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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through June 11, 2003 « Previous Next »

  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
Any different between 95 DI brush bar and 96's or 94'sHao Pang 06-11-03  12:37 am
Just did billstien shock install....ahhhhGreg Crow 13 06-11-03  12:03 am
Bent cross membersJason Lord 06-10-03  10:41 pm
What is the difference?? Disco I and Disco II?Chris Whybrew 14 06-10-03  10:19 pm
Faded plastic bumpersCraig McLaughlin 15 06-10-03  09:20 pm
Problems with transmission for 97 discoBruce Potier 06-10-03  06:26 pm
Test correct operation of TruTracMilan 06-10-03  06:25 pm
2-3 Second Rattle Middle Underside Disco IIBrian Hull 12 06-10-03  06:06 pm
Should I or Shouldnt IBruce Potier 06-10-03  06:05 pm
D1 V8 Waterproofing kit?Bruce Potier 12 06-10-03  06:02 pm
Help with 96 Discovery!R Parker 06-10-03  03:20 pm
I want this bumper/winch setup....who makes it? Jamil Abbasy 12 06-10-03  02:48 pm
Anyone got an opinio/experience on RTE D1 rear bumper?James 06-10-03  02:21 pm
Check Engine lightKelly Fristoe 06-10-03  02:08 pm
Disco 2 HVAC Fan aand radio woes....anyone????Peter J. Kelly 06-10-03  11:24 am
Legroom question for a DII? Alan Yim 16 06-10-03  09:23 am
Drive Line MaintenanceChad Mayes 12 06-10-03  09:01 am
New DiscoJoshua 06-10-03  08:05 am
Rear door tire holder rustToddrover 06-10-03  07:57 am
Help- dash lights just went out!Joshua 06-10-03  07:49 am
Winch and ARBPaul D. Morgan 10 06-10-03  05:38 am
Is my radio dead?Todd Rooker 06-09-03  11:06 pm
Both Rear Windows?Steve Andrews 06-09-03  09:53 pm
What should happen when you unplug stepper?????M. K. Watson 06-09-03  09:47 pm
Alternator troublesTony Zuniga 06-09-03  09:33 pm
K&N Part number for '95 DiscoTony Zuniga 06-09-03  09:19 pm
Emergency brake cable reattachmentD. Chapman 06-09-03  03:42 pm
Jacking RTE sliders w/nerfsNed Connolly 06-09-03  01:06 pm
Detroit install: pay someone or do it my damn self?Jack Quinlan 14 06-09-03  01:02 pm
Getting a bumper fabed need pics, ideas, etc.Ned Connolly 06-09-03  12:56 pm
Satellite Radio Install.Willard Lee 06-09-03  11:26 am
Stupid question: Is my 96 SE7 a 4 or 5 speed?Chris Browne 06-09-03  09:23 am
Holy Cow! , I'm Shocked!Joshua 06-09-03  09:14 am
Coolant Flow SchematicWill Weatherford 06-09-03  09:09 am
Leaking SunroofsPeter Sharratt 06-09-03  02:08 am
Parts pricesRon Brown 06-08-03  10:47 pm
Oil Pressure GaugeDavid Seger 10 06-08-03  10:08 pm
Discovery Shop ManualsBill Howell 06-08-03  09:11 pm
I'm a new LR owner..Ron Brown 06-08-03  08:59 pm
Wiring-trailerCraig Devenport 06-08-03  08:42 pm
Roof Leak @ windshield postNorm Orschnorschki 06-08-03  08:23 pm
Power Steering help??? more relevant topicKevin Fedyk 06-08-03  06:14 pm
Throttle Position Sensor symptoms?JPinson 06-08-03  05:52 pm
Whistling Noises coming from Tires/WheelsRaymond Brown 06-08-03  04:29 pm
Intake gasket crosss-reference?Paul T. Schram 06-08-03  03:38 pm
Help, cant get Ignition rotor arm off!Phillip Perkinson 06-08-03  01:52 pm
Buick Nailhead in a Disco?J Laws 10 06-08-03  01:52 pm
Looking at 96 Disco SD. Have some questions?Corey 06-08-03  01:28 pm
Overheating while standing stillWill Weatherford 33 06-08-03  01:23 pm
Pic on opening pageCarter Simcoe 06-08-03  11:40 am
After sirius install alarm goes off and cd player show errorrob leenstra 10 06-08-03  09:58 am
Fault code display locationTom Fioretti 06-08-03  07:06 am
Loud clunk whenever shift gear betweeb ��D�� and ��R�� on automatic...Shaun Power 06-08-03  12:58 am
New Alternator InstallJim H. 06-07-03  09:07 pm
Firing sequenceJohn Cronin 06-07-03  08:09 pm
Charcoal Canister Part #_JC_ 06-07-03  07:19 pm
Another spy pic of the 2005 discoveryChristopher Boese 68 06-07-03  02:10 pm
A warning about ! Carter Simcoe 80 06-07-03  01:51 pm
Setting my arb up for some limb raisersBlake Luse 10 06-07-03  11:39 am
ECU relocation?Reed Cotton 14 06-07-03  11:38 am
Really annoying bouncing roofnathan weaver 06-07-03  11:12 am
Scalloping TiresGerardo Garza 11 06-07-03  07:30 am
Recomended service question John Moore 06-07-03  12:05 am
GPSTom Hyslip 06-06-03  09:13 pm
Cooling system warning!!Corey 06-06-03  05:39 pm
Radiator leaking!Paul T. Schram 22 06-06-03  03:42 pm
Straightening a Tie RodAndy Thoma 17 06-06-03  03:03 pm
grease in the diff oilMilli 06-06-03  12:08 pm
Replacing T-stat in Phoenix - 160 or 180?Jim H. 06-06-03  11:56 am
Plastic (?) brush bar on D1Mike Goodell 06-06-03  10:12 am
Rough idle at lights and skipping at 2500 rpm......60 mphRaf usher 06-06-03  09:52 am
Rubicon, now available on DVD and VHSGreg Davis 46 06-06-03  09:13 am
Help...My 3rd brake light won't go outJoshua 06-06-03  08:29 am
Large A/C Mounting locations?Chris Browne 06-06-03  07:18 am
Name this tire?Kim S 14 06-06-03  01:37 am
Tires and tire pressureChris Marcel 06-05-03  11:02 pm
Rovertym front bumper questionsSteve Rupp 06-05-03  10:29 pm
Accumlation of water on floorboard Sterling Sliter 06-05-03  10:10 pm
Cooling Fan Viscous CouplingJPinson 06-05-03  09:36 pm
Exposed Expansion Cap Thread?Reed Cotton 06-05-03  06:24 pm
Low irratic idle..not a smooth runner at stop lights.Raf usher 88 06-05-03  06:23 pm
Just bought first Land Rover!michael burt 16 06-05-03  06:10 pm
Batttery recomendations?Roger M 14 06-05-03  04:46 pm
When to replace a steering stabilizer and shocks?Joshua 06-05-03  02:59 pm
Smacked rock with front differentialBlue 13 06-05-03  01:25 pm
When to replace your 95 d1 steering box?Blue 06-05-03  01:10 pm
OIL PUMP REPLACEMENT - DIY JOB???michael burt 06-05-03  12:02 pm
East Coast Rover FiddleheadsChris Marcel 48 06-05-03  10:27 am - NathanErik Geagan 06-05-03  10:21 am
Super Weird Brake Pedal Problem on my DiscoRaymond Brown 06-05-03  10:00 am
Anyway to quiet front two windows?traveltoad 06-05-03  09:33 am
How vulnerable are the diffs in Series II's?Jason Lord 06-05-03  09:25 am
Window regulator?Andrew Maier 06-05-03  09:23 am
New FanChad Mayes 06-05-03  08:16 am
Overhead water leak?Chris Reed 06-05-03  08:07 am
Newbie asking for some helpRoger Sinasohn 23 06-05-03  01:59 am
Front Halfshaft Removal???Curtis N 06-05-03  01:56 am
Steering Guard mod required (DII)?J.P. Garcia 06-05-03  01:46 am
Cables and sunroof and stickersTodd Rooker 06-05-03  12:29 am
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