The never-ending Rack Thread


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
wilmington, nc
Sharperover said:
No doubt.

If you don't like it, don't read it. :rolleyes:

I read things all the time that I don't agree with, why would this be different. I just think you whining and belly aching gets old. Read that :cool:


So you throw the paper down everytime you read something you don't like and bitch at those around you ? "WAAAAH - I'm tired of reading this, you guys need to stop your complaining and belly aching..."
If you don't like it then shut the fuck up and quit reading it; or, come up with something to add to the discussion. Otherwise, you're just like the others here that you charge with "belly aching" - casue that's all you're doing...bitching about having to read this.


p m said:
As a 1/3-satisfied Kyle's customer, it is very nice of you, David, to spend your time helping others get their wares by elaborating on delicate nuances of friendship and association. My hat's off.

Great! Glad you appreciated it Peter. Of course, you didn't really read it, but if you just want to chime in with a smart-ass quip to show that you haven't been swayed, hey, that's fine too. That's most of what goes on around here anyway.

Of course, that didn't stop you from putting in your two cents of philosophy about the value of friendship, either.

If you really think there's nothing wrong with Kyle's deals with us and none of this discussion is helping anyone, I encourage you to buy something from him right away. I'm sure he'd appreciate your loyalty. Hey, he's got a backpack rack of Andrew's just sitting around that I'm sure he's trying dilligently to sell. Oh, and a bumper for Jeremy. Maybe he'll give you a package deal.

Axel said:
I can decide for myself who my friends are, thank you.

Fine then, my mistake. Thick as thieves, if you wish.

You might let Kyle know that's a figure of speech while you're at it.

draaronr said:
I just think you whining and belly aching gets old.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you. And what have you done to help exactly?

Honestly, some people here amaze me. If Safari Gard neglected to deliver even one overpriced bumper, DWers would be organizing an armed raid. But one of 'your own' finds it inconvenient to hold up his side of the bargain and some of you don't think twice about saying "you got fucked, end of discussion"?

After this discussion got started, we all found out that it wasn't just one person whose money KVT has disappeared with. They're coming out of the woodwork. Getting those people together sounds like a pretty useful thing to me, and while we're together and still pissed about it we're going to keep talking about it. If it bores you, great! bye bye...

p m

Staff member
Apr 19, 2004
La Jolla, CA
agro1 said:
So you throw the paper down everytime you read something you don't like and bitch at those around you ? "WAAAAH - I'm tired of reading this
I have to admit to it... bills, especially!
David - what made you think I have no vested interest there?


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
Allen, TX
Oh, I know one more thing I can contribute to this conversation:


Now if someone can just post a satellite photo of Kyle's house and his high school yearbook photo, then we'd have a real show... Don't make us call the guys from Pirate4x4... ;)


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
wilmington, nc
agro1 said:
So you throw the paper down everytime you read something you don't like and bitch at those around you ? "WAAAAH - I'm tired of reading this, you guys need to stop your complaining and belly aching..."
If you don't like it then shut the fuck up and quit reading it; or, come up with something to add to the discussion. Otherwise, you're just like the others here that you charge with "belly aching" - casue that's all you're doing...bitching about having to read this.

Luke Luke Luke, First I am not bitching at those around me. I directed my comments to those doing the bitching. If others read it and comment, (much as you did) then by that standard they were witnesses to it.

second. why are you so hostile. I haven't directed anything to you and you snap back with shut the fuck up. Dude that's rude, and quite frankly I will give you the chance to apologize, because from our mutual friends I hear you are a great guy, enough on that.

third. I am not bitching because I have to read it. nobody tells me what I have to read or not read. I see an open discussion and I entered my opion. I have no more right in here than you. As far as I can tell you never did any business with KVT either. Just because you and Kyle had a Tif and he tried to ban you doesn't mean you need to direct your hostility at me.

Look how about this? If the discussion leads to individuals getting their money back I am all for that. I just don't like all the webwhining that we here. So many people are billy bad ass behind the computer, but absolute pussies in the real world. I just want people too man up that Kyle fucked them out of their money and move on. I have never heard so many people whine over so little money. (Yes that may be arrogant, to say so little money, I agree but if you can't afford the loss then you probably need a new hobby.)
And from what I can tell from the honeymoon (congrats by the way) pics this is a small amount of money for you too Luke.


draaronr said:
second. why are you so hostile. I haven't directed anything to you and you snap back with shut the fuck up. Dude that's rude, and quite frankly I will give you the chance to apologize, because from our mutual friends I hear you are a great guy, enough on that.

Well since you put it that way - sorry dude. :)
But the point I was trying to make, is that in saying you're tired of all the belly aching, really doesn't add much. But essentially, just bitching yourself. Just because you feel the amount of money lost by these dudes is small, doesn't make it any less important to them. Because their loss is still the issue here, not you're inability to empathize. Saying they need to move on and forget about it is, well as you put it, arrogant. And saying that anyone should just realize they got fucked and move on, is pretty gutless. I mean shit, look at the stink I've caused and I'm not even a fucking customer :D
No matter what they're out, $1, $100, $2000, their time, their energy, whatever - it sucks. It sucks to pay hard earned money for something you really enjoy only to find that all you've really done is buy yourself a headache and there's nothing you can do about it.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I hold myself to a higher standard when dealing with customers. Maybe I feel they deserve more. Or maybe it's just that I've had to clean up the messes for someone whose over promised and under delivered, and I know what it feels like to be jerked around.
Either way - I'll bow out of this discussion for a little while and go figure out how I can bounce my IP around the globe in fear of the autocratic reprisals that await me :)
Last edited:


For many people it's a matter of principle. One guy I knew (RIP, Harold) was worth an honest-to-god $350,000,000.00... He'd beat the hell out of someone who took a quarter out of the ash tray of his car because it's a matter of principle, but reward an honest carwash employee who DIDN'T take the fiddy stuck in the centre console with a $100 tip. I think for most people who tinker in this hobby it's NOT so much about the money- I think it's deeper than that. It would be for me.
What I don't get is why people are giving Kyle a rash of sheeyit and it's amazing how well he takes it- but methinks it's time to ease up off his arse about it. I'm sure there was some kinda "dude, WTF" email between those guys and it's really not Kyle's problem.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
wilmington, nc
agro1 said:
Well since you put it that way - sorry dude. :)
But the point I was trying to make, is that in saying you're tired of all the belly aching, really doesn't add much. But essentially, just bitching yourself. Just because you feel the amount of money lost by these dudes is small, doesn't make it any less important to them. Because their loss is still the issue here, not you're inability to empathize. Saying they need to move on and forget about it is, well as you put it, arrogant. And saying that anyone should just realize they got fucked and move on, is pretty gutless. I mean shit, look at the stink I've caused and I'm not even a fucking customer :D
No matter what they're out, $1, $100, $2000, their time, their energy, whatever - it sucks. It sucks to pay hard earned money for something you really enjoy only to find that all you've really done is buy yourself a headache and there's nothing you can do about it.
Maybe it's just me. Maybe I hold myself to a higher standard when dealing with customers. Maybe I feel they deserve more. Or maybe it's just that I've had to clean up the messes for someone whose over promised and under delivered, and I know what it feels like to be jerked around.
Either way - I'll bow out of this discussion for a little while and go figure out how I can bounce my IP around the globe in fear of the autocratic reprisals that await me :)

I agree whole heartedly with you. I think that they all deserved better, and didn't get it. Would I be pissed absolutely. Have I been fucked before, Yes I think everyone in business for themselves gets a good fucking occassionally, do I like it? hell no. I found it was easier to let it go and move on, do I forget no. In most cases I figured it was a lesson learned. In some instances these little fuckings save me big money down the road. I am a little wiser for it. It is life.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
wilmington, nc
syoung said:
For many people it's a matter of principle. One guy I knew (RIP, Harold) was worth an honest-to-god $350,000,000.00... He'd beat the hell out of someone who took a quarter out of the ash tray of his car because it's a matter of principle, but reward an honest carwash employee who DIDN'T take the fiddy stuck in the centre console with a $100 tip. I think for most people who tinker in this hobby it's NOT so much about the money- I think it's deeper than that. It would be for me.
What I don't get is why people are giving Kyle a rash of sheeyit and it's amazing how well he takes it- but methinks it's time to ease up off his arse about it. I'm sure there was some kinda "dude, WTF" email between those guys and it's really not Kyle's problem.

Okay that dude is tight. I understand principle and all but holy shit. I guess you don't get to have 350mill being a pushover. Hopefully I will find out one day :)
I agree it would irritate the hell out of me. Like I've said earlier I would leave it be.

Having said all this above. I hope Kyle is in good health, and I hope he gets the racks he has been paid for out to those waiting. I hope that a lesson was learned here from both sides so that they will be more aware, and Kyle will be more aware of customer service.


Well-known member
draaronr said:
I read things all the time that I don't agree with, why would this be different. I just think you whining and belly aching gets old. Read that :cool:

This would be very similar to me going into the Xbox thread and whining that I'm not interested in that and I don't want to read about it. I could give 2 shits about it, so why even go there?

I'll pile on with Agro and say STFU. You're not an interested party, couldn't care less if I'm out $415 and others are out $1,800, so why chime in?

At what point do you feel a screwing is worth commenting about?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
This is why I love doing business with Rovertym. Steve's word is gold, period.
I pick up my blingy new gas tank skid on Friday... :D


JLS said:
Still haven't talked to Kyle. Does anyone have a # for him or is e-mail all we got. :mad:

Sorry, I've been trying to keep up with it, but I believe the situation right now is:

- his mailbox is full, rejecting new messages

- my private messages to him have never been answered (and 'delivery receipt' has never been confirmed)

- the latest good phone number I had for him is disconnected.

I've been trying to talk to him for, let's see, is it four months now? I'm definitely not telling you to give up, but be prepared for this to be a long-term effort.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2005
If the guy isn't answering his email then he is no longer actively engaged in busienss.

If he is not reading the Private Messages from the hobby forum he helped to create then he has voluntarily or involuntarily abandoned his role as a forum Administrator.

If his telephone number had been disconnected, it is logical to assume the guy has serious financial problems.

If the guy is avoiding contact with anyone he owes money too and has failed to live up to recent promises to mail products then one can assume he is completely incapable of fulfilling his obligations and is unable to be forthright with those he owes money.

Based upon lots of experience dealing with deadbeats, my guess is he is either ill, trapped in some remote canyon and can't get out without chewing off his leg, in jail, or has simply stolen money from fellow hobbyists.

In any event, those owed money should pay him a visit and/or begin legal actions because all these comments are doing is warning off others (a good thing), not helping you get your money/property.