The latest snorkel masterpiece


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2006
Im sorry to interupt the bashing again but thanks jimjet for the links. I really like the bj42 on the first link. That thing is what i think a 4x4 should be. I dont like the huge brush guards so much but to each his own. Is that truck a copy of the Defender 90? it sure looks like one.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2004
San Diego, CA
mgreenspan said:
Also, ignoring an extremely cheap and easy way to protect a very probable area for damage is ridiculous. Additionally, not having proper recovery equipment simply because you have never needed to use it before is ridiculous.

I'm no real expert, but I have common sense. I hope that all newbie members to this site do also because I'd hate for poor advice/methods to be followed by newbs resulting in their things getting messed up. I love offroading, it's an awesome hobby, but you've got to be safe about it. Having the right equipment and knowing how to use it is very important. Also protecting vulnerable areas of your vehicle is important even if you think you're so great that it won't ever happen to you. People say they won't get an STD during unprotected happens to them. People say they'll never break an axle happens to them. People say they won't hit their diffs hard enough to damage them...

Great post.

Really, really good stuff.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK
garrett said:
no way. the Vega rocked and especially the wagon. anyone remember the Vega Cosworth? bad ass!
i saw alot of strange vehicles while in Nevada last month and the Vega wagon was one of them.
almost as cool as the Opel GT.

A Vega wagon with a Rover V8 would be pretty sweet...........:D