Kerry is on yoru side


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Shenandoah valley
This is exactly the reason I don't get into political discussions takes too much time and I get pissed.

Sorry I responded about the guns. I don't really care about guns, and I can guarantee my family members will still vote for Kerry.

I'm just plain tired of us chasing the wrong guy, paying for a war we shouldn't have started and, like Kyle said, cleaning up the rest of the world and paying for it.

Let's get back to the USA; our business, our citizens and all the damn problems we have staring us in the face while we close our eyes. Let's build our economy; make and spend money like we do so well. And along the way, how about we take care of the earth and stop destroying everything?

I don't particularly like EITHER candidate...but when Nov. 2 comes, my vote will be democrat.

I'm done...and I will not respond to further comments in reference to my posts.

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
Kyle that might have been me that made the dumb comment in my reply to some one that had already called Bush dumb. I certainly do not think that Bush is dumb and I probably could have worded that better.

I think that this country needs to go back to some old school values.. Values that I see Bush as having and Kerry lacking. I could really get on my soap box about what is wrong with this country but, I would probably offend, piss off, and outrage just about every one here so I'll keep those to myself...

It's a free country ( for now anyways ) so vote however you want. But, if we let a guy like Kerry in office it probably won't be free for much longer. He's already attacked the 1st and 2nd amendments. How many more do you think need to be taken away before the whole constitution is worthless? Three? Four? How many?


"I'm done...and I will not respond to further comments in reference to my posts"

Suzanah , will you PLEASE stop saying that same tired ass line ??? If you did a search for it you would probably get a billion hits on it , all on this site by you. We cant keep our noses out of other peoples buisness. The world just doesnt work that way. Its very niave to think that it does..... People dont get along , people dont live and let live , these are all things from the rhealm of the way things are... We have what we have because we created it. How bout WW2 ? Should someone have said then that we are fighting a war we shouldnt be in ? I assure you this thing in the middle east is a bar fight compared to that.

Things that get brought up in these threads by supposedly educated adults just freaks me out. I mean its really scarey to think that people really belive the shit that they say. We have fought wars on a fairly regular bassis through the years. Do you think that there wasnt some group that said we shouldnt have been at the time ? Do you think not having fought them would have changed the life you live today ? Do you think that the wars we are fighting now wont have the same affect and give the same benefits to those next generations that follow us ? Do you not give a shit ? What the fuck does "I'm Voting Democrat" mean anyway ? Its two guys . No , I dont think either of them are perfect. But niether are any of us. In fact , I would be a bit sceptical of the perfect guy because its obviously a projection of something that doesnt exist.
Yes we go to war , yes we pay for it , yes we will always have to as long as people have differeing opinions (And thats as constant as it gets) , NO , people arent all going to agree on it , NO , you dont have to agree with it . BUT it aint about you , or me or Paul here or even Kerry or Bush. Its about a whole damn Country that has seemed to keep going and get better even when people complain about whats being done. Imagine that...


Oh , and I forgot a little something. One of the more powerfull phrases I think but also one of the most over looked. "UNITED WE STAND" ............. Where do you think that came from exactly ? Stand ? Stand for what ? Stand in line ? Stand and be counted ? OR stand as our fore fathers did with some old gun that a farmer would have around and say , "Um , no , I dont fucking think so , that shit aint happening as long as I can do something about it" ? Whats your take on that phrase ?


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
Hey I`m just stating my point of view, not condoning the actions of EU politicians
whom I think are a waste of space. I dont even live in a country that is a member of the EU....
The reason europeans (Im guessing here, but I also think there is some truth) dont like Bush is the way Americans are percieved over here.
-Driving oversized vehicles
with oversized engines that use too much fuel
-That start an illegal war
-Based on misinformation
-In a country that has been proven to have not had links to Al-whatsit
-To do with 11.09
-Of which the threat was known (not specific)
-Which leads to allegations of corruption within various companies
-Where el prez`s chums are making money
-Who has connections to Osamas family
-All going on in a country reputed to have the second largest oilstocks in the world....
-Who gives tax deductions on Hummers (big engines), but not environmentally friendly cars such as the Nissan Prius.....
-And he has a stake in oil companies


The EU ? Europe ? You are thinking about this as you type it right ? Perhaps they are a little upset about the last ass whipping we had to hand out to them to keep what we have ? Yeah , thats right. How many dead soldiers do we have buried in those countries ? Do you think they will ever like what we do ? Do you think they would like to pay a buck a gallon for gas and drive what ever the hell they can afford ? Do you think they would like what we are afforded here ? Hell , you know the answer without even having to think about it. This is the "Land of oportunity"............


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
QCNR said:
OHHH excuse me...
Im sorry I thought we all lived on the same planet, but I suppose as long as the US
is safe everyone else can go stuff themselves.

And my reference to NI was meant as an example that fighting terrorism with soldiers doesnt work. I know I spent 6 months there.

You have the archetypal non-US-world-view that someone has to cover your ass for you. "We all live on the same planet".....LOL, tell me then why my tax money pays to bail everyone else's ass out all the time?

As regards Ireland, I agree that that shit has been pretty sketchy since the great Lord Protector Cromwell's day, but the fundamental difference I was trying to point out (without a personal attack on you in any way) is that the Irish issue is one of home vs foreign rule with a healthy dose of religious difference thrown in just to be sure that things are fucked beyond all recognition. The Islamic Fundamentalist terrorist issue America & the world are now facing is a different ball game altogether. Yes, difference of religion is involved with America vs. Islamic terror, but it's only the terrorist religion that is causing the problems. As far as the terrorists are concerned, it's Islam against all non-Islam. Period. In Ireland it's predominantly a Catholic / Protestant issue. The more important factor is that America is not trying to retain one of it's 17th century colonies....we have declared war on some third-world motherfuckers who just can't stand the fact that freedom of society, freedom or religion, and freedom of the marketplace are successful. These fucknuts killed over 3,000 of us in a single day ...that's about the same number that have died in Irish conflicts since the 1960's, when our world's little cultural revolution resulted in a marked upswing in NI violence.

All that said, the simplest difference between the two conflicts is that America is killing the terrorists on their turf.
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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2004
Down by the big rock
Who gives tax deductions on Hummers (big engines), but not environmentally friendly cars such as the Nissan Prius.....


A gas Guzzler tax is considered a Tax break? Also, that particular line on my tax form about credits for owning cars like the Toyota Prius?


Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA

"-Who gives tax deductions on Hummers (big engines), but not environmentally friendly cars such as the Nissan Prius....."

That is incorrect.. You pay a gas guzzling tax when you buy a Hummer or any car/truck (including Land Rovers) that doesn't meet certain guidlines for Miles Per Gallon.. You get a tax break if you buy a Toyota Prius, Honda Hybrid, or the like that use very little gas... Just so you know..

edit... Damn, Paul beat me to it..


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Well now, I don't think we should really be attacking QCNR because he's European...there is, after all, some positive leadership over there. However, I will defend my opinions with vigor when he wants to voice his opinion about my country. Based on everything he's posted thus far (especially that list a few posts up) he is indeed an outsider looking in. Facts are obviously as thin in his media as they are in ours.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Shenandoah valley
Unfortunately, Kyle (and the rest of you)...I don't have time today to sit and discuss my views. I'll be away from my computer for much of the working day.

I'll apologize for "saying that same tired ass line" and I'll in fact say that I agree with you in reference to war. I tried very hard for many years to justify being a passifist, but have since realized that, as much as I hate to admit it, war is often inevitable and necessary. I do NOT believe, however, that the war we have currently waged against Iraq qualifies as one of those.

I, personally, CAN keep my nose out of other people's business....I don't think I've ever asked any hard questions about your religious, political or social views Kyle. I haven't attacked you personally and gotten in your shit...but then again, you will say that I have because I'm on your board. That point considered...

And for "Whats your take on that phrase ?" United We Stand is true. And we must stand....but stand within our boundaries and protect/defend what is truly ours. I don't think it means go stand on someone else's land and blow up their home, unless they have done the same to us. But when half the country doesn't even bother to show up on election tall are we standing then? I guess I'm just one of those crazy people that thinks my European ancestors took this land from the Native people already we won't open that can of worms.

Now, I AM retiring from D-web and going back to work...but I'll be watching and reading, so feel free to flame away! Is that better?!


Well its funny because she admits defeat before she begins... That would make a short war....
Suzannah you ignored half my post... You say you dont feel the current war was justified. I am saying that there were groups all along that said the same things about all the other wars....


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Shenandoah valley
I didn't admit defeat, I just told you my boundaries. And I'm being open-minded enough to verbalize when I'm in agreement with you...not just play the defense against everything you say.

Yes there were and there still are. That's my opinion...I don't agree with THIS war...and I didn't ignore half of your post. I happen to be very good at reading between the lines as well, Kyle. What is your opinion in regards to Vietnam?!

And, for the record, my name is spelled with an S not a Z.
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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
North Florida
Roverlady said:
....but stand within our boundaries and protect/defend what is truly ours.

I think the point is, bcroz, that the best DEFENSE is attempting to not be such conspicuously consumptive, arrogant, imperialistic, manipulative, resource-sucking pigs.


Well-known member
May 7, 2004
Midland, MI
That's right, maybe we should pass a global test before we do anything, that way we wouldnt be labeled as pigs, arrogant, imperalistic et al. In order to fit outside your label, you better sell your Rover and buy some high milage econobox. Further, off roading is highly verboten to the left (must save the environment) so shame on you for ever roading, better quit bitching about the cost of gas because not only are the taxes that are rolled into the price of every gallon supporting the numerous entitlement programs that have mushroomed out of control but, according to Algore, are the way of forcing the American public out of their imperialistic 4 wheel drives.

Your mouth runs with the same foul smelling seepage that settles to the bottom of a septic tank.


My take on Vietnam is probably twisted. I think that for the sake of our boys the war should have been fought to the best of our abilities. Politics prevented that from happening and really didnt unleash the dogs of war but rather just put them on a long lead. Interesting you bring it up though. Bush could have easily turned the current war into the same thing by holding back , he didnt........... Just like the other wars I think Vietnam serves the greater good for us. It wasnt pretty for sure and there was massive loss of life . Right or wrong we should stand united until the end. Its our country and we all benefit from our actions as well as pay. If that car salesman Kerry got in there I would support him just as much as I support Bush now... As far as staying here and minding our buisness and simply protecting our borders... Thats just really niave , I cant even begin to address it because its sooooooooooo out of reality... We are who we are because of what we have done and are capable of doing...

As far as the Utah dude. We are a cancer , people use too much and put back too little. Its the nature of us.. Its a byproduct of success I am afraid.... We are only around for a little while though so I think the planet will survive us just fine..


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2004
Atlanta, GA
RKORES said:

I was talking about stuff that would be promoted on MTV. On Hannity, It is nice to see some Conservitive media. Fox is the only one with the Balls to do it. The rest are to afraid to offend the liberals.

I wouldn't mind it at all, if even 50% of what they say were actually accurate. I listen to Hannity every day (best traffic reports are on the radio station) and he is incredibly messed up. His "facts" are wrong 1/2 the time. The only thing I can say that he does really well is to take quotes out of context in order to change the meaning and justify some crap he's spewing. For a self-avowed Christian, he's one of the most hateful people I've ever known. The mere fact he's buddies with Pat Robertson, who said the people who died on 9-11 deserved it because we've left christ and allow homosexuality, says alot about the kind of person he is. He, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell are part and parcel with the Islamic fundementalists as far as I'm concerened.

As for FOX, any "news" program that has a reporter say "Osama Bin Laden, the known coward....." maked it obvious they aren't a real news organization. Editorial comment has no place in a news report. Only in editorials.