The Walking Dead


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2005
Briggs's Back Yard
The amount of show time isn't the problem with the most recent season. The problem is the drawn out episodes. The second to last episode where the group was going to the town to rescue Glenn and Maggie was so drawn out I almost stopped watching it. The scene where they went into the random house being chased by zombies was so unnecessary. That's been the theme for this season. Every time sword lady talks or is in a scene it's awkward and takes at least 2 minutes longer than it needs. Every scene involving Andrea is just as annoying and drawn out with her awkward looks and staring at whoever she is talking to. I just can't wait for her character to be ended.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2006
umbertob said:
Just a reminder, Season 3 resumes tomorrow night at 9 pm.

waiting for it on iTunes so we can watch here in Uganda. Staying away from this thread so I won't spoil it.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2007
I'd stayed away from this show till 2 weeks ago when I started Season 1...I'm now caught up and can't wait for tonight. Clearly I got precious little done over the past two weeks!


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2006
Huntsville, AL
I was kinda disappointed with the new episode.

How does a 30 second speech from the new girl convince all the rampaging town people everything will be a-okay...


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
As usual, I'm late to the television party.

I stated watching this, simply because people like to talk about it.

I'm not going to get in to various factual errors, because that's pointless, and I realized so in the first episode, when a cop (after being instructed to do so by the main character) swiped a slid lock to disengage the safety on a Glock.

At that point, you may as well give up on expecting accuracy.

I'm well into season 3 now, and I can tell you with complete honesty that I'd have eliminated the main character very quickly in that situation. Nearly all of his choices are tactically unsound, and when he does attempt to do something properly, he gets it backwards.

These characters are idiots.

I didn't read this thread, but I did click a random page to pull up one of my old comments, and now understand what some of you were going on about.


I'd have shot Otis as well. Letting him fall behind without ensuring his death would undermine my appearance as a leader if he were to return to the farm later. He needed to be disabled and screaming, and he needed to die.

Indeed, I was wondering why Shane hadn't disabled him; until he did. That put a smile on my face.

Someone finally made a good decision.




Well-known member
Feb 28, 2005
Briggs's Back Yard
Not walking dead related. Does anybody watch Game of Thrones? I thought the last season of Walking Dead was bad pretty bad when Rick bit that guys neck open and then shot all those people... I really think I just saw the most violent thing I've ever seen on a TV screen. I'm referring to the guys teeth being hit out of his mouth and eyes getting gouged followed by his skull being crushed with hands.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2006
Bristol, TN
Getting your skull popped like an over-ripe mellon is probably worse.

I haven't experienced that, so it's just a guess.:D

I was watching that with people who hadn't read the book; I knew it was coming (at least the death of the Red Viper). Their reaction was awesome.:eek:


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2005
Briggs's Back Yard
Getting your skull popped like an over-ripe mellon is probably worse.

I haven't experienced that, so it's just a guess.:D

I was watching that with people who hadn't read the book; I knew it was coming (at least the death of the Red Viper). Their reaction was awesome.:eek:

I stopped reading them because the surprise and suspense on the TV is fairly enjoyable. Scenes like that blow your mind even more not knowing what the outcome is.