Problems w/ off-roading??


D Chapman

Shut the fuck up, XM. You're an fucking idiot. Using an unoiled K&N is one of the dumbest ideas you've ever came up with. And, now you're ASE???? What is your Cert number? I got to see this!

You're so full of fucking shit. You've "owned" race teams now, too?? What were the names of these teams? I mean, surly they were a listed company, right? What was the Tax ID number? I got to see this, too!

You fucking loser. You can't even afford to pay a damn 1600.00 court fine, yet you've claimed to own several very expensive cars, and now claimed to own several race teams??? You're a fucking lier. Not only are you a lier, but a lier who claims to be ASE Cert. yet can't even fix his own damn transmission.

Now go put that unolied K&N i your truck now. One your truck is dead, maybe, just maybe, you'll go away. You fucking loser.


May 27, 2005
Vero Beach, Florida
Just for you, Chappy, you Necropheliac loser. I owned Bad Co. Racing from 1991 until 1995. IMSA, and SCCA. Along with cars that ran in BMWCCA, POC, PCA, and VWCA. And BTW; what 1600 fine am I too poor to pay? I just gave my lawyer 2500 (cash) in December, so if I've got a fine somewhere, I'd sure love to know about it. LOL. Now Go back to fucking your newest client's dead Father, you piece of shit!

And BTW shit for brains; My ASE was in Suspension & Steering. I've got no f-ing clue about transmissions. Especially Automatics. I'd rather pay the pros than try to fix something THAT expensive.

D Chapman

XtremeMarine said:
Just for you, Chappy, you Necropheliac loser. I owned Bad Co. Racing from 1991 until 1995. IMSA, and SCCA. Along with cars that ran in BMWCCA, POC, PCA, and VWCA. .

You were born April 12, 1973, so that makes you what, 18 years old in 1991? Hmmmm, I sniff even more bullshit from you. I'm not surprised.

But, I did find a "Bad Co. Racing" team who raced in the states in the early 1990's. Only thing is, it was owned by Ken Mumford. They raced a 1923 Fort Model T....with a 461 Chevy....

Come on, lets see that Tax ID number! Or, were you just a boy racer who liked to meet at the Tasty Freeze on Friday and Saturday night.....

XtremeMarine said:
And BTW; what 1600 fine am I too poor to pay? I just gave my lawyer 2500 (cash) in December, so if I've got a fine somewhere, I'd sure love to know about it. LOL. .

Hmmm, file below. Sorry, it was 1300.00, my mistake.

XtremeMarine said:
And BTW shit for brains; My ASE was in Suspension & Steering. I've got no f-ing clue about transmissions. Especially Automatics. I'd rather pay the pros than try to fix something THAT expensive..

Well, if thats so, why the fuck did you claim above that you were ASE Cert (which you're not) and that thins Cert allowed you the knowledge to NOT oil a K&N oil filter? You're a shit head, you inbred fuck. You gave bad information, again, and STILL will not fess up to giving retarded information. You don't know shit about what you are talking about, and it's apparent in your posts'.


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May 27, 2005
Vero Beach, Florida
montanablur said:
And there is no shortage of retarded ideas flying around this site, XM you should be proud for the honor bestowed upon you.

LOL! Oh, I am so proud. Anytime that f-ing loser takes time out of his day getting his rocks off playing with some dead girls' tits, just to insult me some more; makes me realize just a little more how pathetic he really is. LOL. ;)
The MAF does not have to be replaced, only the sensing element and they are available for around $75-80. Two screws to remove and you're on your way.

Dan and Daniel, can't we all get along? You both need to put this shit aside and get over it. Let's go back to bashing me for my Steve Young provided Pro-Comp shox.


FWIW-I was certified so long ago, it was called NIASE and my cert number was my social security number followed by the first four letters of my last name.

D Chapman

You're a sick fuck. But, we already knew that you fucking child molester.


May 27, 2005
Vero Beach, Florida
D Chapman said:
You were born April 12, 1973, so that makes you what, 18 years old in 1991? Hmmmm, I sniff even more bullshit from you. I'm not surprised.

But, I did find a "Bad Co. Racing" team who raced in the states in the early 1990's. Only thing is, it was owned by Ken Mumford. They raced a 1923 Fort Model T....with a 461 Chevy....

Come on, lets see that Tax ID number! Or, were you just a boy racer who liked to meet at the Tasty Freeze on Friday and Saturday night.....

Hmmm, this one maybe? Sorry, it was 1300.00, my mistake.

Well, if thats so, why the fuck did you claim above that you were ASE Cert (which you're not) and that thins Cert allowed you the knowledge to NOT oil a K&N oil filter? You're a shit head, you inbred fuck. You gave bad information, again, and STILL will not fess up to giving retarded information. You don't know shit about what you are talking about, and it's apparent in your posts'.

Very good , you can subtract 1973 from 2007. Yor parents must be so proud. :applause: Yes, I started Bad Co. in 91, at 18. It was my second business. I started with my best friend, who got me into racing mini-sprints with his father's team, when we were both 16. JT Eastwood and I owned it for 91 and 92. In the beginning of 93, Kevin Rosenberg came and bought into it, and became the money behind our vision. When I moved to Florida in the end of 93, I took the name with me in SCCA racing until I was picked up by the Porsche shop I apprenticed at.

I have no clue whom Mr. Mumford is; but considering what he raced, my guess is that he was drag racing, not road racing. Probably West Coast by the sound of his set-up.

Why would I remember a tax ID number that hasn't been used in over a decade. I can't even tell you the tax # for X-treme Marine. I'd have to go to the office, or call my tax accountant. I am a business owner, not a computer nerd, like you. My time is spent making myself more money, and making my full time boss more money.

I will have to go to the court house and find out what that settlement fine is for. I've got no clue. Don't even remember what case it is for. But my gues is that it's already paid off. That's what I have lawyers and accountants on retainer and staff for. But if it's n ot paid off; thanks for bringing it to my attention.

I was certified in Suspension and steering; that made me ASE certified. I got that cert. in 94; so it was out in what 95, maybe 96. If I was still certified I'd give you my number. Just like I've given you my Divemaster and AI numbers in other threads. Because those I still use. My post was that I use the KN and a snorkel, but don't oil it. That IS NOT giving advice to what others should do. IT IS offering an opinion, which was what the original poster was asking for. Opinions.

STOP breathing the Formaldehyde without a mask on. Your already low IQ is diminishing weekly. Now go suck off some other dead guy in your cooler. Shithead.



May 27, 2005
Vero Beach, Florida
Yeah, I am so sick. LOL. I had A ONE night stand with ONE high school JUNIOR. And I will be labelled and verbally assaulted for life because of it.

You deal with dead people EVERY day simply so that you CAN touch women, (or is it men) sexually without being smacked or arrested. All right then.

I may be the kettle; but you are most definitely the pot. Or is that pot-head?
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D Chapman said:
How do you feel about an un-oiled K&N, PT? LMAO.

It would probably be slightly better than no air filter-something I've done quite a bit in the past.

I'm no fan of the K&N. I ran one for 60K miles or so and decided the paper ones were cheap enough and effective enough.

A nylon stocking over the inlet to the air box and a paper or K&N might be a good idea for dusty conditions.

Also-the offense for which Daniel was convicted is not unlawful in Indiana where the age of consent is 16. Talk about circumstantial.

My NIASE cert was engine repair:D I consider what I do here to be studying.
Oct 27, 2004
<--- Ase Master In Car and in Heavy/Med duty Truck. And L1,Service consultant and Part specialist.

Sorry for my self indulgant brag moment.

D Chapman

ptschram said:
Big deal. I was 17 when I got my engine repair cert. Second youngest ever certified.

Was that when the Model A was still in production?

D Chapman

Chris-St Louis said:
<--- Ase Master In Car and in Heavy/Med duty Truck. And L1,Service consultant and Part specialist.

Sorry for my self indulgant brag moment.

Does this mean you do or do not use a K&N without oil?
Oct 27, 2004
ptschram said:
Big deal. I was 17 when I got my engine repair cert. Second youngest ever certified.

I'll tell you what, that L1 was a big deal. That took me 3 tries to get. I was pretty pround when I got it.

K&N... Only in carburated applications. It needs oil. Oil is what the dirt sticks to. Without it, it may do some filtering..... But not enough that I would put my name on it.
Oct 27, 2004
ptschram said:
Big deal. I was 17 when I got my engine repair cert. Second youngest ever certified.

Poor Guy. When I was 17 I was banging 17 year old girls!

So, I got the girls, and the Cert. Yeah, you win! :D

D Chapman

I don't know what the deal is with people and K&N's with their MAF's. Not only does K&N claim that there is no way the oil can hurt the MAF, but I've had a K&N on about ever vehicle I've owned. I had a 1995 S-10 I put ~100,000 miles on; all but about 10,000 mile were with the K&N.

My silver truck ran a K&N on the original 4.0L for over 60,000 miles until I lost a sleeve. The entire time I've had the 4.6L, it's had a K&N

On my black D1, it came with a K&N, so I don't know how long it's been installed. But, I've put right at 10,000 miles on the truck since I've owned it.

Never have had a MAF problem.

Although, I still do not feel the K&N filters better than a paper filter. More air equals more dirt. Thats simple. But, I like the fact you can soak a K&N and not harm it. If you soak a paper filter, it's done. The K&N is also really tough. In all aspects, the K&N is built better. In the type of wheeling I do (sometimes), it nice to have a filter tough enough to handle water, or being able to clean out the bugs found in high humidity areas. It just saves you the space of carrying a spare filter. But, running one without oil is stupid. Dirt will kill an enigne fast. Although the K&N may filter a bug, without oil, it's NOT going to stop dust or dirt.