McCain VP- Sarah Palin


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
montanablur said:
I don't dislike her. I just think Senator McCain was reckless in his choice and AK did ask for opinions. I am simply backing up my statements. As both Mike's have stated no one is going to change their mind based on the postings here and that is why I have never defended Obama or the democrats, but to be on the offensive with such easy fodder is really irresistable.

I'm tempted to agree with you. I like her... but more importantly, I hope she is who she says she is. I'm torn between believing it was a good choice v. a bad choice. In other words, I've personally heard 3 people like me say they will now vote for McCain for sure v. 1 person say they think it is a bad choice, and will not vote because of it -- I hear about the same ratio when listening to local and national talk shows.

I believe McCain got a big boost out of it... but I'm not sure that the boost would not have been there anyway when it came time for the lever to be pulled. In other words. Last year, I was for sure not going to vote this year. When Obama won I decided I should probably vote against him. When Palin got on the ticket, I actually felt OK about voting for McCain.

I still think 99% of the hype is just rumors. I can, and will, defend her against rumors all day. But I will just as readily tell you what I really think when/if any are proven. (I know, I know, that's really stupid to say.)

My bet is this: A few of the low-importance rumors will be proven true, or partially true. Most of them will fade quickly, while the rest fade in a week or two -- next year, none of you will remember that you helped spread these rumors.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2005
Rockville, MD
garrett said:
I'm watching. It looks like the showroom floor at a giant Cadillac dealership.

Lots of old people that can't even stand up.

Is Viagra the sponsor?

But remember, Old people vote!

(I'm 28)


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Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska
Dude, I don't care what anyone says, she is hitting a fucking home run with her speech. Period. She is a STRONG speaker, you can't deny that. At this point, if I was a Dem, I would be shaking in my fucking boots! :cool:

This woman has never given a national speech.... ever. No one on this board will EVER feel the pressure she has before speaking in front of the camera tonight, not to mention all of the hits she has taken in the media. Does she look like that horrible of a pick now after hearing her speech? The little small town woman with no experience? We won't believe you if you say no.

She is the catalyst and she proved it tonight. It's impossible to say otherwise.
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Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska
Good? Understatement. It was great. I can't think of any media group, or any person being critical of the way she stepped up tonight. It couldn't have been any better, could it have?

Someone, anyone, PLEASE tell me that she wasn't persuasive towards how you felt about her before you heard her speak and now...

She is the real deal. Do you doubt her seriousness? Do you doubt her strong will? She is BY IN LARGE, the best VP in this race.


The hundreds of negative comments I've heard about her at this point, mean NOTHING. She just trumped EVERYONE.


This is precisely what this ticket needs. No more doubting, no more questions of "vetting", nothing. It all ends here. If not, wait til the debates with Biden.


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D Chapman

Not a bad speech at all. A few things I thought did not need to be said, but overall, pretty good.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2004
Kingsport TN
Tempest said:
Yes, her speech was excellent... wow... :applause: oh my surgery... yes, 1 removed and 1 to go... and I'm 32... wear sunblock.

Good luck!

+ + + + +

Nice speech. I like her nickname, the 'Cuda, it fits her. She can handle herself well.....


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska
D Chapman said:
Not a bad speech at all. A few things I thought did not need to be said, but overall, pretty good.

Agreed. It would have been pretty good for someone who had been in the nat'l spotlight before. Imagine the pressure for this speech? For what's been said and how she's been talked down to, questioned, and judged.

It did not faze her AT ALL. She will persevere.

To me, that goes a long way here and it pushes it from good to great....
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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
D Chapman said:
Not a bad speech at all. A few things I thought did not need to be said, but overall, pretty good.

It was OK, but maybe my expectations were too high. She wasn't so much the bull dog as the hockey mom. I want more bull dog.

I think Washington is more likely to tone-down the well-meaning rhetoric of McCain than it is to blunt the effectiveness of an all Democrat Congress with Obama in the White House. (Sorry, was that racist?) In other words, McCain is going to be a no-body president. Obama, on the other hand, will serve as a giant opportunity for Nancy Pelosi's utopian dreams. (Well, that was stupid.)


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Very good positioning of McCain / Palin as the down to earth populist ticket while painting the Obama / Biden ticket as the elitist old washington ticket.

Palin will resonate with a broad cross-section of voters while Obama has alienated broad sections of voters. Obama is looking pretty lame.

As for the speech, home run. Kicked ass for first time on national stage. Drove home the executive experience message in several ways.

See ya Obama. Your rebuttal tonight was lame. Still say I'd like to see a debate between Palin and Obama without his teleprompter. He would be toast.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2004
planes, trains and automobiles
HunterAK said:
Someone, anyone, PLEASE tell me that she wasn't persuasive towards how you felt about her before you heard her speak and now...

For a speech written by Bush's speech writer of course you would like it, it is the same divisive drivel you have come to love over the past 8 years. Of course as a former sportscaster with a teleprompter she is going to deliver a speech that is firm yet cheerful.

I do agree with you on the debates. Senator McCain will be awkward as always and not stand a chance to Obama's speaking abilities, while the true sparks will indeed fly in the VP debates.


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004

"The American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of 'personal discovery.' This world of threats and dangers is not just a community, and it doesn't just need an organizer."

I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."

Good stuff.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
montanablur said:
For a speech written by Bush's speech writer of course you would like it, . . . .

More Obama talking points. You missed the 90% voted with Bush meme.

All politician speeches are written by others. Even Obama. That said, the speaker must believe in the content to deliver it effectively. There has to be an emotional tie. They have to participate in the content development and creation. Do you think she believes in what she presented tonight?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Blue said:
I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."

Good stuff.

It was. This paints Obama as the elitist looking down on small-town America. There are a LOT of small towns in America. Those bitter people to cling to guns and religion.

Not that Obama needs to be painted as an elitist. He's already got that nailed.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
LOL Sinuhe....King of the Hill. That's some funny shit right there.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
CNN: Harry Reid releases statement, attacking Palin's speech as "shrill".

Shrill? How sexist. But it gets better:

Wolf Blitzer: "No problem! Obama dealt with Hillary, he will know how to deal with Sarah"​

All from Obama's MSM. :rofl:


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
montanablur said:
For a speech written by Bush's speech writer of course you would like it, it is the same divisive drivel you have come to love over the past 8 years.

Do you write for Obama, or did you lift that from his official response -- it seems real familiar. That may be the fastest I've seen a talking point appear on DWeb -- 5 minutes ago CNN reports Obama's response -- an exact quote of what you just said. Think of something original to respond with!

(King of the hill is pretty good though.)

OK, lets see. What was divisive about it? The part about Obama being "clean"... oh, wait, that was Biden. The part about Obama being a, "black boy," ....oh, that was Carter... The part when she used the "N" word on national T.V.....oh no, that was Robert Byrd. How about the part where she called Obama a, "Community Organizer?" Ya, that's it, discussing any part of Obama's past is divisive.

Political debate is not divisive. Racist slips of the tongue are.

What should she have said? Should she have praised Obama? Should she have discussed joining hands across the isle? Should she have put together a little movie about the heroic exploits of Community Organizers?

(Oh crap.... stupid.)