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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through June 05, 2003 « Previous Next »

  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
Need advise for 30k ml, 3 day travel thru Mexico Q&Acharles pastrano 17 06-05-03  12:07 am
My Disco Pulls to the Left while applying brakeYnik Bells 06-04-03  10:43 pm
Tires tires tiressam 12 06-04-03  10:28 pm
Anyone have an oil change "How to"?Max Thomason 16 06-04-03  10:24 pm
Torque Wrench Settings - D2 Trailer hitchJim Murphy 06-04-03  07:55 pm
AC fan cuts out on high, fan relay?marc olivares 06-04-03  06:26 pm
Sometimes batt light flashes on&off @low idle. WHY?Charles Allen 06-04-03  06:00 pm
AdditivesPeter J Blatt 15 06-04-03  05:23 pm
What's the story on GBR axle flanges and alloy wheelsRob Davison 06-04-03  04:10 pm
Window Regulator Parts Diagrams - PLEASE HELP!Raf usher 11 06-04-03  03:10 pm
What is this breather part?Paul Long 06-04-03  01:21 pm
CD changer not workingNarinder Pal 06-04-03  12:56 pm
Simple spark plug questions?James 06-04-03  12:10 pm
SAFARI GRILLE Pictures??Christopher Boese 21 06-04-03  11:55 am
Violent Knocking!Rob Davison 44 06-04-03  11:35 am
Running Board RemovalBrian Dickens 06-04-03  11:07 am
Repair of "Fallen" power window, 96 DIRaf usher 06-04-03  11:03 am
Definitive Maintenance ListJohn Moore 06-04-03  10:41 am
Need some opinions on when to change brake padsErik Geagan 26 06-04-03  10:41 am
Front door won't lock with remoteJake Hartley 06-04-03  08:12 am
Rear door locks disco IChris Browne 06-04-03  08:05 am
Any way to cut wind noise when sunroof open?Patrick Hatcher 18 06-03-03  11:08 pm
Diff?Mahn England 12 06-03-03  10:51 pm
Disco 1 races after hot startMike Bauer 06-03-03  10:40 pm
Compressor for tyresGreg Tearne 06-03-03  09:56 pm
Exhaust replacementJason T. Barker 06-03-03  09:29 pm
98 D1 36k miles in For Sale sectionDan Armbruster 06-03-03  06:54 pm
Daytime running lights and high-output bulbs.Milan 06-03-03  06:48 pm
Check Engine Light WoesReed Cotton 06-03-03  06:38 pm
Yet another check engine code. Anyone?...anyone??Reed Cotton 06-03-03  06:28 pm
Disco II Lug NutsJason Lord 06-03-03  06:15 pm
Check out THIS Bumper...Roland Kutasi 06-03-03  06:14 pm
Power steering pumpmax garcia 06-03-03  06:01 pm
CV JointBrendan Kearns 06-03-03  05:40 pm
Project question: armoured Disco?Porter Mann 21 06-03-03  04:44 pm
Gear "thunk" after spring installChris Brennan 06-03-03  03:53 pm
ABS Insanityroald windrich 06-03-03  02:07 pm
Newbie needs answers on Rover purchase???Alan Yim 06-03-03  01:32 pm
Alternator AdviceJorge P. Gutierrez, 06-03-03  12:57 pm
Hypothetically...R. B. Bailey 28 06-03-03  11:42 am
What is the crank case?Damien Vrontisis 06-03-03  09:51 am
Diesels are coming!!Shaun Power 06-03-03  07:00 am
SRS light on after batt dead, HELP!Bill Howell 06-03-03  06:50 am
Received wrong 3rd MemberJose A Cabrera 16 06-03-03  02:36 am
Basic clutch questionNeil Flanagan 06-02-03  11:52 pm
Disco II sway bar removal or SKS quick DisconectsAlen Babayan 06-02-03  11:06 pm
Hella 4000 on arb bumperCarter Simcoe 06-02-03  10:26 pm
Need help with Code 44Max Thomason 06-02-03  10:16 pm
Still with water sound in dashboardJason T. Barker 06-02-03  07:52 pm
Anybody have blue prints for homemade sliders for D1D. Chapman 06-02-03  07:32 pm
'96 Disco, 3 codes read....Jason T. Barker 06-02-03  07:14 pm
How do you remove the disc retaining bolts?Jack Quinlan 15 06-02-03  05:11 pm
Rear Window flooded? (DII)John Rehm 06-02-03  03:21 pm
My Disco has stolen my keyJim H. 10 06-02-03  12:58 pm
Need Disco Mechanic in San Francisco areaMark Tappin 06-02-03  12:42 pm
OffroadingAndrew Maier 06-02-03  11:27 am
Expected cost question....peter ziesmann 06-02-03  10:14 am
Has anyone removed the rear air?Brian Dickens 06-02-03  08:47 am
Taking a vote: 265/75 VS. 235/85Jens St�rmer 24 06-02-03  08:27 am
Rear Diff seal leak?Peter Andersson 06-02-03  07:12 am
Diff oil questionShaun Power 06-02-03  04:43 am
Alpine Window RemovalRon Poole 06-02-03  01:39 am
Filling ATFJason T. Barker 06-02-03  01:23 am
1996 Discovery Radio Fuse QuestionJason T. Barker 06-02-03  01:18 am
Service Engine SoonRichard Garza 15 06-01-03  09:48 pm
CDL install questionOne_Bad_Metro 06-01-03  09:38 pm
Question about ome hd shocks and springsken knebusch 06-01-03  09:36 pm
No Heat!Erik G. Burrows 06-01-03  05:08 pm
Figured out my tailgate problem from last week....sortaWillard Lee 06-01-03  03:43 pm
Help! Spark Plug Wire Order?Adrien Petersen 06-01-03  02:57 pm
Trailer Safety chainsMike Goodell 06-01-03  02:47 pm
Tail Lights Electrical ProblemJared Schnelle 06-01-03  02:33 pm
Oil LeakJack Parker 06-01-03  10:58 am
Mud in air filter (stupid offroading) KJ 15 06-01-03  10:25 am
Disco PowerchipJason T. Barker 18 06-01-03  02:59 am
Help with 98 disco stereo systemJason T. Barker 06-01-03  02:07 am
Water spitting!Jason T. Barker 06-01-03  12:59 am
Detroit Locker M. K. Watson 05-31-03  08:45 pm
'99 D1 - CHECK ENGINE light came on. Input?Mike Neher 05-31-03  05:19 pm
95 automatic transmissionChristopher Boese 05-31-03  05:08 pm
Speedo CalibrationMike Goodell 05-31-03  04:32 pm
Installing JumpseatsSteve Davis 14 05-31-03  03:51 pm
Reliable after 100,000 ? Greg French 29 05-31-03  02:10 pm
Odometer roll back / reset... M. K. Watson 23 05-31-03  11:15 am
Idle Out Of Controll kurt tompkins 05-31-03  10:52 am
Tv and DVDPaul D. Morgan 24 05-31-03  07:47 am
Mounting a CB radioJason T. Barker 11 05-31-03  12:11 am
Grill?Garrett 05-31-03  12:01 am
How do you know when your Power Steering Pump is going Bad?Joel 18 05-30-03  09:02 pm
D1 pulls to the rightChris Whybrew 05-30-03  07:50 pm
Seats not so hotJames Moy 05-30-03  06:58 pm
What is the proper way to attach...............on an arb.Brian Fransson 27 05-30-03  06:13 pm
DII really worth the extra dough over a DI?Raf usher 26 05-30-03  06:12 pm
Repeat question.. alternative key blanks for 95 disco?Andy Thoma 05-30-03  06:09 pm
Radio CodesRaf usher 16 05-30-03  05:44 pm
Distributor amp. relocation kit?? what tha...Raf usher 05-30-03  05:37 pm
Black wheels?Carter Simcoe 05-30-03  04:56 pm
The plastic peace inside your window slider broke? dont replace..MO...Raf usher 05-30-03  04:06 pm
AC Fan Switch FixPaul T. Schram 05-30-03  03:15 pm
What is a testbook?Paul T. Schram 05-30-03  02:46 pm
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