Kerry is on yoru side


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2004
Lowgap, NC
I think that NRA article says a lot about Kerry.

I think the Kerry Voters really need to do some research on who you are voting on. After Vietnam, Kerry had several meetings with with the communist north, and supported them in their efforts. In one of the National Museums in North Veitnam, there are several pictures of their leaders and Kerry together. That's pretty scary in my book.

The thing I hate the most are libral celebrities and MTV. Most of them are flakes who use there popularity to wrongfully influence voters. You are an absolute idiot if you think it's right to vote for Kerry because "The Boss" says so.

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
No Sus, he is against way more then just assault rifles.. The thing that I reall think is funny is that Kerry goes around on these pretend hunting trips.. It's nothing more then a photo op.. The guy is trying to fool people into voting for him.. The only thing that he is hunting for is votes. He's counting on people not checking his record..

Hmm, says he got a goose but, too tired to carry it.. No one saw him shoot it either.. I call bull shit. Kerry is a liar and his record as a Sen proves it.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2004
Atlanta, GA
I believe it was Ho Chi Minh who had a copy of the Declaration of Independence on his wall, and often quoted it. Does this make the Declaration of Independence suspect? Guilt by association isn't always wise unless one has all the facts.

In any case, the thought of voting for Bush or Kerry makes me want to vomit. That, combined with Georgia's wonderful new electronic voting machines (that have no audit trail so a recount is impossible) makes the coming election very depressing for me.

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
ya, I agree with that.. Not having a paper trail is real bullshit.. It'll be like FL last election all over again only 100 times worse.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2004
Lowgap, NC

I was talking about stuff that would be promoted on MTV. On Hannity, It is nice to see some Conservitive media. Fox is the only one with the Balls to do it. The rest are to afraid to offend the liberals.

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
It's sad but, I do have to say that this election is already hosed up... there's going to be the biggest bunch of law suits after the election for whichever side loses to try and win after the votes are counted. I have seen too many news shows where they show people sitting next to boxes of voter registration forms saying that they just can't get to all of them and they are just going to let the people vote without checking... So I guess I'll go vote in 6 different states under about 100 assumed names in each state since they aren't checking. People have had 4 years to fill out their forms... If they waited till the last minute to fill them out that's their problem.. They shouldn't get a vote.


"we certainly don't need any of those...(assault weapons)... around, do we?"

WTF is an assualt rifle? Oh yeah- good thing they banned bayonet lugs, those bayonettings were WAY outta hand. The ban died already and nothing has changed.
Kerry the sportsman with his $7500 shotgun. Yeah, we can all relate to that I'm sure. His shotgun is worth more than my Disco. W drives a 6 year old F150 worth less than Kerry's shotgun.
Between the two, which one could replace a water pump on a truck? That's the criteria I use. :D


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Eric N. said:
It's sad but, I do have to say that this election is already hosed up... there's going to be the biggest bunch of law suits after the election for whichever side loses to try and win after the votes are counted. I have seen too many news shows where they show people sitting next to boxes of voter registration forms saying that they just can't get to all of them and they are just going to let the people vote without checking... So I guess I'll go vote in 6 different states under about 100 assumed names in each state since they aren't checking. People have had 4 years to fill out their forms... If they waited till the last minute to fill them out that's their problem.. They shouldn't get a vote.'s just like people scrambling to get their taxes done. Plan ahead, idiots. If you can't handle it, then you don't deserve to vote.

Regarding the post-election lawsuits, you are also correct....check this out:

Six so-called "SWAT teams" of lawyers and political operatives will be situated around the country with fueled-up jets awaiting Kerry's orders to speed to a battleground state. The teams have been told to be ready to fly on the evening of the election to begin mounting legal and political fights. Every battleground state will have a SWAT team within an hour of its borders.

The Kerry campaign has recount office space in every battleground state, with plans so detailed they include the number of staplers and coffee machines needed to mount legal challenges.

"Right now, we have 10,000 lawyers out in the battleground states on Election Day, and that number is growing by the day," said Michael Whouley, a Kerry confidant who is running election operations at the Democratic National Committee (news - web sites).

While the lawyers litigate, political operatives will try to shape public perception. Their goal would be to persuade voters that Kerry has the best claim to the presidency and that Republicans are trying to steal it.

Democrats are already laying the public relations groundwork by pointing to every possible voting irregularity before the Nov. 2 election and accusing Republicans of wrongdoing.

On Election Day, Whouley will head the so-called "boiler room," probably in Washington, that tracks vote counts and ensures Kerry doesn't concede too soon. Whouley was the aide who, after noticing Florida was too close to call in 2000, called Gore's team in Tennessee and told them to put the brakes on the concession speech.

If that doesn't make you absolutely SICK, nothing will. But I do think it's a funny statement Kerry is making by preparing for his upcoming loss.....

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
Even better is that MD has new machines and a group of Kerry supporters want to be at every location to make sure that the machines don't mess up.. Get this, they were trying to get a ruling on how close they could stand next to the machine while people vote.. I would think the f'n parking lot should be just fine.. How close to the machine... What do you mean the machine was unplugged ??? Oppps, my fault.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Yes, I think the whole spirit of of the election has been effectively stomped to death. Kind of like not being able to laugh, cry, say the word "God", or otherwise look cross-eyed at anybody anytime anywhere without getting sued.

p m

Staff member
Apr 19, 2004
La Jolla, CA
Blue, the spirit is taken out of the elections by the "electoral college."
Say, out of 31M people in California 15,499,999 vote for GWB, and 15.5M+1 - for Kerry.
The whole damn 55 votes, nearly twice that of Texas, go.

Orange and San Diego counties could cover up for nearly all swing states...


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
All you guys and girls are obviously discussing this from an internal point of view...
From an outsider all I can say is I hope Bush doesnt win again...
War on terrorism my arse, Britain has been trying that for decades in Northern Ireland
and the only good that came out of it is 2 convicted terrorists got the Nobel piece prize.
Lets face Gee Dubya has hardly made the world a safer place, :( :(

Trey & Melissa Burns

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Thanks.,...sorry for the late post....I have been told I can be quite a handful :

ROTFLMAO - That was good.
You just manage to keep them coming.

If there was a way for it to work successfully, I think it would be pretty cool to have on line voting. I'm sure there would be many more people voting then.