary from across the pond. You're either from the part of Europe who's ass we saved or the part who's ass we kicked. :D


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
curtis said:
Don't make stuff up to prove a point. I took sex ed in Texas and they still teach it today. This article:

discusses why they have changed the textbooks to include abstinence. The reason they are making this change is due to the high incident of pregnacies. The issue existed long before this change happened. This was simply a reaction to it.

I stand corrected....

However the documentary I saw made it out they were reporting on the whole of Texas... I cant remember the name of the town where they did the documentary though


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
LostInBoston said:
actually the US hasnt done any of this. The US doenst torture its own civilians. And dont even bring up the pictures, cuz tats a far cry from putting people in wood chippers or feeding them to lions etc. We also never used WMD's on our own people. we used them once in response to us being attacked and to end a world war. if hitler got them first, youd be speaking german right now. And dont just respond with some BS, at least try to back up any claims with a credible source. and liberal rags are not credible sources.

Have a read HERE


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Central VA
I'm a 'registered' Republican, but I actually agree with more of the Libertarian party's stances on various issues - more than the Republican party's stances. The Libertarian party will never get anyone into the oval office, as their views aren't 'politically correct', so the Republican's get my vote.

For anyone who want's to see some of the Libertarian party's 'ideas', look here . Good ideas (imho) about welfare, taxes, crime,etc.



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2004
QCNR said:
Have a read HERE

Atrocities have occurred on all sides in all wars. War, unfortunately, naturally brings out the worst in mankind. I've got a few German cousins who hated Americans (even their American relatives) for years after WWII. I've also got a few Brit relatives that loved the US for it's intervention.

However, I don't think that you'd be reading about Japanese and German atrocities if the other side had won WWII!

As bad as the fire bombings of Tokyo, Dresden, and the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, I think most would agree that they were necessary evils to end an even more evil war quickly.

Do you think that your wife's Norwegian relatives resent British and US (and yes, even Soviet) atrocities against the German's? I doubt it.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
GregH said:
Atrocities have occurred on all sides in all wars. War, unfortunately, naturally brings out the worst in mankind. I've got a few German cousins who hated Americans (even their American relatives) for years after WWII. I've also got a few Brit relatives that loved the US for it's intervention.

However, I don't think that you'd be reading about Japanese and German atrocities if the other side had won WWII!

As bad as the fire bombings of Tokyo, Dresden, and the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were, I think most would agree that they were necessary evils to end an even more evil war quickly.

Do you think that your wife's Norwegian relatives resent British and US (and yes, even Soviet) atrocities against the German's? I doubt it.

i thought someone would post a comment like this...Does that attitude justify the attrocities??? not in my opinion. Although you are correct and Norwegians generally are thankfull to the british, I have even helped with visits for Britis veterans to come back to Norway, and the Norwegians HAVE done the same for GERMAN veterans. (Blucher that was sunk in Oslo fjord)
Putting this logic to use in the present then the Iraqi insurgents are justified or why doesnt the US just napalm fallujah??????


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
Only one family could fly on sep 12th!

Send your kid to die for oil money and then tell me who to vote for.

False, no body but the military flew on the 12th. The Saudi's left only after the ban on flight was lifted. And it was one of Bush's worst enemies that let them go. If you put so much faith in Moore that you don't even check the facts on your own, then don't say anything - just sit and wait for the next good political commercial to sway your vote.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
And by the way, my brother is in iraq. I'm still voting Bush.

It's strange, as far as the media is concerned, Bush is really screwing up the whole military, and yet, they still vote for him.... hummmmm... maybe the media is pulling the wool over your eyes on that one too?

Like the time when an AP photographer was with my brother's 18 man platoon in Najaf during 15 days of direct contact with the terrorists. He submitted more than 50 photographs of the fighting there - the one that Time magazine decided to publish was the one of my brother on the ground while a sniper was putting bullets through the window from 800 meters away. It's truth, it really happened, an American soldier had to dodge a bullet. But you tell me, was their representation of the incident bias? If you want the other photos I can send them to you. Or maybe people who think they know what is really happening over there need to seek out their own sources in stead of just trusting what the media and what people like Moore say is happening - Moore is proud to say that he is actually trying to influence the election. Think about that for a second, he is trying to influence you in a very specific way, have you allowed him to be sucessful?

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
Fivespddisco- "Send your kid to die for oil money and then tell me who to vote for."

That's the kind of BULLSHIT that I'm sick of hearing.. FUCK YOU!!! I'm probably going to piss alot of people off when I say this but, Why did he join the millitary then???? If you didn't want him to go to war then why did you let him join up? Does your son feel that he is over there for no reason or because we want some oil? Bullshit... I bet he/she believes in what they are doing over there.. I see this crap on the TV all the time.. Oh, Bush, you bastard, you sent my little Johny off to war... Ya, bet no one was complaining when it was peace time and he was getting paid to learn some trades, some skills, maybe even get some cash to go to college. All the proud parents smiling as their kids come home in their dress uniforms.. Ya, but send them off to do their JOB, what they are trained to do, the whole reason that they are there in the first place and then those same parents start to complain. WTF!!! That's bullshit and you know it and I'm sure you're kid would say the same thing to you. Yes, I have friends that are there, friends that died over there, and they don't think that they are there for nothing. Makes me want to puke every time I hear shit like that.

Don't join if you don't want to fight. period!!!

I have a great deal of respect for anyone that takes a job that puts their life in danger and listening to crap like that really pisses me off..
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Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
sorry every body for that last post there but, I get really worked up when I hear comments like that.. I could understand taking that position and feeling that way if there was a draft and these people were forced to go. However, these great people signed up for this and when someone says things like that it just really gets under my skin.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
curtis said:
Don't make stuff up to prove a point. I took sex ed in Texas and they still teach it today. This article:

discusses why they have changed the textbooks to include abstinence. The reason they are making this change is due to the high incident of pregnacies. The issue existed long before this change happened. This was simply a reaction to it.

Something to read


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
The problem with the US military in Iraq is not that they are there, but they are not doing the job properly....
They are not winning the hearts and minds of the local population which IS what they need to do, to bring the situation there under control.
Why is it that they have a USMC unit in Iraq that is larger than the british forces combined, but are requesting the help of the british forces...
BBC reporter checks out both sides

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
fivespddisco- "When you cant leave after you served your time what do you call that??"

Is he/she up for retirement or just rotated back for a few months? Either way, yes they are going to keep them longer for the simple fact that they need trained people and there is just so many folks that they have to work with.

I understand that you are scared for your child and do not want to see anything happen to them.. I'm a parent myself. I just think that some things are better kept to yourself. You may not like it, I'm sure that you are losing sleep over it. But, being in the millitary is some thing that they wanted to do and I'm sure that they understood what they could be getting into. Do you think if he/she heard you make that comment it would make them feel good? How do you think that he/she would take that? Two of my friends that are serving their second rotation sure don't think that this is a waste of time. The parents of my friend that was killed are hurt but, they don't think there son died for nothing. These people are helping free a country from years and years of abuse.. That has to count for some thing no matter how it came about.

I'll say it agian though... They signed up for it whether you like it or not, they are doing their job a job that you should be proud of them for. I hope they come home safe and I also hope that he/she never reads your post or hears you talking like that... I find it very disgraceful and disrespectful.


I hate to agree with Greg, but he's right.

History is always and forever written by the conquerers--whether or not Germans, Americans, British, or Japanese committed more atrocities is simply irrelavent, historically speaking--who wins, writes, and that enters our canon of knowledge. Which is why history is a flawed pursuit. in that respect. Not inconsequential or non-essential, much to contrary, but flawed. Most historians, those I know anyway, would agree.

Why should we lend any more credence to German historians who claim Americans committed atrocities in the manner American historians submit Germans committed them? It's like medieval monks, sitting in their chapels blessed not with the true experience of their Age, but with the ability to WRITE.

It's the mission of the archeologist to debunk history with science. :cool: Anyone ever hear of Little Big Horn? Boy, I'd LOVE to get into that argument...


Eric N. said:
I'll say it agian though... They signed up for it whether you like it or not, they are doing their job a job that you should be proud of them for. I hope they come home safe and I also hope that he/she never reads your post or hears you talking like that... I find it very disgraceful and disrespectful.

To a certain degree, I can agree with this.

The left so often construes soldiers as instruments of injustice and destruction on an individual level.

I very much believe in the Emersonian vision of the Soldier--the virtue, ENLIGHTENMENT (if you will!) bestowed on each by willingly facing death, regardless of creed or conflict. I'll never, ever question the conviction of a soldier, of ANY army.. friend or foe or murderer or liberator.. because of this. The historical tradition of what it means to be a professional (not ancient Egyptian conscription, or Roman bribery, or Swiss mercenaries, or Mongol raiders..there is a very clear distinction) soldier is one of the few TRUE things left in the waning congruity of common human interest.

Saving Private Ryan, that Spielberg film I'm sure all of you are familiar with, while mired in hackneyed jingoistic histrionics, is one of the few artistic representations of the Soldier that in my mind does true justice to the concept of "placing your life on the Altar of Freedom".

Atrocity, lapse of judgement, insanity, rage, it all comes with the proverbial territory. It is never justified, and I would never condone it, but crimes against humanity are the price WE, the civilians, pay for their omnipresent heroism, the price we pay so that we can sleep at night without confronting abject horror in our daily life like they must . It is often steep, and sometimes unfathomable, but it is, because it MUST be. This notion of sacrifice is older than time itself. Many Aztecs and Mayans willingly went to the sacrificial altar, eager to give themselves for the Beauty of the their world. We've digressed into a self-serving society, Me First, Fuck You Buddy, and so this notion has lost most of its meaning. However war forces us to remember and recognize our own historical trajectory. It comes in horrendous bursts. Oh. Well.

As for the U.S., the young men and women and Iraq cannot EVER be blamed for the foolishness of their leader. They would just as readily have gone into Rwanda and thwarted one of the greatest unspoken tragedies of our time with as much ebullience and fervor as Michael Moore crassly derides. If called upon they would crash through the Colombian jungles, losing life and limb, to dismantle FARC. If Bush told them to, they would die trying to defend the Quechua Indians in the Andes from murdering, greedy "communist" paramilitary groups. In any situation, for better or for worse, soldiers give their lives for what OTHER people think is right. Good. Bad. Left wing progress or Right wing imperialism, it doesn't matter. For this reason ALONE, every U.S. soldier in Iraq that dies is a hero. Every Wehrmacht soldier in Nazi Europe that perished is a hero. Every one of Napoleon's soldiers a hero. Bigoted Confederates, abolitionist Yankees. Native American murdering Cavalry, Navajo warriors (lenience is given when referring to indigenous soldiers, who were without the political infrastructed associated with the term "professional", but it remains the same). Whatever the theatre in which professional soldiers gave their lives, they rest with my profound regard and respect.

So, if you are an American citizen, as far as that goes:

How DARE you mock a family that sends a son or daughter to fight. He or she is a Soldier, and for that reason alone they will forever deserve reverence, much more than you or I. Don't EVER project what is probably your own misguided political idealism on THEIR sacrifice. One who does deserves a fate worse than the death that confronts those they mock.

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