McCain VP- Sarah Palin

J. Toronado

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2008
Warsaw, VA
90% of americans werent tapped to be vice president of the usa!

i dont think any of this was fabricated. palin is an idiot and we all know that.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
Orlando, FL
J. Toronado said:
90% of americans werent tapped to be vice president of the usa!

i dont think any of this was fabricated. palin is an idiot and we all know that.

So is your argument that she's at fault for being tapped? Perhaps call McCain or McCain's campaign advisors idiots then... I'm just saying...

I'm not a fan of hers... but calling her an idiot... might as well call 90% of the USA an idiot. Of course I don't expect you to think any of it was fabricated... Lastly, 99.9999% of Americans are not a Governor either.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2004
Middleburg, VA
Did anyone see her interview where they asked her about the Bush Doctrine? Funny as shit. She had no idea what it was. She tried to go round and round like she did before, but it came down to that she had no clue.
She is not an idiot when compared to the average citizen, but she's an idiot when compared to political figures that should know the "basics".
Her and GW together would be funny. 'Dumb n Dumber III'

GW was embarrassing and she would have been equally so.

J. Toronado

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2008
Warsaw, VA
she lobbied for the job! and yes mccain and his advisors stand the most to blame, but she wasnt some little daisy plucked out of the field unwittingly. she hired dc insiders who lobbied for her to get the pick.

she is an idiot. period.

so why do you think this stuff is fabricated? it sounds plausible to me...
and if fox news is reporting it that makes it true right?

J. Toronado

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2008
Warsaw, VA
whats does she do at abc? ive got peeps in the news dept dc and nyc offices.

i watch fox news when i want a good laugh. the other night after mccain made his concession speech they had karl rove on explaining how this was nothing new for america because we've had a black president and first lady before when the cosby show aired in thr 80's. he said it with a straight face too. i almost choked on my wild turkey. you cant write dialogue that funny.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Mercer Island, WA
garrett said:
Did anyone see her interview where they asked her about the Bush Doctrine? Funny as shit. She had no idea what it was. She tried to go round and round like she did before, but it came down to that she had no clue.
She is not an idiot when compared to the average citizen, but she's an idiot when compared to political figures that should know the "basics".
Her and GW together would be funny. 'Dumb n Dumber III'

GW was embarrassing and she would have been equally so.

Bush Doctrine? Would you have been able to describe the Bush Doctrine without googling it? No way. There's no universally accepted description of what the Bush Doctrine actually is.

Do you feel the same way about Biden? He's a complete idiot. He has had a career of plagiarism and moronic gaffes on an almost daily basis. I doubt that Biden is actually as intelligent as most of the people on this BBS.

Anyways, all of this attempt to discredit Palin is a pathetic attempt of the neo-cons to maintain control of the Republican party. Why don't the pussies just become democrats? These lame douchebags are using the same tactics as the democrats with respect to Palin. Attack the person, not their ideas.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2004
Pittsburgh, PA
Palin isn't an idiot, I think she is just ignorant.

why bring her up? let's focus on fixing the mess we are in. This after the fact back stabbing is what is idiotic.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2004
Atlanta, GA
nosivad_bor said:
why bring her up? let's focus on fixing the mess we are in. This after the fact back stabbing is what is idiotic.
Wasn't after the fact actually. The reporter said he was being told this all along, just that he wasn't allowed to report it until after the election.

It is in fact relevant because a lot of people are already talking about her as the 2012 candidate.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2004
Middleburg, VA
Mike_Rupp said:
Bush Doctrine? Would you have been able to describe the Bush Doctrine without googling it? No way. There's no universally accepted description of what the Bush Doctrine actually is.

Do you feel the same way about Biden? He's a complete idiot. He has had a career of plagiarism and moronic gaffes on an almost daily basis. I doubt that Biden is actually as intelligent as most of the people on this BBS.

Anyways, all of this attempt to discredit Palin is a pathetic attempt of the neo-cons to maintain control of the Republican party. Why don't the pussies just become democrats? These lame douchebags are using the same tactics as the democrats with respect to Palin. Attack the person, not their ideas.

What I am saying is that she didn't even know what it was. Literally. I don't know it either, but at least I knew it is existed. It can be interpreted in many ways generally speaking, but she couldn't even give a general idea of what it was or was composed of ideally speaking.

I like Biden. He does plenty to put his foot in his mouth, but at least the man knows his way around a map and can hold an interview.

Palin discredited herself. That was easy. She was out of her league and both the GOP and Dems saw that.

You're right Rob. She is ignorant. Her isolation has served her well.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2004
Atlanta, GA
Mike_Rupp said:
Bush Doctrine? Would you have been able to describe the Bush Doctrine without googling it?
How many of us were running for VP?

Yes, she is ignorant, and was content to remain so. And it showed. I wouldn't expect much though, from a governor of a major energy producing state who doesn't have a clue how much energy the state supplies.

For those who want her for pres in 2012, why would you want someone who was so ignorant of issues just 4 years previously.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
East Virginia
Mike_Rupp said:
Attack the person, not their ideas.

And, ummmm, what might those have been? Really? Her sole job - a described frequently by the RNC and aides in the McCain camp, was the Rovian tactic "to energize the base." Very soon thereafter, "the maverick" was becoming increasingly disturbed by "the diva" "going rogue" as some McCain advisors put it. "A whack job," said another McCain aide. McCain later said that he spoke to her "only occasionally" during the latter parts of the campaign.

It was her idea, or rather, her handlers, to go after the William Ayers issue - a person who has since written 18+ books on education - with such ferocity. The the nation was far more concerned about the tanking economy than something that happened when Obama was 8. (Of course, McCain calling the economy fundamentally strong a day or two before the shit really hit the fan didn't help none, either.) And Palin brought up the subject of Rashid Khalidi without consultation with McCain. Obama's only connection with Khalidi was to speak at his Chicago University going-away dinner. McCain, on the other hand, gave this supposed "terrorist" $448,000 and change. Stupid....

One one subject after another, Palin proved herself to be absolutely clueless, to such an extent that she made Dan Quayle - or even the witless George Bush, for that matter - look like one of the Founding Fathers. How could a person running for the VP spot not know what the VP's for-real job description is? It's right there for all to see, just a couple of paragraphs into the Constitution. You don't even have to read the whole thing....:rolleyes:

The election, fortunately, proved to be a repudiation of all things Bush-league: the failed policies, the incompetence, the Rove tactics, the negative campaigning. McCain might have gained more 'traction' if he had distanced himself more from Bush sooner - a political millstone of such immense magnitude that his name was mentioned but once at the republican national convention. Very few republicans - past or present - have the chops to overcome THAT huge disadvantage. Choosing Palin didn't help - at all. If McCain had chosen any of a half-dozen other and far more qualified/knowledgeable candidates, or had conducted his campaign with the same honor and dignity that he demonstrated in his concession speech, we'd be calling him the president-elect right now.

Already the hypocrisy from the right has begun, and I'm surprised Mark hasn't picked up on this. That hypocrite-emeritus Robert Novak said that the election - a political landslide, really - wasn't a mandate. Right.... Bush won by a very narrow margin in 2000 (actually lost the popular vote) but neocons like Novak proclaimed it a "mandate". Again in 2004, in another election marred by fraud, Bush and Cheney crowed about the "political capital gained" they intended to spend and "historical mandate" while Novak argued that Bush's razor-thin victory in 2004 was "of course proof of a conservative mandate." But a 6% win in the popular vote - with an overwhelming electoral vote - almost twice as many - in 2008, well, that isn't a mandate. Say anything you want Robert. No one is listening anymore....


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Mercer Island, WA
nosivad_bor said:
This after the fact back stabbing is what is idiotic.

I agree. The actions of the cowardly neo-con republicans is abhorrent.

Garrett, it's understandable that you like Biden. Morons can be very likable. He has to make up for the lack of intelligence with his charming personality.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
She should pat herself on the back for losing the McCain run for presidency.


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2006
Bristol, TN
apg said:
The election, fortunately, proved to be a repudiation of all things Bush-league: the failed policies, the incompetence, the Rove tactics, the negative campaigning. McCain might have gained more 'traction' if he had distanced himself more from Bush sooner - a political millstone of such immense magnitude that his name was mentioned but once at the republican national convention. Very few republicans - past or present - have the chops to overcome THAT huge disadvantage.

:bs:BS. You and the ultraliberal Democrats (Pelosi, Emanuel, Frank, etc) can keep on thinking that, and you will find that they'll lose Congress in 2 years and the presidency in 4. This is a center-right country, and it didn't suddenly turn liberal in the last week.

If it was such a repudiation of "Bush-McCain" why was it close until a month ago? With all of the "failings" of Bush, the Democrats should have had a walk-away victory - they didn't. They only reason this turned for Obama was because of the economy melting down in Sept/Oct. That was the October suprise for this election, and there wasn't a damn thing any Republican could have done to turn that around.

Obama didn't have that big of a victory. He had more electoral college votes than Bush Jr, but less than Clinton, Reagan, Bush Sr, Carter, Nixon had in their elections.

And the same thought goes for the ultra-conservate Republicans. The country didn't/doesn't want an ultra conservative (see: Palin); heck, most republicans didn't either (See: primaries - Huckabee/Paul both lost, and that was among diehard Repubs). They want someone who is middle of the road and can fix the problems the country faces. IMO, that person was McCain, who has shown he can work across party lines; Obama has only shown that he can give a good speech and be one of the luckiest politicians ever.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Mercer Island, WA
APG, I've got a news flash for you. It was McCain that lost the election, not the Palin VP pick. McCain is a middle of the road, neo-con. He didn't have any chance of locking up the conservative republicans. The republican party did what the liberals did back in 2004 with the Kerry selection. They picked the guy that they thought was the safest.

78% of Conservatives voted for McCain and thus 22% of Conservatives voted for Obama. The conservative base rejected this liberal republican.

Oh, and failed Rove tactics? Say what you want about the guy, but he got Bush elected twice. His tactics were successful. The last time I checked, he wasn't advising McCain.

WHat is the point of the comment about how many books Ayres wrote? Does that somehow make him better in your eyes? Does that balance the fact that he still hasn't repented for his deplorable terrorist actions?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
bri said:
She should pat herself on the back for losing the McCain run for presidency.

She had little impact on the outcome. McCain and the left leaning Republican Party leadership are to blame. McCain's early primary lead was built on mostly East Coast wins, hardly the bastion of conservatives.

There is a interesting discussion on Chicago Boyz of the Future Republican. For this discussion "There are three types of Republicans in the world:"

1) Northeastern. These are the Rockefeller Republicans. They tend to be internationalists and fiscally conservative. This movement is all but dead. They were compelled to leave the party by the much more socially conservative Southern Republicans. George H.W. Bush was a NE Republican.

2) Southern. These are the social conservatives. . . . George W. Bush was a Southern Republican.

3) Western. The Western Republican is the Republican of libertarian leanings, generally favoring non-intrusive government in terms of social issues, and also favoring fiscal discipline. They tend to oppose nationalization of anything. They often, but not always, favor a strong national defense. Reagan was a western republican. This is the future of the Republican party, because the Western Republican can capitalize on the whims of the Independent Voter, who is usually fiscally conservative, libertarian socially, and for a strong national defense.

The Northeastern Republican was the type of Republican your grandfather was. The Southern Republican was just beat up in a brawl yesterday and is on life support.

The Western Republican is the Republican of the future. When the Obama-Reid-Pelosi troika overplay their hand in the next 2-4 years, conservatives and conservate-leaning libertarians will strike, and will reestablish a mandate to govern.​

The aspect that is missing from this perspective is the influence of neo-conservatives who are really former Democrats, the Northeastern 'Republicans' who returned to the Democrat Party. The mix of Northeastern and Southern Republicans brought us "Compassionate Conservatives".

While McCain was AZ Senator, his early primary wins were among Northeastern Republicans, the Rockefeller Republicans. His close friend and rumored VP choice was Sen Lieberman. Many say Joe sounds like a Rockefeller Republican. For McCain it was pretty difficult to run as a Conservative when you have been invited to join the Democrat Party.

The LSM is primarily composed of Democrats and Northeastern Republicans. It should be of no surprise that their agenda is aligned with this camp.

Palin is a Western Republican who clashed with the Northeastern 'internationalist' Republicans, the 'elite'. The long knives are out as the post-election power struggle begins.