with marijuana gaining legal status in many places...


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2010
Lynchburg, Va
Talked recently to someone I know who works for Altria on the legal side, apparently there has been some background research being done with regards to impact on their current business model, etc. He did not make it sound like it was a super secret thing either. Sounded more like a discussion of acquisition scenarios, not roll out of a product. Nothing that would be discussed publicly of course, but surprised that he was as candid about it as he was.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
East Coast
You're kidding, right? You don't this someone like Monsanto or Bayre are not already working on this? Of course it will start with Hemp production, but it'll evolve to a broader base product.

There's no way that PM and Altria aren't working on it right now. And all of those tobacco vape shops across the country are just footholds for pot vape when it's legal. They will be ready to roll on day one.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2005
North NJ
How so?

We should just legalize everything. Pot, cocaine, meth, crack, bath salts, acid, heroine, glue-huffing, etc... Fuck it! We'll tax it and make all kinds of money off the freaks and addicts! What a cool world that will be! We can all get high and smoke crack in malls and restaurants, trains, airplanes, schools, stores, public parks! Man I can't wait! I love seeing a bunch of drunk ass, high as shit meth heads! ALL of the crime will be gone! There won't be any incentive! No more drug dealers! Everyone will be so happy and carefree! There's gonna be cool stores selling meth pipes and monogrammed mirrors! I can FINALLY walk down the street, buy a 6 and roll by my neighborhood pot shop where only the cleanest, most educated people will be hanging out. It will be a like the Starbucks in Greenwich! Fuck, I know! We can let all of our service members smoke and shoot up! Fuck yeah! I don't know why that wouldn't be a good idea to finally allow our service men and women spend the weekend getting high and fucked up! This is going to be so cool! Our government is going to be wealthy beyond belief! And because state and federal governments know how to spend tax money wisely I can't imagine ANY problems! You all have talked me into it! You've changed my mind! :patriot:

Finally someone who is on the same page as me in regards to legalizing bath salts!