McCain VP- Sarah Palin


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
East Virginia
Mike_Rupp said:
Oh, and failed Rove tactics? Say what you want about the guy, but he got Bush elected twice. His tactics were successful. The last time I checked, he wasn't advising McCain.

And when would that be? Yes, Rove was an advisor to the McCain campaign. They wanted to keep that real quiet...which is all the more amazing following the vicious smear tactic Rove used against McCain in South Carolina in 2000. But, unfortunately, shit like that works. Until now...that is. I think, no, I hope, that the electorate is fed up with politicians continually taking the low road. Issues rather than smear tactics prevailed.

Mike_Rupp said:
WHat is the point of the comment about how many books Ayres wrote? Does that somehow make him better in your eyes? Does that balance the fact that he still hasn't repented for his deplorable terrorist actions?

The point is that the republicans made such an issue about something that really wasn't one - except to a few "whack jobs". It's the Rove tactic of guilt by association. Since Ayers crimes almost 4 decades ago, he has changed - rather dramatically, it appears. But, no. Let's talk about something that happened back in the 1960's....

"It's the economy, stupid" was the rejoinder that cost another Bush a bid for the presidency. Things were fundamentally strong according to McCain, but October's unemployment figures that were just released show that it has increased to the highest rates in 15+ years. A quarter million more jobs were lost last month....


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
apg said:
. . . "It's the economy, stupid" was the rejoinder that cost another Bush a bid for the presidency. . . . .

Somewhat disagree Sandy.

It was running a near-Democrat at the top of the ticket that doomed the Republican Party. In retrospective it was an attempt by Northeastern Republicans to make a comeback. Most conservatives stayed home while some voted for Obama to "teach this country and the Northeastern Republicans a lesson". Time will tell if this was a wise tactic.

On the economy independants saw little difference between Obama who moved to the center and McCain who was always at the center, a RINO and who could as easily run as a Democrat. McCain lost many right-leaning independants while conservatives either held their nose, stayed home or voted Obama for future Republican Party leadership change.

If/when Obama moves back to the Left it will open the door for Palin. His first mis-step will most likely be a combination of national defense and economic.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Mercer Island, WA
apg said:
Since Ayers crimes almost 4 decades ago, he has changed - rather dramatically, it appears. But, no. Let's talk about something that happened back in the 1960's....

Nope. He hasn't changed one iota. He hasn't repented for his attacks on the our country. Please tell me how he has changed. He's written 18 books on brainwashing our children with radical ideas? Is that how he's changed?

You are right though, this election should have been about issues. But the only issue was change and he country bought into it. Now it appears that the democrats are looking into confiscating our 401Ks and putting that money into social security. Thats good change right there. Unfucking believable.


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska
She hasn't once said she's considering a run in 2012. Analysts are making that "prediction" on their own. It's OK Tom, don't be afraid. Obama is going to fix everything for you... I'm just glad I have this thread to come back to when he doesn't.... I hope some of you will still be on here to account for yourselves. See you then!
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Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA
HunterAK said:
Obama is going to fix everything for you... I'm just glad I have this thread to come back to when he doesn't.... I hope some of you will still be on here to account for yourselves. See you then!

hell ya... I'll be sure to point and say "I told you so" or "you thought he was the savior and voted for him so shut up" to a few people..


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
MarkP said:

Palin is a Western Republican who clashed with the Northeastern 'internationalist' Republicans, the 'elite'. The long knives are out as the post-election power struggle begins.

Little impact on outcome. Comon. I have talked to a BUNCH of people that would have voted McCain if it were not for an idiot running mate.

I have also talked to people that think she walks on water, which I absolutely DO NOT understand.


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska
If she had more time to prepare for the race, she would have had a better showing. If you're as good of a speaker as she is, especially being a woman who has been as successful as she has in politics, you will go very, very far in American politics. I absolutely DO NOT understand how you could overlook this point. She was the one that energized the base and brought people out of their homes to the McCain rallies, not anyone else. She will do well in time. Saying she is an idiot is completely ignorant and makes me think you're quite the idiot actually....

I mean, I know it's easy to jump on the bandwagon and everything, but deep down I know you were shaking in your boots after her speech at the Convention. I won't believe you otherwise...
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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Yeah I watched the convention speaches. But, you have no idea about my thought process, you have no clue about who I was thinking about voting for during the Repub. Conv., you have no idea what I think of Obama, Biden or McCain because I have not posted here, so you're guessing.

All of a sudden with two posts you know that I was shaking in my boots.

I like McCain. Palin sucks.

Good speakers: prepare (which you admittedly said she did not), do not speak out of their ass about topics they do not know, do not change topics and answer what they can.

Because of this, I do not consider her a good speaker nor do I consider her to be successful, just because she has been a mayor or gov. in Alaska. I call her an idiot when compared to her running mate McCain.

If she had slips, she'd be as bad as Bush speaking. She is a disgrace to human/civil/womens rights. She dodges topics in debates, in interviews and resorts to canned, coached speaches.

My relatives from MN and ND don't say you betcha as much as she does, she's just a cute little puppet.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
bri said:
Little impact on outcome. Comon. I have talked to a BUNCH of people that would have voted McCain if it were not for an idiot running mate.

I have also talked to people that think she walks on water, which I absolutely DO NOT understand.

I've talked to people who would not have voted for McCain/whoever and reconsidered when Palin was named. McCain could have easily run as the Democrat presidential candidate.

Hey, wait! Nobama! :rofl:


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska
Bri: So did you think her speech was good at the convention or not? I did not she didn't prepare, I said she didn't have TIME to prepare. Two very different things. To say she has not been successful is an absolute JOKE and it tells me you have no clue about what she has accomplished in Alaska, you haven't done your homework, and you're choosing to jump on the bandwagon to judge her. I guess being really successful, successful enough to be President is to be a community organizer and a first term Senator.

Also saying she is a disgrace to human/civil/women's rights is the most MORONIC thing you could ever say. What fucking basis do you have to say some stupid shit like that?

You really are a fucking idiot.
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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
A more accurate comparison would be Palin today to Obama 4 years ago.

I can almost guarantee you that if someone had asked Obama 4 years ago about the Bush's doctrine they would have gotten the deer-in-the-headlights look. Especially when there are like 7 versions.

Hell, Obama thinks there are 57 States and he's our President-elect.


Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Anchorage Alaska

In the harsh light of that scrutiny, we learned a few things about our governor. And we learned a few things about ourselves. What surprised many Alaskans was the warrior persona that grew up around Palin as she took on the role of partisan pit bull.

Although she campaigned against rabid partisanship in her bid for the governor's office, we learned that when the job calls for it, she is capable and willing to become a hard-liner for her party. Her legacy as governor, however, has been based more on cooperation than confrontation.

Many of her staunchest supporters here were Democrats who appreciated her willingness to reach across the aisle to get the job done. With team spirit and a singular vision, Palin achieved more progress in two years toward the development of a natural gas pipeline than the previous two administrations put together.

She ushered in reform at a time when Alaskan legislators were being convicted of corruption, and she welcomed an investigation that would clear her of wrongdoing in what became known as Troopergate.

Once Palin became McCain's VP pick, the investigation became politically charged, and many of the alliances Palin had created across party lines became strained.

From the McCain/Palin perspective, the investigation had become a political witch hunt. Conversely, Democrats accused the McCain/Palin camp of stonewalling. And so it went, with Palin burning some hard-won political capital right up to the day before the election, when the state's personnel board exonerated her.

Her popularity before being launched on the national stage was more than 80 percent; today, her popularity in the state ranges between 64 and 68 percent, figures enviable to most politicians in America. Even so, she will have some political fences to mend on the home front.

People close to Palin told me early in the campaign that the McCain camp's "handling" of Sarah Palin was unfortunate not only to Palin but to the campaign.

Putting a muzzle and straitjacket on her and then scripting her so tightly that she came across as foolish was a "colossal blunder," according to one of Palin's closest aides. Her national poll numbers grew increasingly negative.

Even so, Palin drew enormous, enthusiastic crowds throughout the country and energized McCain's flagging candidacy, not a bad debut for a newcomer to the national political stage.

Home-grown supporters were willing to take to the streets in Alaska and across the nation to seek a victory. One group of supporters organized, calling themselves Alaskans for Reform.

One of the organizers, Mary Havens, told me that after their offers to volunteer were rebuffed by the McCain camp, they set up their own shop, conducted rallies and raised $24,000 for the campaign.

Many of these hard-core enthusiasts were the same people who succeeded in their grass-roots, statewide effort to put Palin in office in the first place. Through groups like Alaskans for Reform, we learned that Alaskans don't need anyone's permission to stand up for what they believe. What next for Palin?

The people who know Sarah Palin best say that she joined the McCain campaign with a sincere desire to do what was best for America. She hoped that she would succeed in helping John McCain ascend to the presidency.

Instead, she stood by McCain as he made a concession speech congratulating Sen. Barack Obama on winning the White House. The next day, in Palin's more characteristic style, she called on Americans to unite in supporting the new administration as the nation faces the challenges that lie ahead.

As for 2012, if Palin chooses to run for the presidency, she will now know just how intensely personal and ugly a campaign can get. She will have the traction of being a household name. She will have more experience. And perhaps most important, she'll be running for office on her own terms.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
LOL. Didn't she also think she was supposed to give a consession speach. She was definitely a blunder, that's for sure.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
HunterAK said:
Bri: So did you think her speech was good at the convention or not? I did not she didn't prepare, I said she didn't have TIME to prepare. Two very different things. To say she has not been successful is an absolute JOKE and it tells me you have no clue about what she has accomplished in Alaska, you haven't done your homework, and you're choosing to jump on the bandwagon to judge her. I guess being really successful, successful enough to be President is to be a community organizer and a first term Senator.

Also saying she is a disgrace to human/civil/women's rights is the most MORONIC thing you could ever say. What fucking basis do you have to say some stupid shit like that?

You really are a fucking idiot.

Just curious... do you talk like this when you are having normal face to face conversations?

Lets me very clear here, what you really mean to say is that you THINK that I am an idiot. Because, I am not an idiot.

I was on the McCain bandwagon. My feet started dangling over the edge during the Repub convention. I was walking behind it during the VP debates, soon after I gave up on it. Why? Palin sucks and I would never want that idiot to run the country.

I believe that a VP candidate should not have to prepare. They should be prepared. But to think that she had no time to prepare is impossible for me to believe. Of all 4 candidates, she is by far the lamest.

My belief is that her actions and her policy contradict each other. Specifically on her pro-life views. I think its a disgrace. I think that it is humorous that she states that her daughter chose to have her child when in fact she is willing to give this choice to the government. I think it is a joke that she feels that abortion should be abolished no matter what the reason. This is a disgrace to every woman, rape victim, incest victim, etc. I think that its a joke to believe that a human life begins at conception. Conception begins many cell divisions, but I think its idiocracy to believe it is a human soul or life.

I think its a joke that she believes that sex education should be limited in schools an that this is more responsibility for families to teach abstinance, tell me Mrs. Palin, how did this work for your family? I know she is a little wishy washy on this one, but give no latitude on it, this is an easy topic not to be wishy washy on. Its my belief she is anti-sex education and this is bad. Alaska has some sex ed, with that and strong abstinance training by Mrs. Palin, her daughter is still preggo. Obviously we are not doing enough and she as a mother with an out of wedlock, unexpected pregnant daughter should realize this eh?

Lastly, I am not talking about the presidency and what it takes. I am talking about what should NOT be a VP or president. I am talking about who I would NOT vote for, not who I would vote for.