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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through September 26, 2003 « Previous Next »

  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
OME Springs & Shocks VS Rovertym Springs with Rancho Schocks.:Blue 12 09-26-03  12:25 pm
Which Disco?Knut Nerheim 09-26-03  12:21 pm
Will stock 2003 springs and shocks fit a 1994 Disco?Blue 09-26-03  11:49 am
TineOBD II Code 1448Knut Nerheim 09-26-03  11:17 am
Service Engine to reset on a Disco II?Dean Brown 09-26-03  11:06 am
Hood cable release issueMike M 09-26-03  11:04 am
Raised exhaustStuart H 09-26-03  10:30 am
Polyruethane over Rubber - Why?Bill Ross 09-26-03  10:10 am
Radiator replacent? recore w/5row or new aftermarket/genuine?Brett A. Naquin 09-26-03  09:25 am
Thatched Roof GarageLeslie N. Bright 09-26-03  08:59 am
RPM sensor on Disco1john heath 14 09-26-03  08:47 am
Kudos for Mean GreenChris Browne 09-26-03  08:18 am
Driveline "rattle" I can't placemichael harrington 11 09-26-03  06:51 am
How to remove back seat from a disco 2?(not the jump seats)James Steinberg 09-26-03  06:39 am
Diff Lock Warning Light Lightly Glowing??David T 09-26-03  12:01 am
Really DUMB question -- do I have foot rest in D2?Jamie 09-25-03  11:34 pm
Newbie exhaust system questionTbow 09-25-03  11:20 pm
Window Gear Dropped. Any adviceGary Stephens 09-25-03  09:48 pm
Help front diff brokenmichael harrington 09-25-03  09:29 pm
Front shock placementBrad Brinkman 09-25-03  06:01 pm
Getting close to loosing it!!!!!!!!! is my transmition sliping or i...ken nishikawa 19 09-25-03  05:27 pm
Moving back power seats for more legroomDoug Barbour 09-25-03  02:11 pm
SpringsBlue 09-25-03  02:00 pm
Aftermarket lights into OE fog lightsLuke Tolson 09-25-03  10:49 am
New pads, should of changed/turned the rotors, where do I startMatthew A. Collmann 09-25-03  07:40 am
What is the best lift?Gus Moreno 09-25-03  02:13 am
Off road tires for 18" rims????Andrew Lenz 09-25-03  01:04 am
05' DiscoveryMike Wilson 17 09-25-03  12:59 am
Daystar bumpstopsSteve Cooper 09-25-03  12:46 am
Confused?, new person, ????? sory i think to buy disco.yrwins acosta 09-24-03  11:08 pm
Vibration! Where is it coming from?Brian Friend 21 09-24-03  10:26 pm
Srs light is onAndrew Maier 09-24-03  09:05 pm
KEY STUCK IN IGNITIONAndrew Maier 17 09-24-03  08:59 pm
Disco1 Factory alarm systemDonald M 09-24-03  08:22 pm
18" or larger wheels on D1??? WTF...Chris von C. 09-24-03  08:11 pm
Condensor for '95 P/N ?Bill Bettridge 09-24-03  07:49 pm
Leaking ?Richard Garza 09-24-03  07:45 pm
Eyelet-eyelet shocks up front!?!Garrett S Larance 09-24-03  07:40 pm
Bilstein 5150s'Zach Jaggers 11 09-24-03  07:14 pm
Small lightsjohn heath 09-24-03  06:36 pm
2003 Disco II rock slidersdavid summers 15 09-24-03  06:33 pm
D1 and D2 alternator switch?levi Allbaugh 09-24-03  06:23 pm
Power Steering/ Alignment problemsJoey 09-24-03  05:53 pm
2003 tail lights with turn signalsJamil Abbasy 09-24-03  05:51 pm
Electrical Gremlin (signal lights came on by themselves)Alan Yim 09-24-03  04:44 pm
Catco O2 sensors - wiring diagramParrish R. Blackmon 09-24-03  03:20 pm
Discovery decalMatthew Gibson 09-24-03  01:55 pm
�What differrence MPI and V8Peter Sharratt 09-24-03  10:06 am
Does LR adventure rack from Disco II fit Disco I?Rob Davison 09-24-03  09:37 am
Front fog light out!......what kind of bulb?Jules98 09-24-03  07:51 am
Aux fan switchPeter J Blatt 09-24-03  05:10 am
Please Help...1996 disco, speedo goes out, later my disco just shut...Jeff Conrad 09-24-03  03:43 am
Best price for expedition roof rack... 1995 camel trophy...James 09-24-03  03:20 am
Remove Clock from Disco 1Bazzle 09-23-03  10:19 pm
Rear waher pumpDonald M 09-23-03  09:08 pm
How to mount a back up light?Mike Bauer 09-23-03  09:02 pm
Little help with a 99 D1 pleaseAllen Bock 09-23-03  08:39 pm
What type of eng is on 02?Chris Browne 09-23-03  05:48 pm
What does this fault code meanjohn heath 09-23-03  05:09 pm
Cross drilled rotors... really make a difference?mark gomez 17 09-23-03  04:33 pm
Passenger side oxygen sensorParrish R. Blackmon 09-23-03  04:13 pm
Rear Shock AbsorbersRichard Draper 09-23-03  03:03 pm
CDL Shifter unfrozen but no 4w lowGregg Gallagher 17 09-23-03  01:33 pm
What is an HT lead???Bill Howell 09-23-03  01:22 pm
Mounting an Alloy spare on the Spare Tire Holder...Milan 09-23-03  01:09 pm
Transfer Box Work - Price check please!Bill K 09-23-03  11:41 am
Towing bracketPeter Sharratt 09-23-03  11:34 am
Anybody have a DI dog cage/barrier 4 sale?Jeremy D. 09-23-03  10:58 am
ANTI-LOCK brake light on??????????Jorge D. Hinojos 14 09-23-03  09:28 am
Disco II options for rear bumper??Greg Davis 14 09-23-03  08:51 am
Replaced front brake pads, no difference, still having to pump the ...Matthew A. Collmann 11 09-23-03  07:25 am
Finally got Dino on 35"sNadim Samara 13 09-23-03  04:13 am
This Darn Mirror!noel Bond 09-22-03  06:10 pm
Window lift swtches in center consolePeter Sharratt 09-22-03  04:41 pm
96' D1 Won't Start...HELP!Rhett Krulla 09-22-03  03:47 pm
1996 disco radio questionjohn radzik 09-22-03  03:02 pm
Best price for genuine disco 2 trailer wiring harness...Bill Bettridge 09-22-03  01:52 pm
OBD 2 scanner for fault codescarl seashore 09-22-03  01:12 pm
Starter Load TestJoey 09-22-03  10:29 am
CO2 tank as an extinguisher???thom mathie 09-22-03  08:25 am
CB Radio Antennacarl J. Drumgoole 19 09-22-03  06:34 am
I'm not scared to cutnoel Bond 09-22-03  05:14 am
Comparing tiresken nishikawa 09-22-03  12:58 am
Exhaust system helpTbow 09-21-03  11:17 pm
95 D1 - Remote Alarm Programming?ken nishikawa 09-21-03  10:46 pm
How do you loosen the belt tensioner on the alternator belt on a 97...john heath 09-21-03  09:09 pm
D1 & DII console window switches interchangeable?Arthur S. Au 09-21-03  05:59 pm
Buy question? Difference between '00, 01 and 02 or what is the dest...yrwins acosta 09-21-03  04:08 pm
Squeelin disco 1 noise from central engine area any stabs at this m...Bill Bettridge 09-21-03  03:04 pm
Saw a D2 yesterday fried by lightning strikeIan Bentley 09-21-03  02:37 pm
Missing thread?Jeff 09-21-03  12:56 pm
CB suggestions?Devin Walton 09-21-03  12:31 pm
Caliper Piston StuckJim Kemp 09-21-03  09:14 am
Keyless Entry QuestionBob 09-21-03  08:43 am
Key FOB Completely Discharges In Two Days...Erik Olson 09-21-03  08:27 am
Where to Buy and Alternator?Jack Quinlan 15 09-21-03  01:36 am
Tie Down Thread SizeSteve Andrews 09-20-03  08:02 pm
Weird plug found on 97 discojohn heath 09-20-03  07:38 pm
Cleaning contacts on starter and ground.Jack Quinlan 09-20-03  06:02 pm
Anyone put a CATCO 6005 on 96 or newer w/ OBDII???Jack Quinlan 26 09-20-03  05:53 pm
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