Here you go, Johnny Republican!


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
When my brother was in Najaf, the locals would invite them into their houses for ice cream and home cooked meals. They would give the U.S. Army "thumbs-up" when the RPG's started flying, as they dove into their homes. The mayor of Najaf asked the U.S. to destroy the mosque, he asked them to FREE the city from the terrorists. A Marine platoon was handing water and candy to the kids in Najaf, terrorists came out of an alley and opened fire on the kids. When the Marines returned fire the fled. When they went in to help the kids who were wounded another group of terrorists came out from the other side of the street and killed two of the Marines - the whole thing was planned.

yes, innocents are killed - it is a war.

If we are in there for oil, why aren't we taking any? why are our prices so high still? wouldn't the prices be going down BEFORE the election so Bush could argue against Kerry when he blames Bush for the high prices?

We didn't finish the job in Afghanistan, because we aren't finnished with the job in Afghanistan - More troops were stationed in Afghanistan after the invasion of Iraq than before.

Bush can't work from the Pentagon - he's the president, it would be illegal. I have NEVER known ANY president to actually go on vacation - even while golfing they are on the job, it's like being at work but posting on DiscoWeb.

He's trying to do what his daddy could not because his daddy didn't. I would hope that any president in office would try to complete the job that other presidents were not able to do.

Did we feel like invading France on D-day? Did we feel like liberating France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Kuwait, S. Korea, etc.... no, but we did it because we knew it had to be done.

Stop following a person who thinks 20/20 hindsight is leadership.

It's interesting how Kerry already has an ad up and running in response to a story out of Iraq that wasn't supposed to run for another 5 days from now... No, Kerry isn't working with the media.

I like how a story that is over 18 months old is being re-run on the week before the election, with a twist so that it looks like it is actually Bush's fault that the explosives are missing. 380-450 tons of explosives don't just dissapear - Saddam had to make sure the right people got them. I wonder if they went to the same place the WMD's went??

I certainly hope the president doesn't make decisions based on how he/she feels.


RBBailey said:
I certainly hope the president doesn't make decisions based on how he/she feels.

Uh, I think that's EXACTLY what our current president does, Ben. Right after he prays about his feelings.



Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
Soooo, your saying that Bush just felt like going to war? Then why is he running for president? He should be defending himself against impeachment - there is no way a the entire administration would keep silent on Bush deciding that on feelings.


RBBailey said:
Soooo, your saying that Bush just felt like going to war? Then why is he running for president? He should be defending himself against impeachment - there is no way a the entire administration would keep silent on Bush deciding that on feelings.

I'm saying that Bush had feelings that nicely dove-tailed with other administration official's monetary objectives. Not everyone would have to agree. Some, sadly, like Colin Powell, IMO, found themselves stuck in quicksand. Did he remotely look like he believed what he was telling the UN???? If Bush gets re-elected, watch how fast his staff changes.


Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
Some thing to think about for the people that think this is about oil.. If this was about oil we wouldn't need to go to war for it.. The drills would already be going in ANWR and that Senate bitch from Cali would be told to sit down and shut up... We have oil at home.. We wouldn't be going to war for it. The reason that the oil fields where protected this time is becuase of what that jackass did last time we were in there. Causing one of, if not the biggest oil slick in history. That oil is what is going to help the Iraq's recover so it's important to keep it safe for their good not ours.

KEJ, Powell looked that way when he was talking to the UN because he already knew that he was wasting his time. The lack of action by the UN for years and then still wanting to put their heads in the sand made it pointless for him to even talk to them. I'm glad though that people are saying that they are voting for Kerry.. That way if he wins and once he starts screwing up this country I know who to blame for it.


Eric N. said:
KEJ, I'm glad though that people are saying that they are voting for Kerry.. That way if he wins and once he starts screwing up this country I know who to blame for it.

Eric, that's exactly the way I feel about our current president. Easy to see how we got where we are right now.



Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
If Bush felt like going to war, it would have happened before Sept. 11th.

No one can deny that 9/11 provided an open door for finishing the job in Iraq. But you cannot disagree that it needed to be done - WMD's or no - Saddam was practically begging us to try it! Shooting at our planes nearly every day - in spite of the agreement he made with us about the no-fly zone. Claiming to have WMD's, claiming not to have them, claiming that he will use them, claiming that he will certianly use them when we attack, claiming that he does not have them; yet he does have the missles to carry them, he does have the remote aircraft to carry them, he does have the MiG 27's already set up to carry nerve gas.... why would he do all that? Because he had them, and just like the explosives that are finally being reported missing, the question is not whether he had them, but where did they go? Find me one person in the know who said Saddam did not have WMD's. Just one. Kerry said he did. The UN said he did. Clarke, Ritter, Ramsey Usef, Anan, Jordan, Egypt, Israel, The UK, CIA, FBI, NSA, Clinton, Gore, the entire U.S. Army and Marine combined forces that went into Iraq, they all said he had them. I really don't think a guy who stumbles through life based on feelings and support from daddy could brainwash all these people.

It seems like you are blaming Bush for having an opinion.

Don't confuse faith with feeling
And don't confuse conviction (even if it is proved wrong in the future) with political expediency.

Also, get real, comparitively speaking, we are not in a "mess" right now. Just look at the nightly news in the '60's, or get a perspective on the devistation of WWII - we tend to think so positively about WWII that we forget the MILLIONS that died and were murdered, and the fighting that was happening in all parts of the globe. Read a biography of Abe Lincoln and ask yourself where would we be without a little politically incorrect conviction.

Finally, go to and download the official reports - read for yourself what the media leaves out. In most cases, they make things look 180 degrees out of phase with reality.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
And by the way, if anyone wants to argue about "not doing enough in Afghanistan" Now that it is out in the 9/11 report - The Rangers, Seals and "Delta" were activated, and in one case, actually getting on the plane to go get Usama 3 times when the order came directly from the White House to stand down. 3 different times. This, after 1.5 years of training to go into caves with the assumption that a nuclear device would be used in retaliation - they were ready to go in spite of the obvious connotations that it would be suicide - that's how dangerous the threat was before 9/11!

Oh, which White House? Clinton/Gore. The finger was itchin' on the trigger, but we were worried that Usama wouldn't be represented well in court!

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
Ya, funny KEJ... Where we are right now.. Where exactly is that? Have you lost your job? Has Bush taken away your horses? Did you not get more money back on your taxes? I'm wondering why exactly do you not like where the US is going.. Is it becuase we had to send people off to fight or is there another reason? You worried about the national debt? We all know that no matter who is in charge that will never go away..

I think most of the issues (job, economy, and such) were caused by Clinton and we didn't feel the effects of it till after he was gone. I know I didn't get laid off from my job becuase of anything that Bush or Clinton did/or didn't do nor did the other hundred thousand plus in this area..

You can blame me though if it makes you sleep better at night.. I voted for Bush last time and I'll be voting for him again..

Matt Taylor

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
New Orleans
I've tried to stay out of this as much as I could, but I can't figure out something about the anti bush people and maybe some of you can explain it to me. Specifically, this is addressed to those that think their is no reason to go into Iraq, that Iraq had nothing to do with Al Qaida, etc.

How do you fight a stateless enemy? How does a nation protect itself from from individuals looking to harm them?

After 9/11, this was the question our leaders were faced with.

I don't agree with everything President Bush has done, but the man has testicular fortitude and belief in his convictions. He saw that we were attacked by radical muslems, and that the enemy we had to fear most was not a regime that could be toppled by our military's might. It was a group of people that wanted to harm us mostly because of our unyielding support of Israel.

So how do you protect yourself from this enemy? President Bush's belief is that you establish freedom in the region, and I totally agree with him as freedom has proven itself to be a cure for civil unrest the world over.

Then the question is, where do you start to establish freedom in the region?

The answer was Iraq for many reasons. Here are some:

1)You could justify it by Saddam's numerous violations of U. N. sanctions

2)We already had a war plan for Iraq

3)All available and trusted intelligence (not just U.S. intelligence) indicated that he had WMDs

4)The country has rich natural resources that can stimulate a new econmy

It strikes me as a horrible contradiction that the enemies of President Bush constantly harp on the fact that they think he's stupid, yet they have him hatching a complicated plan to decieve the world in an effort to steal oil and to get Halliburton rich.

This is the first time in history that our nation has been forced to use our military to preemptively protect our citizens. Of course there's going to be a backlash, but I can't figure out how, after we were attacked, people do not want to take all steps necessary to protect us.

It's not enough to chase down the actual people who plotted the attack. To ensure that we are not attacked again, we have to eradicate the environment that breeds terrorist.

Establishing democracy in the region will eventually do this if given time.

The challenge most great men face is the quagmire that those who are not great create to impede greatness. Don't you think President Bush knew that he was risking his political life by going to war? Say what you want to about him, but anyone who becomes president of the united states is a very skilled politician -- you don't get elected to that office if you're not. He knew that going to war is risky propostion for any president, but he did it anyway. High risk, high yield. If he is reelected and is successful, he will have accomplished something that changes the world dramatically for the better.

Nobody has wanted to touch that region for years, though they knew it was going to be a problem one day. Clinton did everything he could to keep his hands off.

It's sad that President Bush's main challenge is not a foreign enemy but a domestic one who stands to benefit most from his actions (which is exactly what Saddam predicted, by the way. He thought that if he could hold out long enough, the american public would tire of the effort and the infighting would defeat us and he wouldn't have to. If he'd have come out of that rat hole on his own two years from now, we'd have been in trouble).

What's even more upseting is that John Kerry, who sold out everybody in the military he used to build a resume, who can't finish a sentence without a contradiction, who marries rich women and hasn't held a real job in twenty years, who speaks of socialized medicine like it's a panacea, who's an enemy of rugged individualism and free markets, is still contending in this election.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Reality check time - it's not about oil. It hasn't been for centuries. It is a clash of civilizations, Western which is growing and thriving while Arabia is rotting from within. The Iraq war is all about changing the dynamics of a very sick part of the world. Unless this part of the world changes we can look forward to constant war and terrorism. Try and think of this in macro terms - geopolitcal. It is Arabia and Muslims who suffer from centuries old Wahabism. Exporting terrorism requires state sponsorship. Iraq is right between Syria and Iran. Afghanistan is on the other side of Iran. Iran will be surrounded by non-radicalized states. So will Syria. Change will happen, either from within or forced.

Lybia is singing a different tune since the Iraq war. Without this change the nuclear blackmarket would still be in place. Also remember the disk on San Diego school system was found in an abandoned room in Iraq. We would not have known of this until it was too late. There's a time for peace and a time for war. Now is not the time to elect Kerry as President. He is stuck in the past, has little understanding of what is happening and has no vision of the future. He'll say anything to get elected - the perfect opponent of our enemies who are waging asymmetrical warefare with psychology and public opinion as a weapon.

A little history:
Gregory Smith offers this Churchill comment on that great religion we are not fighting against, from The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248 50 (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899).

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property?either as a child, a wife, or a concubine?must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science?the science against which it had vainly struggled?the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."


Eric N. said:
Ya, funny KEJ... Where we are right now.. Where exactly is that? Have you lost your job? Has Bush taken away your horses? Did you not get more money back on your taxes? I'm wondering why exactly do you not like where the US is going.. Is it becuase we had to send people off to fight or is there another reason? You worried about the national debt? We all know that no matter who is in charge that will never go away..

Eric, you know that I'm a business owner and that I will get fired from my job if I don't DO a good job. I make sure I do more than expected, so I continue to do fine, regardless of who's in power. My husband, who also owns his own business, and I pay plenty of taxes and take very little OUT in services. We have no kids, and we own a farm, which by its very nature is a low-service kind of property. In fact, farms contribute far MORE to the tax base than they take out in services, I've read dozens of studies that prove that. Residential housing takes anywhere from $1.25 and $1.85 in cost of services for every dollar generated in taxes. So, we are the quadruple goodie-givers; two businesses generating taxes and pumping revenue into the local economy, no kids utilizing services, and a farm which requires fewer services than residential housing requires.

Having said all that, I don't mind paying taxes to help educate the children, it's to everyone's benefit. I don't mind paying taxes to get the benefits my community has to offer, like decents roads, etc. I DO object to paying taxes that are used for wars I object to. I DO object to a federal government that cuts taxes and then wildly RAISES costs. I DO object to federal mandates, like "No child left behind" that are unfunded and then come out of our local ass. Do you realize that the war(s) are not even calculated into our debt? Nope, not even counted! Could you go to your bank and tell the loan officer not to calculate your open-ended VISA account into your debt ratio? That you'd prefer a blank check, thank you, and somewhere down the line the debt might be repaid, but you have no clue how or when? No, I didn't think so.

Do you realize the Dept. of Homeland Security is the second-largest federal entity, second only to the Pentagon? Do you know anyone who works there? I do, and they all say it's totally screwed up and accomplishing little or nothing. The people I know that work there are disgusted and completely disillusioned. These are good people, people who were dedicated. But, they are swimming in a morass of ineptitude. I know something about government service, too, having been a federal government employee in a previous life.

It might shock you to know not everyone gauges the tenor of the times against how well they are doing personally. Having no kids it might be easier for me to not give a shit about YOUR daughter's future, but I do care. I want her to have a clean environment, a good education, a happy and healthy life. A $300.00 tax cut does not whore me into loving the man who "gave" it to me. People are too easily bought, too quick to only concern themselves with their address. Yeah, I might take the hard way too often, trying to do things for the good of myself AND others, when doing for myself alone would be easier and cheaper. But, I continue to knock my head against the collective wall because I think it's the right thing to do. I'd like it to be a little easier for your kid, Eric, and everyone else's kid out there. So, a more responsible spending plan spending MY money is important to YOUR kid's future. Smaller debt is better, I know you know that.

And while we're at it I'll just put out this fire with gasoline and say I'm all for smarter, too, and smarter is not what we have in the current president. I truthfully think part of this president's popularity is based on the fact that some people relate to him. I don't need to relate to my president, I don't want to think of having a beer and sharing some yucks with him. I don't WANT him to be my peer, I want him to be SMARTER. I want him to be MORE learned, MORE able to govern than me. I don't have to BE the doctor, I just have to CHOOSE the right doctor.

Finally, I don't appreciate being yanked around emotionally constantly by our leaders. This adminstration trades in and tries to control through the use of fear. They are so fucking conflicted they don't even know what the other hand is doing. "The terrorists are everywhere, the sky is falling", followed by, "Fly on airplanes, live your lives, spend money, have a picnic". For Christ's sake, talk about FLIP-FLOPPING! Choose a position and stick to it.

And let's not forget we have squandered the good will our national tragedy of 9/11 elicited in the world. No, we don't need to ask the world's permission to defend ourselves, but the rest of the world wasn't much fooled by this war with Iraq. We have to live in this world, and be a PART of it, and crying wolf gets the little boy eaten in the end of the fable because no one believes him anymore. Had we gone forth in a logical progression, we'd have the support of many more allies than we do. Instead we have lost the respect of much of the world and nicely enflamed the enemy. Bin Laden doesn't have to do much more to us, we're busy shooting ourselves in the foot and giving more crazies reason to be suicide bombers and all the rest.

There you go, just a few reasons I'm not happy with the Bush administration. And now, I have a prediction: If the moon reappears in the heavens tonight, Kerry will win on November 2. Have a look up and in a week we'll see if I was right.


Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
You know KJ.... I was going to start in on some long probably mean post so I'll just let it go. Good luck to you in your little world..

I'll just leave you with one question that has to do with the "No kid left behind" : How much money does it take to teach a child that doesn't want to learn? How much money does it take to get the childs parents involved to make the child want to learn? How much?

It's not money that's needed.... It starts at home and unfortunatly most parents expect other people to educate, raise, and take responsibility for their kids.. I see it every day.. As you can see by my lack of spelling skills and poor grammer I didn't take advantage of what was offered to me from the public school system either. They don't need more money to make smarter kids.. They need the kids to want to be smarter kids.

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
One last thing KJ.. I asked you the question about where the US is going and I appreciate (sp) your answers as to how you felt about it. I don't agree with them and as I said above I'm just going to leave it alone.. However....

You don't need to worry about my daughter. She already has someone doing that. Me.


Eric N. said:
You know KJ.... I was going to start in on some long probably mean post so I'll just let it go. Good luck to you in your little world..

KJ replies:

Eric, sorry you read my post and felt you might get "mean" in responding. I don't feel like getting mean with you. We ARE in the end, in this together, you know.

Then Eric said (sorry, I screwed up use of the "quote" feature, so this is awkward):

I'll just leave you with one question that has to do with the "No kid left behind" : How much money does it take to teach a child that doesn't want to learn? How much money does it take to get the childs parents involved to make the child want to learn? How much?

KJ replies:

I don't know how much it costs, but I'm doing my part by shelling out. That's about all I can do about the school system, and then I do my best in the teaching capacity I have. You might be surprised at the influence I have with my students. We ALL play a part in educating the younger generation. You know what HILLARY says, "It takes a village" ;)

Eric said:

It's not money that's needed.... It starts at home and unfortunatly most parents expect other people to educate, raise, and take responsibility for their kids.. I see it every day.. As you can see by my lack of spelling skills and poor grammer I didn't take advantage of what was offered to me from the public school system either. They don't need more money to make smarter kids.. They need the kids to want to be smarter kids.

KJ replies:

You get no argument from me on that score, so raise that l'il redhead right :)